KDFL Oct 06 -Feb 07

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Re: Kyabram District FL

I reckon a lot of clubs will die out or barely hang on to existence unless the AFL steps in

For the amount of money raised by the AFL what do they give back to grass roots footy - absolutely f all

Sure if you are involved with the Bushies coaching etc expect handouts ( for doing f all also, but that's another story) but for the minor and for that matter the major leagues life is pretty tough and a few handouts would be nice, a few ideas -

A straight out cash donation - 10 or more free footballs each year - insurance assistance - all league fees subsidised by AFL -

Anyway they can stick the AFL I have put a ban on it and now only watch Country Footy

Here here, we in the bush see little of the million's and million's the AFL generate's each year.
Re: Kyabram District FL

If clubs do die because of this they can only blame themselves.

A player is only worth what someone is willing to pay them - so by paying Lowey $600 as reported says to me the Yarraweyah committee deems that's what he's worth to have him join their playing list.

Agree that clubs only have themselves to blame and they have the final say in all of this .

I think a player is worth whatever value he can bring to a certain club not what they are willing to pay him - thats just my opinion
Re: Kyabram District FL

Agree that clubs only have themselves to blame and they have the final say in all of this .

I think a player is worth whatever value he can bring to a certain club not what they are willing to pay him - thats just my opinion

If someone wants to pay me $200 a game as one of the league's finest EVER benchwarmers (premiership bench warmer at that), I promise to put it all back over the bar.

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Here here, we in the bush see little of the million's and million's the AFL generate's each year.
Interesting reading, in that all op's are same. I too agree on these redic amounts not being justified. When you calculate an hourly rate of some of the 600 to 1000$ a game it will scare the crap out of you. What about clubs who actually draw up a job description that requires the contracted player/coach to help generate revnue and putting in x amount of hrs per week. I do know of one previous arrangement in the GVFL. Any other instances?
Re: Kyabram District FL

why doesnt brad lowe have a crack at a better league in the area... something like gvfl. ive heard he is more than capable to play at that level.
600 doesnt seem to bad if hes that good. especially these days. that wouldnt even be half of what some "big shots" are getting in gvfl.
does anybody from ardmona know a figure of what he was getting there?
Re: Kyabram District FL

Hey boys is it true former Avenel player Patty Rattlesnake is in Darwin playing as we speak

Sure is Jobby I heard from the Ratsnake on Monday, played his first game for Southern Districts Crocs on the weekend.
Re: Kyabram District FL

i have heard pattys name linked to a locial club for the 07 season anyone got anything to report on that?
90% sure that patty will be playing at seymour next year as they paod the two grand needed to get him out of bendigo bombers at the start of the year, so he owes them for that.
Re: Kyabram District FL

90% sure that patty will be playing at seymour next year as they paod the two grand needed to get him out of bendigo bombers at the start of the year, so he owes them for that.

I'm sure if a club paid some of that $2 G to Seymour they would let him go, in saying that my mail is that he will stay at Seymour, won't be getting back from Darwin till two weeks before season starts next year so will be interesting to see if the Lions start him straight in the ones seeing he should be match fit although they havent seen him for 6months. Lot of water to go under the bridge till then anyway fellas
Re: Kyabram District FL

I'm sure if a club paid some of that $2 G to Seymour they would let him go, in saying that my mail is that he will stay at Seymour, won't be getting back from Darwin till two weeks before season starts next year so will be interesting to see if the Lions start him straight in the ones seeing he should be match fit although they havent seen him for 6months. Lot of water to go under the bridge till then anyway fellas

Do you know something we don't Hanky boy?? He wouldn't be coming back to the same place Jedda Atkins is gunna come too is he?
Re: Kyabram District FL

Do you know something we don't Hanky boy?? He wouldn't be coming back to the same place Jedda Atkins is gunna come too is he?

As I said long way off yet Skut, wait and see what happens when he rocks back into the state, would obviously help things if Ged decides to come back
Re: Kyabram District FL

Interesting reading, in that all op's are same. I too agree on these redic amounts not being justified. When you calculate an hourly rate of some of the 600 to 1000$ a game it will scare the crap out of you. What about clubs who actually draw up a job description that requires the contracted player/coach to help generate revnue and putting in x amount of hrs per week. I do know of one previous arrangement in the GVFL. Any other instances?
I geuss thats a no.;)

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Re: Kyabram District FL

As has been alluded to already on this page the mail is that Rattray is being chased hard by Tongala. I've also heard from a reliable source once again that Grey, Trist and Hansford are as good as gone from Stanhope.

Merrigum will have a bit of coin to help get some recruits but have taken notice of how Giirgarre did last year and will only pay players who are worth it.

There's a strong whisper that Meka will be leaving the KDL for the PDFL.
We can only hope.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Just saw on the gvfl thread that wes stott has been rumoured to go to VT. wat do people think of that? does anyone have proper mail on Wes why is he leaving euroa after such along time? has something happened there?
Re: Kyabram District FL

As has been alluded to already on this page the mail is that Rattray is being chased hard by Tongala. I've also heard from a reliable source once again that Grey, Trist and Hansford are as good as gone from Stanhope.

Merrigum will have a bit of coin to help get some recruits but have taken notice of how Giirgarre did last year and will only pay players who are worth it.

There's a strong whisper that Meka will be leaving the KDL for the PDFL.
We can only hope.

Atleast one of those blokes you mentioned and possibly the whole three will be with the Lions in 2007.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Just saw on the gvfl thread that wes stott has been rumoured to go to VT. wat do people think of that? does anyone have proper mail on Wes why is he leaving euroa after such along time? has something happened there?

I'd think the people at VT would think it pretty good if it eventuated. Stott's a very good player.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Atleast one of those blokes you mentioned and possibly the whole three will be with the Lions in 2007.

was talking to stanhope player on the weekend and they stated that they believed that the boys linked to playing at ky would be back in the maroon and gold by round 5. i don't really see the resoning behind this? i've heard that a few boys are staying around for another year as a bit of a tribute year, but if you are going to have a crack at a higher league, and i think these blokes should, 5 weeks isn't enough, you need to hang round for longer than that, at least a year in my books maybe two. what are peoples thoughts?
Re: Kyabram District FL

Any confirmed news yet on the Avenel job yet? A lot of mixed messages going round but I hope we hear an announcement soon to give them every chance at recruiting some experience to compliment their talented group of youngsters.

What about the other grades, both Macka (2's) and Rik (3's) have been very good are they going again?
Re: Kyabram District FL

Lowes 600 a game at yarra seems quite a bit but i have heard a lot worse players than him get as much money. Agree that it is a little strange he isnt having a go at a higher level, a quality player. but if he plays at yarra, they are guaranted a top 3 or 4 player in the comp and some would say that 600 is a fair deal.
You Know It- a fair call i suppose on players having a go at a higher level. the key is to do the pre season and give yourself every opportunity and worry about round 5 when it comes along. if you have done the work and have the ability, which the guys mentioned have, then there is no reason why you wouldnt play decent footy.
Re: Kyabram District FL

just got told Snelson and winterton back at ironbark stadium must be a little bit of money floating around cause these guys don't play for free
Re: Kyabram District FL

Snelson to rushworth. just remember it is november, theres another couple of clubs to sign with and leave by the time round 1 comes around.
Re: Kyabram District FL

just got told Snelson and winterton back at ironbark stadium must be a little bit of money floating around cause these guys don't play for free

I think you will find that rushy won't be spending to much money next year because they don't have much and aren't a big spending club compared to some other clubs in the league. They have a lot of loyal players that play for nothing who could get good $$$ elsewhere. The club paying the most money in the KDFL would be Violet town and Tally i would suggest going by the reports on bigfooty regarding recruiting.

As for merrigum who might have a bit of coin to spend, who would even consider going and playing for them. They would need at least 10 players to be competative.
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