kdfl sept 07-jan 08

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Generally speaking, Rushy has the worst ground, but I thought during the year the grass covering was better than Merrigums and VT's, from what I saw. I also reckon that the KDL is blessed to have so many high quality grounds (Tally, Murch, Stanhope, Gig, Lancy), but if you looked around at other leagues, Rushy's isn't all that bad.. Still at the lower end in our comp though, I must admit.. And in regards to our rooms, obviously it's not ideal having them so far from the ground, but I can't see how people reckon our visitors rooms are any worse than Gig, Murch, Ardy and even a couple of others. In regards to this week, the ground has been watered.

Also, in saying we need to get our crap together, fair point, but at the moment I'm pretty sure we're the only side who's ground is on crown land, which means that the ground isn't part of council's jurisdiction, which means we have to find an extra $7-8K a year for the water, which is obviously a quality player or 2.. Of course, Tally are now laughing coz they got a $400K grant to improve the ground, and obviously, like most other clubs, we're applying for similar grants, but haven't been lucky enough to get one as of yet..

Murch's ground is also on Crown Land, but unlike Rushy, we got a water right, and the water we use on the ground isn't part of the town's water supply, and that's why Rushy struggles in getting water on the ground, that and the reserve being a good spot for a mob of Eastern Grey's.

And believe you me, having your ground on Crown Land is like having a millstone around your neck, because getting anything from the council is bad enough, but when you have to deal with another level of bureaucracy (in this case the DSE office in Seymour of all places), you've got buckley's in getting anything done, and that's a lot of the reasons why clubs like Murch & Rushy miss out on these grants.

It's not out of laziness, it's just who you know that counts, and in Tally's case, when you have the a number of high ranking people that decide on these funds also involved with the Tallygaroopna club, you have to wonder don't you.

Because there are a number of clubs who are just as deserving of assistance (Murchison, Merrigum, Rushworth,etc.)
Re: Kyabram District FL

Murch's ground is also on Crown Land, but unlike Rushy, we got a water right, and the water we use on the ground isn't part of the town's water supply, and that's why Rushy struggles in getting water on the ground, that and the reserve being a good spot for a mob of Eastern Grey's.

And believe you me, having your ground on Crown Land is like having a millstone around your neck, because getting anything from the council is bad enough, but when you have to deal with another level of bureaucracy (in this case the DSE office in Seymour of all places), you've got buckley's in getting anything done, and that's a lot of the reasons why clubs like Murch & Rushy miss out on these grants.

It's not out of laziness, it's just who you know that counts, and in Tally's case, when you have the a number of high ranking people that decide on these funds also involved with the Tallygaroopna club, you have to wonder don't you.

Because there are a number of clubs who are just as deserving of assistance (Murchison, Merrigum, Rushworth,etc.)

Wayde , what has tally done to you in the past mate , u seem to be very anty tally , as you know they had the worst change rooms for years , so bad you had to watch out in the shower that when the gas hot water system turned on you didnt get burnt by the flame jumping out of the pilot light , i say if they got them good luck and maybe some other teams out there might get lucky next time round the grants go out.
Re: Kyabram District FL

That,s a bit rough Wayde, the club worked for seven years to raise 50k towards the new rooms ,money other clubs would have spent on players and as for having contacts in high places it took 3 years of lobbying to get our grant and that was after 3 years of going through the due processes. we dident even know Steve Bracks
Murch's ground is also on Crown Land, but unlike Rushy, we got a water right, and the water we use on the ground isn't part of the town's water supply, and that's why Rushy struggles in getting water on the ground, that and the reserve being a good spot for a mob of Eastern Grey's.

And believe you me, having your ground on Crown Land is like having a millstone around your neck, because getting anything from the council is bad enough, but when you have to deal with another level of bureaucracy (in this case the DSE office in Seymour of all places), you've got buckley's in getting anything done, and that's a lot of the reasons why clubs like Murch & Rushy miss out on these grants.

It's not out of laziness, it's just who you know that counts, and in Tally's case, when you have the a number of high ranking people that decide on these funds also involved with the Tallygaroopna club, you have to wonder don't you.

Because there are a number of clubs who are just as deserving of assistance (Murchison, Merrigum, Rushworth,etc.)

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Aron james V"S guppy id take the gupp he run rings aroung him and his has are cleaner and can run in the mid field, jesues his BIG
Re: Kyabram District FL

Generally speaking, Rushy has the worst ground, but I thought during the year the grass covering was better than Merrigums and VT's, from what I saw. I also reckon that the KDL is blessed to have so many high quality grounds (Tally, Murch, Stanhope, Gig, Lancy), but if you looked around at other leagues, Rushy's isn't all that bad.. Still at the lower end in our comp though, I must admit.. And in regards to our rooms, obviously it's not ideal having them so far from the ground, but I can't see how people reckon our visitors rooms are any worse than Gig, Murch, Ardy and even a couple of others. In regards to this week, the ground has been watered.

Also, in saying we need to get our crap together, fair point, but at the moment I'm pretty sure we're the only side who's ground is on crown land, which means that the ground isn't part of council's jurisdiction, which means we have to find an extra $7-8K a year for the water, which is obviously a quality player or 2.. Of course, Tally are now laughing coz they got a $400K grant to improve the ground, and obviously, like most other clubs, we're applying for similar grants, but haven't been lucky enough to get one as of yet..

Sorry mate - 'get your crap together' probably came across a little more direct than I intended. It wasn't solely directed at Rushy - more a general shot at many clubs. Murch spent some money on a new time keepers box and scoreboard - whoopee. How about some new sheds? Lancy should have better away rooms, Rushy's are a mile away,I admit it is very difficult to manage where your money is spent these days, but Undera haven't spent up big on players in recent years yet their facilities are still one of the worst in the comp. I believe the KDFL should be rewarding clubs with finals who are putting in some effort in the off-field areas - change rooms would be one area for a start, decent scoreboards (and how hard is it go get the score right???), good areas to watch the game from. Then, when these are in place, you start hosting a few finals and then the money rolls in and because you're set up off the field, you can spend a bit more on the field. A couple of years of pain could bring many years of gain - as Tally is now finding with hosting finals, playing in them. Their old sheds were shockers. Now their surface is the best in the comp, new rooms are great. Good on em. I don't know anything about the funding they received though.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Sorry mate - 'get your crap together' probably came across a little more direct than I intended. It wasn't solely directed at Rushy - more a general shot at many clubs. Murch spent some money on a new time keepers box and scoreboard - whoopee. How about some new sheds? Lancy should have better away rooms, Rushy's are a mile away,I admit it is very difficult to manage where your money is spent these days, but Undera haven't spent up big on players in recent years yet their facilities are still one of the worst in the comp. I believe the KDFL should be rewarding clubs with finals who are putting in some effort in the off-field areas - change rooms would be one area for a start, decent scoreboards (and how hard is it go get the score right???), good areas to watch the game from. Then, when these are in place, you start hosting a few finals and then the money rolls in and because you're set up off the field, you can spend a bit more on the field. A couple of years of pain could bring many years of gain - as Tally is now finding with hosting finals, playing in them. Their old sheds were shockers. Now their surface is the best in the comp, new rooms are great. Good on em. I don't know anything about the funding they received though.
Interesting that avenel never got a final this year.
We have one of the best surfaces in the comp.
Never heard a complaint about our scoreboard or visitors rooms.
Is it the travel factor that sees us miss out?
Bit of a shame really because overall we would have close to the best setup in the comp and it's being wasted in september.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Interesting that avenel never got a final this year.
We have one of the best surfaces in the comp.
Never heard a complaint about our scoreboard or visitors rooms.
Is it the travel factor that sees us miss out?
Bit of a shame really because overall we would have close to the best setup in the comp and it's being wasted in september.

Albo , your rooms and ground are good , but i would nt go as far to say the best in the comp , but up there in the top few anyway
what finals have Avenal had in the past few years , i m sure yourve had them for the last 3 so to miss out this year isnt to bad , but in saying that i have to agree with firefox , that goos grounds rooms etc should be rewarded
anyway this year is done and dusted as far as final venues are concerned , bring on the rest of the games and lets hope for some cracking games
Re: Kyabram District FL

Interesting that avenel never got a final this year.
We have one of the best surfaces in the comp.
Never heard a complaint about our scoreboard or visitors rooms.
Is it the travel factor that sees us miss out?
Bit of a shame really because overall we would have close to the best setup in the comp and it's being wasted in september.

I think you will find Avenel have had a final every second year for awhile

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Re: Kyabram District FL

That,s a bit rough Wayde, the club worked for seven years to raise 50k towards the new rooms ,money other clubs would have spent on players and as for having contacts in high places it took 3 years of lobbying to get our grant and that was after 3 years of going through the due processes. we dident even know Steve Bracks

I am not anti-Tally at all, I think it's great that they've finally got new rooms, (and they are fantastic and the club should be very proud with what they've got), because the old one's should have been bulldozed years ago, and getting new rooms was way over-due.

All I was saying is that Tally have a few members in the City Of Greater Shepparton that none of the other clubs in the KDFL have, and they have been smart enough to use this to their advantage, and good luck to them, I'm not going to begrudge them for getting something they worked hard to get.

But, all I was saying is that there are other clubs out there (like ours), that go through the same fund raising and the same processes as they've gone through and all they get is a big ducks egg.

Murch has done the same thing this year, we knew that this year was going to be bad, and we felt that it was a waste of time to blow our money buying players to only finish 8th, so we raised our own money to fix up the canteen, get us a new Netball Room & Secretaries Office, fixed the leaking roof, extend the roof, and do all the little things that we couldn't afford to do, and we did it all of our own bat.

Anyway, there's no point crying over spilt milk, because better facilities is good for all of us, regardless of where they may be
Re: Kyabram District FL

I am not anti-Tally at all, I think it's great that they've finally got new rooms, (and they are fantastic and the club should be very proud with what they've got), because the old one's should have been bulldozed years ago, and getting new rooms was way over-due.

All I was saying is that Tally have a few members in the City Of Greater Shepparton that none of the other clubs in the KDFL have, and they have been smart enough to use this to their advantage, and good luck to them, I'm not going to begrudge them for getting something they worked hard to get.

But, all I was saying is that there are other clubs out there (like ours), that go through the same fund raising and the same processes as they've gone through and all they get is a big ducks egg.

Murch has done the same thing this year, we knew that this year was going to be bad, and we felt that it was a waste of time to blow our money buying players to only finish 8th, so we raised our own money to fix up the canteen, get us a new Netball Room & Secretaries Office, fixed the leaking roof, extend the roof, and do all the little things that we couldn't afford to do, and we did it all of our own bat.

Anyway, there's no point crying over spilt milk, because better facilities is good for all of us, regardless of where they may be

Wayde , im sure if you contacted the Tally club they would only be glad to offer you some advice re the grants , maybe give u some tips etc on what to say and put in .
anyway all the best for next year
Re: Kyabram District FL

I think you will find Avenel have had a final every second year for awhile

Yep - and why? Good facilities is why. Why shouldn't they be able to host one every year if they're deserving of it? It should be an incentive for other clubs to improve their facilities. Until they do, they don't get finals. You might argue that without finals, they don't have the funds to do it, but I say find the funds (borrow if you have to), then get the good facilites etc, this attracts people and finals and players and the $$ flows in. By rewarding mediocrity it's not encouraging clubs to strive for better things. What's the point - they get a final every 2nd year anyway.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Who gives a sh#t about where the finals are, its all done and dusted now so how bout we have a bit more talk about the up coming games this weekend or who have won their teams B'n'F if they have had them. Just a bit sick of people winging about the same crap for three pages straight.
Re: Kyabram District FL

What are VT's chances this wk? A bit of finals experience for a few of the kids last week...who is going to step up and get them over the line?
Re: Kyabram District FL

What are VT's chances this wk? A bit of finals experience for a few of the kids last week...who is going to step up and get them over the line?

I think if VT are to win they need their senior players to stand up. M.Mills needs to deliver this week and the whole team needs to up their intensity from last week, which i think they can do against Tally.
Re: Kyabram District FL

I think if VT are to win they need their senior players to stand up. M.Mills needs to deliver this week and the whole team needs to up their intensity from last week, which i think they can do against Tally.

Has Mills been playing out of the square or up accross half forward? If VT can isolate him deep and get enough supply in one on one I reckon they will win. I reckon their young crew will be better for the run last week.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Who gives a sh#t about where the finals are, its all done and dusted now so how bout we have a bit more talk about the up coming games this weekend or who have won their teams B'n'F if they have had them. Just a bit sick of people winging about the same crap for three pages straight.

Big Welcome back to KOL after a long stint just doin his work for once... haha
Re: Kyabram District FL

Big Welcome back to KOL after a long stint just doin his work for once... haha

Thanks mainland, it has been a while but I just haven't had anything to say until today. But yes work is my no. 1 priority and it always comes first....or somethin like that haha.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Has Mills been playing out of the square or up accross half forward? If VT can isolate him deep and get enough supply in one on one I reckon they will win. I reckon their young crew will be better for the run last week.

Matty's been playing out of the square for most of the season but at times has come up to the half forward line, like he did in the last quarter on Saturday which was was a waste of time and a poor move by Violet Town. He definitely plays better leading out of the square and hopefully he will kick a bag on Sunday. And with help from some tracer bullet like passes from my good self im sure he will...
Re: Kyabram District FL

What are VT's chances this wk? A bit of finals experience for a few of the kids last week...who is going to step up and get them over the line?
With Josh "TWIGGY" Sidebottom playing this week Tally will flog Voilet town... C'MON ANGLE ASS:D
Re: Kyabram District FL

Yep - and why? Good facilities is why. Why shouldn't they be able to host one every year if they're deserving of it? It should be an incentive for other clubs to improve their facilities. Until they do, they don't get finals. You might argue that without finals, they don't have the funds to do it, but I say find the funds (borrow if you have to), then get the good facilites etc, this attracts people and finals and players and the $$ flows in. By rewarding mediocrity it's not encouraging clubs to strive for better things. What's the point - they get a final every 2nd year anyway.
Good call ffox but l dont think anyone who makes decisions relating to the KDFNL has the balls to enforce it.
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