Movies & TV Last movie you watched?

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Oh **** off shell Saw movies are awesome im going to see the new one relly soon, your just pissed off no one knocks you out and puts you in a room with some tests and games anrt you.

Dude seriously... you need to go back to Grade One and learn how to spell. :D

(Keeping in mind this is all subjective here), Saw was crap!! The first half yes I agree with you was great. Not "Silence of the Lambs" awesome, but still pretty good all the same.

The second half, descended into this mediocre, pathetic DRIBBLE, where it just got so far fetched. Had MASSIVE holes in the plot... and the audience I watched it with laughed their asses off. (Im talking like as if it was a comedy, so that ruined the mood)

Finally the villian was like one out of Scooby Doo. You want a real movie villian? Look at Hannibal Lecter, Buffalo Bill, Kevin Spacey from Seven and even that baby faced guy from Copycat was scary. The dude from Saw was not.

That is where they got it wrong, imo. Fix up the 2nd half and casting and it would have been ALOT better.
Dude seriously... you need to go back to Grade One and learn how to spell. :D

Finally the villian was like one out of Scooby Doo. You want a real movie villian? Look at Hannibal Lecter, Buffalo Bill, Kevin Spacey from Seven and even that baby faced guy from Copycat was scary. The dude from Saw was not.

That is where they got it wrong, imo. Fix up the 2nd half and casting and it would have been ALOT better.

Dude Jigsaw pisses all over those people was Hannibal,Buff,Kevin or harry jnr dying from cancer ? did they have the cool Spooky voice ? I'll admit he does look alittle scooby doo the long black cloke sets that off, But i love saw its well thought out and give you good bang for you buck.
Dude Jigsaw pisses all over those people was Hannibal,Buff,Kevin or harry jnr dying from cancer ? did they have the cool Spooky voice ? I'll admit he does look alittle scooby doo the long black cloke sets that off, But i love saw its well thought out and give you good bang for you buck.

LMAO. Hannibal Lecter ate peoples faces. I think he wins the "scary contest" BDP. You're dreamin.

And, thank you, you admit he's Scooby Doo. That was in effect the whole problem of the casting. The serial killer is SO important to get right. If it doesnt, well, the whole effect of it is ruined.

Look at all those B Grade Ashley Judd serial killer movies. Pathetic.

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LMAO. Hannibal Lecter ate peoples faces. I think he wins the "scary contest" BDP. You're dreamin.

And, thank you, you admit he's Scooby Doo. That was in effect the whole problem of the casting. The serial killer is SO important to get right. If it doesnt, well, the whole effect of it is ruined.

Look at all those B Grade Ashley Judd serial killer movies. Pathetic.
the only thing with those hannibal movies is, they make people feel like they are intelligent and that they can follow along with a doctor and a criminal sike and whatever, ive got them all on DVD and have watched them and find it to be more detail in the thinking then the actual blood and guts stuff.
the only thing with those hannibal movies is, they make people feel like they are intelligent and that they can follow along with a doctor and a criminal sike and whatever, ive got them all on DVD and have watched them and find it to be more detail in the thinking then the actual blood and guts stuff.

Ok can someone translate for me in English please? I have no idea what BDP just said there. :D

Btw. I only like "Silence of the lambs". (In fact it is my fav movie of all time). I never said anything about the Hannibal movies, i was just referring to the character in general.

In fact "Hannibal" the movie is one of the worst of all time, imo. Red Dragon = average... and did not even bother seeing that other one.
Ok can someone translate for me in English please? I have no idea what BDP just said there. :D

Btw. I only like "Silence of the lambs". (In fact it is my fav movie of all time). I never said anything about the Hannibal movies, i was just referring to the character in general.

In fact "Hannibal" the movie is one of the worst of all time, imo. Red Dragon = average... and did not even bother seeing that other one.
um that guy that bangs the blind chick had a cool tat.:thumbsu:
You're a real movie buff aren't you BDP. You should really be a movie reviewer.

"I give this movie a 4 out of 5. The guy who banged the blind chick had a really cool tat. I would have given it 5 if we had seen her ****."

Hey I was a movie reviewer for the Warragul Cinema when I was in year 12! I got $1000 for the year and got to see about 50 free movies and free drinks and popcorn! It was awesome!!!
Hey I was a movie reviewer for the Warragul Cinema when I was in year 12! I got $1000 for the year and got to see about 50 free movies and free drinks and popcorn! It was awesome!!!

Pfft, I worked at a cinema for 6 years and got free popcorn and movies for 6 years everyday so :p:p
Alright, my last few outings:

Memories of Murder - 10/10. Was on SBS a couple of weeks ago as part of their festival of Korean cinema. It could easily be the greatest movie I've ever seen. Based on South Korea's first ever serial killings, it follows a bumbling country cop and his sidekick, and their new partner - straight from Seoul - as they try and track down the killer. It's very, very funny (one of the cops become convinced that the man has no pubes, stakes out bathouses trying to find out), but also brutal and in parts very, very sad. Definitely worth seeing.

I Heart Huckabees - 9/10. Every time I watch this, it gets better. It's worth seeing for Mark Wahlberg alone - "You use petroleoum you're a murderer. That's a FACT!"

Hang 'Em High - 8/10. Clint Eastwood. They strung him up. 'They left him for dead. But they didn't finish the job'...So he goes and kills them all. "When you hang a man, you better look at him." Further proof that Clint Eastwood = awesome.

Dirty Harry - 8.5/10. Clint Eastwood.*Psycho. .44 Magnum. Join the dots.

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Marc Dorcel - Mafia Girl
The film starts with a limousine scene. A woman is sent to pick up a client of her boss. The boss orders her to pleasure the man in the back of the limo on the way to his office. The girl has a black skirt with hair tied back, jet black hair, green eyes, long eye lashes, slim and slim legs. He starts by pushing her against the limousine in the car park and lifting her skirt. He feels her ass and then before things get to hot opens the limo door and chucks her inside. They start making out, he gets a BJ and he licks her. They go doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary and spoon. He finishes of on her breasts and they arrive at the office.

Overall I find the movie very entertaining, the woman is attractive and the guy isn't a massive douche bag. Overall its a 7.5/10.
For A Few Dollars More - thejester watching Clint Eastwood movies inspired me to re-watch this. My appraisal hasn't changed. Weakest of the 'man with no name' series of Leone spaghetti westerns, with the presence of Klaus Kinski as a henchman the only real plus. Clint still pretty sweet, though.
For A Few Dollars More - thejester watching Clint Eastwood movies inspired me to re-watch this. My appraisal hasn't changed. Weakest of the 'man with no name' series of Leone spaghetti westerns, with the presence of Klaus Kinski as a henchman the only real plus. Clint still pretty sweet, though.
Is Clint ever not sweet? Speaks like three words in Where Eagles Dare (in stark contrast to the book Schaeffer, who won't shut up), and instead concentrates on ruining Alpinekorp shit all day long, killing a Gestapo along the way. Easily one of the best Eastwood scenes is when he looks over the railing at the German squad, pauses, then blows them away.
Is Clint ever not sweet? Speaks like three words in Where Eagles Dare (in stark contrast to the book Schaeffer, who won't shut up), and instead concentrates on ruining Alpinekorp shit all day long, killing a Gestapo along the way. Easily one of the best Eastwood scenes is when he looks over the railing at the German squad, pauses, then blows them away.
"Everyone on the floor of the bus."
"What about you?"
"Me? I'm the conductor, it's against regulations." Smooooth.
Schaeffs was always my favourite in the novel. "She'll be a sensation at the Savoy Grill."
I enjoyed Clint's steely-eyed and silent interpretation, but loathed the scene with him wielding an MP40 in each hand. Ridiculous. Al would've spun in his grave.

Fear Is The Key desperately needs remaking.
And if you haven't yet suffered it, Jester, don't EVER go near Caravan To Vaccares. I wrote a review for this tripe in a previous age, giving it half a star if I recall correctly...out of fifteen.
"Everyone on the floor of the bus."
"What about you?"
"Me? I'm the conductor, it's against regulations." Smooooth.
Schaeffs was always my favourite in the novel. "She'll be a sensation at the Savoy Grill."
I enjoyed Clint's steely-eyed and silent interpretation, but loathed the scene with him wielding an MP40 in each hand. Ridiculous. Al would've spun in his grave.

I dunno man, Al could go over the top at times - though I just read on wikipedia that Eagles was Clint's highest body count, so I suppose you're right; but the big Greek guy in the Navarone books pulled some pretty outrageous moves, if memory serves correctly.

Fear Is The Key desperately needs remaking.
And if you haven't yet suffered it, Jester, don't EVER go near Caravan To Vaccares. I wrote a review for this tripe in a previous age, giving it half a star if I recall correctly...out of fifteen.

The only other Maclean film I've seen is Ice Station Zebra - I stumbled upon it with about 20 minutes left to go on FOX Classics, and it bore almost no resemblance to how I remembered the book. There were these overtones of racial tensions with the crew, as the XO was black (I suppose it was made in 1968)...and then suddenley there are Russian paratroopers. Wtf. And an ambigious ending. Even bigger wtf.
BOBBY - Story of the assasination of Robert Kennedy 8/10

watch it if you have lost all hope witht he US, it shows that there was once a chnace, but they f*ck'd it up
last on DVD was Angel Heart

Last at cinema was The War on Democracy.

Silence of the Lambs was a great adaption of the book., Red Dragon was ok but it totallt shat all over the first screen version of that book called Manhunter...terrible terrible film.

Hannibal was an average book & they changed the ending in the movie to make it more palatble(?) for hollywood (bastards)

The art of a good thriller does seem to be lost though. Films focus on action or blood and gore more than plot these days. Its probably due to the short attention spans of the average viewing audience & the fact that they need everything spelt out to them to understand what is happening
Downfall - 8.5/10

Watched this last night, and while I was impressed I have to admit it didn't quite live up to the hype. I think part of the big shock (and controversy, certainly in Germany) of the film was its display of Hitler not as one dimensional cardboard-cutout of evil, but as the enigmatic, almost schitzophrenic man he was in April 1945, alternating between rages against the Army and the German people for betraying him, charm and kindness to loyal followers, and equal amounts of realisation at the hoplessness of his position and fantasy that first 9th Army, then 9th and 12th Army, then Kesserling and Doenitz will counterattack and destroy the Soviets. It also displays the delusions, vanity, and Byzantine nature of the elite around Hitler - Himmler's absurd belief that the West viewed him as a 'reasonable gentlemen' whom they would negotiate with, Goering's lust for power, Goebbel's fantacism, the machinations of the SS, and above all the absurd belief, clung to until the end, that the Western Allies would not, could not maintain their alliance with the Soviets until the end and must surely joint he Nazis to stop the 'Asian horde.' It would come as shocking viewing to those unfamiliar with the material, but Hugh Trevor-Ropper covered the basic material in 1946 in The Last Days Of Hitler, and it has been rehashed endlessely since, most recently in Beevor's Berlin: The Downfall and in the two books the film was based on, Inside Hitler's Bunker by Joachim Fest, and the memoirs of Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge.

That's not to say the movie doesn't have its moments, though. Magda Goebbel's decision that there 'is no future without National Socialism' and killing of her children is disturbing in the extreme. The contrast between General Weidling, who had been fighting on the Eastern Front since 1942 and Hitler had ordered the execution of, and the generals Hitler himself had derided as 'office boys' - Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdoff - is extreme. It's a portrait that lasts throughout the film; the Wehrmacht, tired and dirty, in a situation it had known that was coming since May 1943, responsible for such terrible crimes but still with the human loyalties of country, family and each other, fighting desperately even as those who started the disastrous adventure sit in the bunker, blissfully ignoring and even celebrating the pain and suffering they have caused.

Which brings me to another point: while there is plenty of gore, this isn't Saving Private Ryan. The fight scenes are few and far between, and while impressive are often small - small groups of Germans blazing away at the scurrying silhouettes of Soviets. The action is always in the bunker; and this is something of a hindrance, IMO (though if you're a suicide freak you'll love this movie). The team behind Saving Private Ryan - Hanks, Spielberg, Ambrose - felt that the film hadn't achieved what they wanted, and so in essence went from trying to describe the sacrifices of GIs in a movie to a mini-series: Band of Brothers was far more succesful in doing this then SPR. Same could be said for Downfall. It goes for 140 odd minutes, and I think a series capturing the wider disintegration of the Third Reich would do a better job; but I guess I'm just being greedy.

All in all, a movie one should definitely see, although perhaps not as good as some have suggested. Some of the scenes - the suicides, Hitler's rages, Weidling ("Why do you need to see the Fuhrer?" "I'm here to be shot."), and Hitler's presentation of medals to tankhunters of the Hitler Youth - are extremely powerful and should be required viewing in history classes. But it does drag a bit, and as always the themes it tries to explore a better covered in the available literature.
Is Clint ever not sweet? Speaks like three words in Where Eagles Dare (in stark contrast to the book Schaeffer, who won't shut up), and instead concentrates on ruining Alpinekorp shit all day long, killing a Gestapo along the way. Easily one of the best Eastwood scenes is when he looks over the railing at the German squad, pauses, then blows them away.
Where Eagles Dare would just about have to be my favourite action movie ever. However, I love it as much for Richard Burton as Clint. Cool as a cucumber at all times.

I liked it better than Guns of Navarone, which lacked the polish, I thought. Plus, the Richard Burton + Clint Eastwood combo is superior to that of Gregory Peck + Anthony Quinn. Also, no cable cars over incredible chasms in Guns of Navarone.

Seen Force 10 from Navarone, the sequel? If not, don't. It is awful. This is despite featuring Edward Fox, star of The Day of the Jackal (another superlative film).

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Movies & TV Last movie you watched?

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