USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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'Despite Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s popularity in the battleground state, progressives said his policy background gave them pause, and a number of them publicly urged Kamala Harris to choose a different running-mate before she announced her decision.

In particular, Shapiro’s response to the war in Gaza had sparked criticism on the left. Progressives note that Shapiro has not embraced calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, and he made controversial comments about pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses earlier this year.

“I think what’s important is that we can’t allow peaceful protest about a disagreement on policy happening in the Middle East to be an excuse for anti-Semitism or Islamophobia on these campuses,” Shapiro told CNN in April. “We have to query whether or not we would tolerate this, if this were people dressed up in [Ku Klux Klan] outfits or KKK regalia making comments about people who are African-American in our communities.”

Progressives’ concerns about Shapiro extended beyond the war in Gaza. Last year, Shapiro backed a Republican proposal to provide Pennsylvania vouchers with $100m in private school vouchers. The issue of “school choice” has become a rallying cry on the right, while Democrats have consistently stressed the importance of investing in public education to provide more opportunities to all students.

After his pro-voucher stance attracted intense scrutiny from fellow Democrats, Shapiro vetoed the program out of the state budget. With Tim Walz as her running mate, Harris will not need to worry about progressives’ criticism of Shapiro’s record.'
Guardian live blog.
How is that comment in the third paragraph considered controversial? He calls the protests peaceful and then asks for there to be no racist discrimination against either side. How in any universe could that be considered controversial?
So now the far left progressives need to get exactly what they want or they dont vote and deliver trump?

Thats the same as the far left voting for trump in my books.
The conservative make up of supreme court is due to far left voters who didnt show up for clinton. Its not clintons fault. Its theirs for being childish toddlers who refused to eat ice cream because they werent offered the exact flavour they wanted.

In the context of "stop supporting a genocide", I think there's a fair amount of space for people to take a moral stand if they so wish.

You can never appeal to everyone. I'm sure some people voted Sanders over Clinton and then switched to Trump because they just wanted a change. There's probably some who did that vote who are sexist pigs and didn't want a woman to be president. You can't account for every single person who voted a particular way, and there's absolutely no doubt that many Biden or Clinton voters would've stayed home if Sanders had been the nominee also. That's their right. If a candidate can appeal to voters who others can not, then that speaks to their qualities as a candidate. Complaining that you don't get 100% carry over of their votes is petulant and entitled, especially given the establishment Democrats time and again berate their left (who manage to both be an irrelevant rump and also the deciding factor when establishment Democrats fail).

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How is that comment in the third paragraph considered controversial? He calls the protests peaceful and then asks for there to be no racist discrimination against either side. How in any universe could that be considered controversial?
Is this a serious question? He's comparing the protests to the KKK marching through black communities in full regalia? It's an offensive comparison.
2008, 2012 Obama

2016 Hilary Clinton

2020 K Harris as Veep

2024 K Harris for President.

mmmhmmm, those old white guys hey.
Biden, Kaine, Walz...

Just can't seem to embrace the diversity they push everywhere else in the workplace where straight white males are bottom of their list.
They're already going with the 'radical leftist' line of attack.
It would be nice if journalists asked the MAGA lickspittles about the GOP policies when they are attacking Harris’ far left policies that will destroy the country/world.

Red States have higher violent crime rates than Blue. “Overstayers,” make up half the unauthorized population, when they remain in the country after their visas have expired.
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Biden, Kaine, Walz...

Just can't seem to embrace the diversity they push everywhere else in the workplace where straight white males are bottom of their list.
Mr Rogers Clown GIF
You never really hear politicians on the left get referred to as "pale, male and stale" or something similar. It's almost like if they agree with you politically it doesn't matter what their demographic is!
You know if they aren't actually stale old reactionary slugs they might not get a label like that?

Excellent that we're all learning today!

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Walz does seem to have everything going for him. He has kids, so he’s not childless - his wife had their children via IVF, so he would be very pro that, as opposed to many MAGAts; he served as the faculty advisor for his school's Gay-Straight Alliance; he’s got military service under his belt; he has rescue dogs!

He looks old, although he’s the same age as Kamala. He looks grandfatherly and unthreatening, which compensates for the elderly appearance, and reinforces the amount of experience he has.

Pretty good choice.

So now the far left progressives need to get exactly what they want or they dont vote and deliver trump?

Thats the same as the far left voting for trump in my books.
I'd argue that continually voting for "centre-left" politicians who capitulate to the right, gives us right politics, just more slowly.

The conservative make up of supreme court is due to far left voters who didnt show up for clinton.
As has been explained to you, many leftist voters did vote for Clinton. And the problem really is that the Supreme Court is a terrible institution because the judges are political appointees and serve for life. Real change isn't having a Democrat president select the court, it would be eliminating the political aspect of selecting judges, as happens in other countries.
woo-hoo! go walzy.

if i were a dem mover-n-shaker i’d push hard for a debate with vance. walz would chew him up and spit him out.

more confident by the day the dems will sink the convicted felon

Biden, Kaine, Walz...

Just can't seem to embrace the diversity they push everywhere else in the workplace where straight white males are bottom of their list.
Lol, I was going to joke about white guys being a downtrodden minority these days to mock you, but looks like you beat me to it.
Yes we live in clown world and its been created by progressives.

I really hope Bernie 2.0 works out for them.
Can you please explain how Bernie 1.0 created the clown world that we live in? I mean that is what you're inferring, unless you just like to contradict yourself from one sentence to the next.

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USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

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