kdfl sept 07-jan 08

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Re: Kyabram District FL

everyone seems to be a bit quiet this week, must be something important on on the weekend.
FERGZ seems to be quiet after getting eliminated last week. or is he a chance to play in the one's this week?
HANK is quiet. probably still on a bender from finishing his yr a couple of weeks early.

Are Stanhope the outright favourites? Is Big James going to be the difference from Last yr or will Freeman getting off his report inspire him to hold the Big man? Who will win the midfield battle? How many will Meka kick?

I think Stanhope "should" win but anything could happen in the Ganny.
Re: Kyabram District FL

everyone seems to be a bit quiet this week, must be something important on on the weekend.
FERGZ seems to be quiet after getting eliminated last week. or is he a chance to play in the one's this week?
HANK is quiet. probably still on a bender from finishing his yr a couple of weeks early.

Are Stanhope the outright favourites? Is Big James going to be the difference from Last yr or will Freeman getting off his report inspire him to hold the Big man? Who will win the midfield battle? How many will Meka kick?

I think Stanhope "should" win but anything could happen in the Ganny.

Yeah still sobering up saints, but will be ready to go again come Saturday night to help celebrate with the boys. Expect Stanhope to win comfortably, but if they are anything less than 6 goals up at 3/4 time, I, along with many other Stanhope supporters will be a little nervy.
If Ardmona drop one back in front of James to start the game, I'd be just about prepared to call it over there and then, as Stanhope have too much talent, skill and smarts to allow one of their players to run around without an opponent.
Fergz maybe a chance to get a late call up to join his mate Catdog in the ones as my mail is that Ferrari has a very sore arm (he may still play), he certainly looked very sore on the Shepp news video clip as the Ardmona boys were singing their song, good to see Catdog get up close and personal and not be afraid to show his mug on the camera.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Yeah still sobering up saints, but will be ready to go again come Saturday night to help celebrate with the boys. Expect Stanhope to win comfortably, but if they are anything less than 6 goals up at 3/4 time, I, along with many other Stanhope supporters will be a little nervy.
If Ardmona drop one back in front of James to start the game, I'd be just about prepared to call it over there and then, as Stanhope have too much talent, skill and smarts to allow one of their players to run around without an opponent.
Fergz maybe a chance to get a late call up to join his mate Catdog in the ones as my mail is that Ferrari has a very sore arm (he may still play), he certainly looked very sore on the Shepp news video clip as the Ardmona boys were singing their song, good to see Catdog get up close and personal and not be afraid to show his mug on the camera.
Ferrari nothing wrong with him an as for the video clip i played in 2005 when Tally beat us in the plelim at merrigum so i got abit happy big deal
Re: Kyabram District FL

My Predictions:
Seniors: Stanhope by 35 pts*. Easily the best side. If they go out there with the attitude 'we're the best team, we've got the best players, let's put all the crap and disappointment of the past couple of years behind us and just play as we know we can' then they should absolutely blow ardmona off the park. However, as we know from the past two years, this may not happen. Even still, stanhope should win. They should be too disciplined to get suckered into any of Ardmona's shit. James to kick 9 and Meka 2.

Reserves: Lancaster by 5 points. Have seen everyone of Lancaster finals this year and they look impressive. No doubt have a couple players qualified who are senior players but that's footy and it's not a crime. This one really could go either way. Admittedly, i haven't seen a great deal of stanhope's seconds other than the times they've played the swans and this one i expect to go down to the wire.

Under 18s: Violet Town by 16 pts. Have beaten stanhope twice this year. stahope has only one won game in the past month and going by the under 18 thread seem to have a few injuries.Violet town seem to be in comparatively good form and i expect them to lead most of the day.

*Assuming nuetral umpires.

I think any talk of Ardmona having a home ground advantage in Mooroopna will be offset by the fact that with 3 sides playing off, i would expect every Stanhope man and his dog to be there. Police should defintely be there to prevent and repeats of the crowd behavior from last week. Was one of the most sickening things i've seen at the footy. The head stomp was particulary nasty.

Have a good one boys.

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Re: Kyabram District FL

Police should defintely be there to prevent and repeats of the crowd behavior from last week. Was one of the most sickening things i've seen at the footy. The head stomp was particulary nasty.

Have a good one boys.[/quote]

What happened last week tommy??
Re: Kyabram District FL

Police should defintely be there to prevent and repeats of the crowd behavior from last week. Was one of the most sickening things i've seen at the footy. The head stomp was particulary nasty.

Have a good one boys.

What happened last week tommy??[/quote]

read over the last few pages DUH!
Re: Kyabram District FL

Police should defintely be there to prevent and repeats of the crowd behavior from last week. Was one of the most sickening things i've seen at the footy. The head stomp was particulary nasty.

Have a good one boys.

What happened last week tommy??[/quote]

Something between a brawl/assault, i'd say assault though Joey. Admittedly I didn't see what started it, but this is what i saw from next to the scoreboard:

Half time of the seconds: A large group of ardmona supporters were walking around the ground, which i figured to be a mix of their thirds and fans. Some of them were drinking. remember thinking, here's an accident waiting to happen. Didn't really give it much of a second thought. About a minute later heard alot of yelling coming from in amongst where the cars were. Couldn't really see what was going on. Then a few guys fall over the fence and on to the ground.

One guy was on the ground and there was I'd say at least half a dozen blokes laying into him, stomping, kicking punching. Real classy stuff. There would have been another 30 ardmona people around at least watching, none of them doing a thing to break it up. One guy eventually did, wouldn't have a clue where he was from. Apparently there was more going on in amongst the cars but i couldn't see any of that.

After this there was alot posing and yelling going on, with the ardmona boys trash talking and threatening. The guy who got belted must have said something because it started back up again, but only went for abit before it was broken up again. The guy who was getting layed into had alot of blood coming out of his face.

The cops came around and they got out there quick smart after that. They asked a few questions I think but everything sort of dispersed after that.The guy who had been beat up seemed to be ok all things considered, don't think he had any fractures or anything but i don't really know. I didn't see any weapons or women getting hit but as I said I couldn't see it all.

The thing is, what can the league actually do to stop this kinda thing happening? If clubs don't want to clean up their act in regards to their supporters, what can they do? My understanding is that they can't kick them out unless the VCFL allows it, which they won't. Think that this is what happened when the HDFL tried to kick out Broadford. My guess would be the only think they can do is strip clubs of points, but I would be interested to know what can actually be done.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Hope it doesn't happen again tomorrow. Good luck everyone.
Re: Kyabram District FL

seems everyone else has had something to say bout the fight i thought i might have my 2 cents worth. from my understanding the fight started when some spectators had something smart to say to a group of ardmona thirds players walking past. a few words were exchanged and they moved on. i was sitting across the other side of the field when this was happening and noticed a small group of people gathering over the other side of the oval and thought something was going on. i wandered across to see this same group of people heading towards the spectators on the fence. from this group of people there were probably only half a dozen at most ardmona thirds players involved, maybe a couple of ardmona spectators and the rest were outsiders that i have never seen around the club before but obviously knew the ardy boys.
the first punch was thrown by one of these unknowns and it went from there. the next few punches were thrown by another so called outsider.
i am in no way trying to stick up for the ardmona people involved here as what eventuated was an absolute discrace. the so called head stomping was done by another person that i have never seen round the club before.
in the end it probably ended up being a 15 vs. 3 fight. ridiculous by anyones standards.
the most disappointing thing is that thirds players were involved after cleaning their act up this year and setting such a high level of expectation and earning a bit of respect back this year. and i tell you know i was more disappointed in them than anyone!!
As far as the club is concerned, there is absolutely no way that they would condone this sort of thing and stern words were had with some of the involved by members of the committee.
there are definatley a few bad apples at the club there is no doubt about that but at which club isnt there? one thing i have found is that ardmona still lives in the reputation that was forged for it by past players.
sure they have some feral spectators, but how do you conrol these people on any given day? i know for a fact that some of these spectators have been warned about their behaviour before and some have cleaned their act up. what else can you do besides that?
Re: Kyabram District FL

seems everyone else has had something to say bout the fight i thought i might have my 2 cents worth. from my understanding the fight started when some spectators had something smart to say to a group of ardmona thirds players walking past. a few words were exchanged and they moved on. i was sitting across the other side of the field when this was happening and noticed a small group of people gathering over the other side of the oval and thought something was going on. i wandered across to see this same group of people heading towards the spectators on the fence. from this group of people there were probably only half a dozen at most ardmona thirds players involved, maybe a couple of ardmona spectators and the rest were outsiders that i have never seen around the club before but obviously knew the ardy boys.
the first punch was thrown by one of these unknowns and it went from there. the next few punches were thrown by another so called outsider.
i am in no way trying to stick up for the ardmona people involved here as what eventuated was an absolute discrace. the so called head stomping was done by another person that i have never seen round the club before.
in the end it probably ended up being a 15 vs. 3 fight. ridiculous by anyones standards.
the most disappointing thing is that thirds players were involved after cleaning their act up this year and setting such a high level of expectation and earning a bit of respect back this year. and i tell you know i was more disappointed in them than anyone!!
As far as the club is concerned, there is absolutely no way that they would condone this sort of thing and stern words were had with some of the involved by members of the committee.
there are definatley a few bad apples at the club there is no doubt about that but at which club isnt there? one thing i have found is that ardmona still lives in the reputation that was forged for it by past players.
sure they have some feral spectators, but how do you conrol these people on any given day? i know for a fact that some of these spectators have been warned about their behaviour before and some have cleaned their act up. what else can you do besides that?

Talking to the bloke involved today, (and they are ok ) the young bloke who was mouthing off when walking past them coped some shit back from them, and then he went and got all his mates and come back and they got into it, so who was looking for the fight ????? not sure but i dont think it was the 2 blokes on there own, do those boys think they are in Africa where the wild dogs hunt in packs because they are to weak to go for it on there own. Its a pitty because the only thing everyone will remeber Ardmona for is the trouble the have caused, because they can play good footy and there is some good blokes there(not very many but) we all will be glad its all over this weekend, Talking of good blokes hope you have a good day out Huggie, go for it mate.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Before I start I would like to say that I have no relationship with any club in the KDFL nor any club in the Goulburn Murray region. I am just a lover of country football who keeps an eye on these forums as a way of keeping in touch with the game that I love.

A couple of observations....

1. The KDFL forum has an underlying tone of violence and aggression that is not present on any of the other threads on Bigfooty. No other forums that I have read actually promote violence as a good way of sorting things out.

2. The number of posters on this thread who threaten, bully or belittle other posters is unprecedented throughout the rest of BigFooty.

3. The image of the KDFL is certainly not be improved via this forum. The ongoing 'issues' associated with the KDFL as noted in the metroploitan newspapers are only being reinforced by the angry, vindictive and abusive posts on this thread. Not to mention the constant discussion regarding violence rather than football.

My point (in case you hadn't noticed) is that the KDFL is at a crossroads. Either it cleans up its act (as do those who post here) or it becomes known (or continues to be known) as the most violent, unpleasant and generally reprehensible football leage in (at least) Victoria.

If any out there disagree with my comments, feel free to critique them.

Good luck to Stanhope and Ardmona tomorrow, I hope that it is a contest that is remembered for all of the right reasons.
Re: Kyabram District FL

Before I start I would like to say that I have no relationship with any club in the KDFL nor any club in the Goulburn Murray region. I am just a lover of country football who keeps an eye on these forums as a way of keeping in touch with the game that I love.

A couple of observations....

1. The KDFL forum has an underlying tone of violence and aggression that is not present on any of the other threads on Bigfooty. No other forums that I have read actually promote violence as a good way of sorting things out.

2. The number of posters on this thread who threaten, bully or belittle other posters is unprecedented throughout the rest of BigFooty.

3. The image of the KDFL is certainly not be improved via this forum. The ongoing 'issues' associated with the KDFL as noted in the metroploitan newspapers are only being reinforced by the angry, vindictive and abusive posts on this thread. Not to mention the constant discussion regarding violence rather than football.

My point (in case you hadn't noticed) is that the KDFL is at a crossroads. Either it cleans up its act (as do those who post here) or it becomes known (or continues to be known) as the most violent, unpleasant and generally reprehensible football leage in (at least) Victoria.

If any out there disagree with my comments, feel free to critique them.

Good luck to Stanhope and Ardmona tomorrow, I hope that it is a contest that is remembered for all of the right reasons.

Well said mate, best post for the yr on this thread.
When I played i thought some one was real tough putting his head over the footy, if he got belted he was even a bigger man to take it on the chin and get another kick, not want to hunt down someones family for it.

Re: Kyabram District FL

seems everyone else has had something to say bout the fight i thought i might have my 2 cents worth. from my understanding the fight started when some spectators had something smart to say to a group of ardmona thirds players walking past. a few words were exchanged and they moved on. i was sitting across the other side of the field when this was happening and noticed a small group of people gathering over the other side of the oval and thought something was going on. i wandered across to see this same group of people heading towards the spectators on the fence. from this group of people there were probably only half a dozen at most ardmona thirds players involved, maybe a couple of ardmona spectators and the rest were outsiders that i have never seen around the club before but obviously knew the ardy boys.
the first punch was thrown by one of these unknowns and it went from there. the next few punches were thrown by another so called outsider.
i am in no way trying to stick up for the ardmona people involved here as what eventuated was an absolute discrace. the so called head stomping was done by another person that i have never seen round the club before.
in the end it probably ended up being a 15 vs. 3 fight. ridiculous by anyones standards.
the most disappointing thing is that thirds players were involved after cleaning their act up this year and setting such a high level of expectation and earning a bit of respect back this year. and i tell you know i was more disappointed in them than anyone!!
As far as the club is concerned, there is absolutely no way that they would condone this sort of thing and stern words were had with some of the involved by members of the committee.
there are definatley a few bad apples at the club there is no doubt about that but at which club isnt there? one thing i have found is that ardmona still lives in the reputation that was forged for it by past players.
sure they have some feral spectators, but how do you conrol these people on any given day? i know for a fact that some of these spectators have been warned about their behaviour before and some have cleaned their act up. what else can you do besides that?
2 things Ardmona
Show some balls and kick the trouble makers out of your football club. Let it be known that if you stuff up your not welcome. Easy to keep saying that the trouble makers are not Ardmona people rather than show some leadership and make them not welcome.
Im thinking you have hold of something if you really believe that you club is living in the reputation of past players. Though in the past you may be refering to last week as there seems to be something unpleasent happening involving you club every week.
Make a stand and clean your football club up!!!!!!!!!!
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