KDFL - 2012

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Whatever you've done, or got, jax, you've assembled a good team. Heard from th horses mouth that Daniel sage is/has signed with VT also. Runner up in a Morrison medal for euroa, he's possibly the best recruit of the lot.

Pushes them ahead of lanky in premiership betting in my mind and he's also pretty good mates with Mick gay..

Also, marcopolo, pretty sure Pettifer is pelly's cousin, so that's the connection there, but I think petts has signed with montmorency and they're reluctant to let him play at the gum.

There is no way Monty will let him play for Merrigum, especially with them offering him $70k a year to play for the Magpies
It looks like Petifer has more to worry about then what footy club he is playing for if the reports in the Herald Sun about the punch up at his wedding are correct

A punch up Pettifer wasn't involved in? Hardly his problem.. :confused:
Pettifer is keen to play, clearance from Montmorency will be a hurdle no doubt. However he was the one linking us up to Brown and Fevola, he wants it to happen.
Kane grew up around the Merrigum Footy club, yes he played at a higher level at Ky to better his development. His Dad Mick was a Merrigum Footballer and very highly respected around the club, Mick passed away a couple of years ago in a car accident as many know. His motive is not money, it's to play a game out of respect for his Dad, help the club and to wear Micks #25.

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A punch up Pettifer wasn't involved in? Hardly his problem.. :confused:
Pettifer is keen to play, clearance from Montmorency will be a hurdle no doubt. However he was the one linking us up to Brown and Fevola, he wants it to happen.
Kane grew up around the Merrigum Footy club, yes he played at a higher level at Ky to better his development. His Dad Mick was a Merrigum Footballer and very highly respected around the club, Mick passed away a couple of years ago in a car accident as many know. His motive is not money, it's to play a game out of respect for his Dad, help the club and to wear Micks #25.

I think you'll find that Pettifer is registered with Montrose in the EFL...
There is no way Monty will let him play for Merrigum, especially with them offering him $70k a year to play for the Magpies
Hi to all of the over paid footy players!
How many of you blokes have put up your hand up for your club to take on the jobs of keeping your club going?
Now that you face 2012 at the end of your nebulous career as football money sucking mercenary buzzards. That’s why I like that word .. nebulous. Last syllable reminds me of lous!!
If you demand money in a district league .. let’s hear radio description for a start .. else organise TV telecasts! Else shut your gob and join Fev with the flockin’ pigeons at Yarra.
“You know what I’m sayin’ .. it’s Barbie Chop culture with half arsed chop stars” Thanks for that Sam Kekovich!! Cheers John Carrot:thumbsu:
Hi to all of the over paid footy players!
How many of you blokes have put up your hand up for your club to take on the jobs of keeping your club going?
Now that you face 2012 at the end of your nebulous career as football money sucking mercenary buzzards. That’s why I like that word .. nebulous. Last syllable reminds me of lous!!
If you demand money in a district league .. let’s hear radio description for a start .. else organise TV telecasts! Else shut your gob and join Fev with the flockin’ pigeons at Yarra.
“You know what I’m sayin’ .. it’s Barbie Chop culture with half arsed chop stars” Thanks for that Sam Kekovich!! Cheers John Carrot:thumbsu:

John Carrot, welcome to the 21st century... paid players is an issue that no matter how much you protest against will remain in place. I've been reading this forum for a while now and have counted numerous times of your ramblings on 'paid players draining a club' etc etc. without players being paid in today's country leagues the standard would deteriorate as players who are good enough will stay put in Melbourne and you'll see leagues, such as the KDFL die slowly. The standard drops at say a GVL level due to less player funding then the top tier KDL players will go to the bigger clubs. Just because you think there was a better time, say 1975, where players played for the love of game doesn't mean it should still be in place. I agree that these players should do more around the club and at times the 'mercenaries' are just that but to ban player payments in just the KDL or Country football would be detrimental to the leagues and football itself. Get over the issue and speak football, not issues regarding management decisions at other clubs.
So if it all follows then any person turning up to training should expect coin. There are, sorry, but spuds coming out of thirds expecting a payment first to stay or else. YES payments must be made but we're all missing the point, when they snatch it who will coach the next generation in the future?
So if it all follows then any person turning up to training should expect coin. There are, sorry, but spuds coming out of thirds expecting a payment first to stay or else. YES payments must be made but we're all missing the point, when they snatch it who will coach the next generation in the future?
Yes it's a sad scenario. I dislike the idea of mediocre players expecting money as much as anyone, but if we can, perhaps we best move on to avoid more of Carrot's spiels.
Yes it's a sad scenario. I dislike the idea of mediocre players expecting money as much as anyone, but if we can, perhaps we best move on to avoid more of Carrot's spiels.
So a quick sweep under the carpet makes everything sweet .. eh Blackie? If GB read my past posts with his glasses on he would see that never have I said blokes play footy for the "love of the jumper" (nuthin). My 2012 point is a: player payments are now just out of control. Threatening the viability of small town footy for EVERYBODY! Including netters .. and b: Compounding the problem is that the next generation up (.. and older!!) are just burned out in this quest to raise dollars for DISTRICT level players who would'nt have got five bob in 1975! And yes it was "Fiddy Cent" then also.. Cheers John Carrot
And a final point when will we hear more of the player points rating system recommended in the AFL 2011 report into VCFL? To me that seems to be the best solution to bring this inexorable charge for more dollars and less teams which is now occurring. JC
And a final point when will we hear more of the player points rating system recommended in the AFL 2011 report into VCFL? To me that seems to be the best solution to bring this inexorable charge for more dollars and less teams which is now occurring. JC

Points system DO NOT WORK John Carrot, all it does is mean clubs will spend more money to drag players from further away. Why do I say this...my league was one of the first to implement the points system and this is exactly what happened. The rich get more successful and the poor fall further behind
Points system DO NOT WORK John Carrot, all it does is mean clubs will spend more money to drag players from further away. Why do I say this...my league was one of the first to implement the points system and this is exactly what happened. The rich get more successful and the poor fall further behind
Thanks roota#6 .. I believe the north west Vic and north east South Aussie has had this concept in for a while in district footy. I'm deciphering that you might be a Mallee Root ah ..#6 from that area. Can you send me a private message full of details 'cos I'm keen to find out more of what we are talking about. Cheers Cobber .. John Carrot
The money subject has been flogged to death , if the committee's of clubs work hard enough to raise the money then why should they not spend it ?
If an average players getting paid it's the same committee that raised this money that has agreed on the price or if not the budget for the year ??
So they can spend it on who they like ,f you don't think an 18 y/o is worth $100 don't pay him if a club thinks he is worth they will. The cost of doing business !!

On a on field matter have many clubs sorted out there pre season games yet ?

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On my why past Girgarre last night , had a look at training and counted about 37 training, bit far away to pick anyone out has Patto picked anyone up for them ?
The money subject has been flogged to death , if the committee's of clubs work hard enough to raise the money then why should they not spend it ?
If an average players getting paid it's the same committee that raised this money that has agreed on the price or if not the budget for the year ??
So they can spend it on who they like ,f you don't think an 18 y/o is worth $100 don't pay him if a club thinks he is worth they will. The cost of doing business !!

On a on field matter have many clubs sorted out there pre season games yet ?

Interest rates and home affordability have been 'flogged to death' as well but are front page news. Money will always attract comment. If it doesn't worry you then you either have too much (insert premiership success rate here) or bust your backside to make ends meet or you no longer exist. Until ALL clubs get an ABN, issue group certificates and open their independently audited books to members then you can expect comment. As an aside, there was a comment on here about clubs setting budgets and then raising funds to match; reading semi-pro there must be committees sitting on $50G plus as of now ready to spend!
Long time reader, first time poster. Always enjoy the debate but the facts are simple. Money has been in football for a very long time. Ron Todd Collingwood went to Williamston in the 40's for big money maybe 500 pounds ( probably worth $100,000 today!!!). Bobby Rose in the 60's Collingwood B& f to Wangaratta. Most clubs spend money but there are few simple rules. Have a budget. Get the right coach. Develop a good environment. Players want success but most want a good social environment. If they enjoy the club they recommend it their mates. Keep the local players happy by a pool of best player money, so the local kid can earn money if they are in the best players. When recruiting have a criteria = no di^kheads is a good start. By the way a Mallee Football club in a very small town have a budget of $150,000 in 2012 with a 2011 SAFL maybe Sturt captain captain getting $50000!!!
As an aside, there was a comment on here about clubs setting budgets and then raising funds to match; reading semi-pro there must be committees sitting on $50G plus as of now ready to spend!

Doubt any club would be sitting on 50G plus at this point in time, most clubs would have a budget to spend and a budget to raise money to cover that expenditure. Functions, Canteen, Gate takings, Membership during the season is where most of the money will come from to pay players.
Long time reader, first time poster. Always enjoy the debate but the facts are simple. Money has been in football for a very long time. Ron Todd Collingwood went to Williamston in the 40's for big money maybe 500 pounds ( probably worth $100,000 today!!!). Bobby Rose in the 60's Collingwood B& f to Wangaratta. Most clubs spend money but there are few simple rules. Have a budget. Get the right coach. Develop a good environment. Players want success but most want a good social environment. If they enjoy the club they recommend it their mates. Keep the local players happy by a pool of best player money, so the local kid can earn money if they are in the best players. When recruiting have a criteria = no di^kheads is a good start. By the way a Mallee Football club in a very small town have a budget of $150,000 in 2012 with a 2011 SAFL maybe Sturt captain captain getting $50000!!![/quote]

Most clubs up our way would need to spend that amount to be up around the pointy end (there are exceptions of course) with one club recently spending upwards of $200,000
Good points Middy but my debate is about DISTRICT level footy players being paid exorbitant amounts which impacts a small town to have a social focus on football (and all the fun and benefits which come with it ..). As well as let the "non-elite" a chance to play the great game in the twos. No problems with money in MAJOR Leagues (being a Wang Rovers supporter myself) as a MAJOR League/TAC is the step to the VFL and AFL. Until DISTRICT footy gets regular radio broadcasts or TV telecasts lets remember that all DISTRICT level players deserve cost subsidies (travel, meals and accomodation). EVERY player deserves a "slice of cake", like 20-30 bucks for a win (for recycling to the volunteers of the Club who provide great after-match socialisng )and the stars deserve to EARN a substantial and transparent match day award on the game performance that day. Cheers John Carrot
..And a final point Middy. The flacid VCFL have a recommendation that "Payroll" (not only player payments but seconds umpires, boundary umpires and goal umpires .. maybe gatekeepers, committee honorariums etc.) should not exceed 30% of turnover for a DISTRICT Club to remain viable. If this coach is on $50k in a DISTRICT level Club of a $150 turnover then that Club is 3.33% points on the way to being broke! If the Budget of $150k is for payroll in a DISTRICT level Club then I'll disappear into the cyber-ether!! Cheers John Carrot
..And a final point Middy. The flacid VCFL have a recommendation that "Payroll" (not only player payments but seconds umpires, boundary umpires and goal umpires .. maybe gatekeepers, committee honorariums etc.) should not exceed 30% of turnover for a DISTRICT Club to remain viable. If this coach is on $50k in a DISTRICT level Club of a $150 turnover then that Club is 3.33% points on the way to being broke! If the Budget of $150k is for payroll in a DISTRICT level Club then I'll disappear into the cyber-ether!! Cheers John Carrot

Best idea you've had yet John.....
Subtle yet insulting Showbag!! Logged in to give an APB that there is a a great show on pay 606 for another hour as we speak called "The Spirit of Australian Sport - Australian Football" .. Check it out now "that's what I'm talking about!" Cheers John Carrot. p.s. I'd change your nom-de-plume Big Show as it may be abbreviated to "BS" .. that about says it all!!
Nearly always see the logic of your suggestions JC (do you need to change your ndp!!!) The only problem is that clubs want success now & don't plan for the next five years. Most clubs that are successful have strong juniors, good coaches & then top up with smart & skilled players. If they miss the finals then they don't try to buy a flag the next year. Many have tried to buy a flag but 1% succeed and even some of these then go broke & lose players in following years. Dumb clubs recruit players only after cash & many leave after one year. What works. Definitely not the points. The simple fact is that DISTRICT must pay players but smart clubs have strong culture & generally don't pay excessive $$$. My $50000 man is not the coach but merely arrives on Sat!!!Dumb clubs do. Perhaps time to move onto 2012. It will be very interesting to see how VT & Murch & Avenel ( a club with a very strong culture in the 80's) will compete with Lanky & Stanhope.
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