LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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Made a low carb steak burger under 370cals
Protein 47g
Fat 15
Carb 21.
Will ditch the onion next time which will save 10g carb.

Used large mushrooms as the bun instead of bread.
150g thinly sliced steak.
Sautéed onion n capsicum
Tomato sauce.
I ate it with a knife n fork with the lid off.
What ever fell apart I put on lid n ate it.

Next edition I'll make an Aussie steak burger by adding a rashon of bacon N maybe a home made aoli to up the fat content.
Often do similar with steak or hamburgers and use cos lettuce leaves on the bottom. But I have a nice slab of cheese in there either tasty, jarlsberg or mozzarella
Try the famous "Fathead's Older Brother's Oldest Son's" pizza base, its outstanding.You can have it as a Pizza base or smaller ones for a hamburger.

The Crust:
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
¾ cup almond flour
2 tbs cream cheese
1 egg
Garlic salt

Put mozzarella & cream cheese in a medium size microwaveable bowl Microwave for 1 min, stir and then another 30 sec, stir (very hot!) -Stir in egg & almond flour -Wet hands and spread “dough” thin on parchment paper. It should spread evenly with dough-like consistency (if “stringy” then your cheese has hardened too much—just put it back in the microwave for maybe another 20 seconds)

Poke rows of holes with a fork to avoid bubbling -Sprinkle with garlic salt -Put in 425 degree oven -After about 8 minutes, check it and poke holes where any large bubbles may be. -continue cooking for a total 12-14 min, or until slightly brown on top.

(You can add about a tsp of baking powder and about a tsp of Xanthan gum to made it rise a bit better if you want)

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I ve got a bit of interesting self experiement to report related to beer:

I've been a pretty heavy beer drinker for the last 30 years - even brew my own from scratch. All my life I've been a really bad hayfever sufferer this time of year. It gets so bad on those hot northerly wind days that I sometimes have to use an asthma inhaler.

Anyway, a few months ago I read a Mark Sisson article about how he got rid of his hayfever by cutting out all wheat and alcohol so I thought I would try it it starting the first day of spring.

I gotta say that I'm pretty shocked that so far it has been a 100% success. I havent had one bout of hayfever thus far and the end of spring is only 3 weeks away. Admittedly its been a bit of low season for hayfever suffers apparently, but nevetheless I would've gone through 2 or 3packs of hayfever medicine by now and had runny eyes and nose most days.

I'm prepared to say it worked!

Do you have a link to that article? I couldn't find it on MDA.
Not only very high in carbs but they are a fructan and are number one on the FODMAP list of foods to avoid. Dont eat onions for 4 weeks then cook one up in a dish and eat it and you will see what i mean.

Noo.. I love onions! Cooked or raw red onions chopped up through my salad for lunch everyday.

Just quickly googled the FODMAP thing and garlic, another thing I have in literally all my cooked foods, is also #1. BUT if I dont have any problems with IBS or anything then its all good right? I see a few other veg such as cauliflower and cabbage which I have on a regular basis on the avoid list as well..
Thursday night’s persuasive episode — chock-full of experts (including My Kitchen Rules’ Pete Evans)
A celebrity chef is now an "expert". Just wondering where I can read any of his papers?
Noo.. I love onions! Cooked or raw red onions chopped up through my salad for lunch everyday.

Just quickly googled the FODMAP thing and garlic, another thing I have in literally all my cooked foods, is also #1. BUT if I dont have any problems with IBS or anything then its all good right? I see a few other veg such as cauliflower and cabbage which I have on a regular basis on the avoid list as well..
What i find interesting is the whole celiac thing, as only 1% suffer but millions have gut issues, so now they call it non celiac gluten sensitivity. Its not real but a term for various issues including IBS and the foods on FODMAP including wheat appear to feature heavily in most cases.

The FODMAP plan is to give all the listed foods up for 6 weeks then introduce one by one back (starting with your favorites) Its only recently through trial and erfor i have found onions, leeks and savoy cabbage are not well received in my gut.

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Better than a wanna be celebrity mod trolling
Why do you make everything personal?

Why do you not want to discuss your actual opinions rather than just resort to lowest common denominator name calling? It's so childish.

Please direct me to any "trolling" I've done. I'm not sure if you even know what "trolling" is. It certainly isn't having an opinion opposite to your own.
Why do you make everything personal?

Why do you not want to discuss your actual opinions rather than just resort to lowest common denominator name calling? It's so childish.

Please direct me to any "trolling" I've done. I'm not sure if you even know what "trolling" is. It certainly isn't having an opinion opposite to your own.
Not once have you made a positive contribution to this thread. All you do is post the usual negative one liner like above or give a "like" to every post that is anti LCHF. Just like i am going to move on from the Vegans, you need to move on fron this topic and hit the "un watch" button.
Not once have you made a positive contribution to this thread. All you do is post the usual negative one liner like above or give a "like" to every post that is anti LCHF. Just like i am going to move on from the Vegans, you need to move on fron this topic and hit the "un watch" button.
Define positive contribution? Calling out incorrect or embellished information is positive for mine. Letting it go unchallenged would be negative.

Unfortunately you don't seem to be able to match fact with fact - you just like to make personal remarks. I'd put these comments towards the bottom two tiers of this pyramid:

It almost seems like you are threatened by those who have opinions that counter your own. I enjoy it, because it keeps my opinions in check through rigorous debate. Perhaps next time you can join me in this pursuit rather than making personal remarks.

I'm very interested in this topic. I'm open to having my stance changed. At this point on the pro-LCHF side there still seems to be a lot of icing and not much cake.
I'm very interested in this topic. I'm open to having my stance changed. At this point on the pro-LCHF side there still seems to be a lot of icing and not much cake.
TBH I think it depends what your goals are - I've found that it is virtually impossible to add weight when strict LCHF (I know a few disagree) so during times I want to increase weight I will change my diet accordingly.

LCHF is pretty similar to a far simpler diet concept, "don't eat processed shit" which is easier to stick to and probably better value for many people.
At the end of the day there will always be purists for every diet type that find it hard to keep their ego out of their beliefs. I came across a guy yesterday who refuted the findings in that recent article going around that cited studies eluding to thousands of sentient deaths in wheat crops. The guy claimed he had to debunk it quickly because it was sensationalist bullshit that was untrue - even though it sourced independent studies to the contrary.

When that wasn't working he then put the onus on the farmers being responsible for their death, not the consumer - if that's not the biggest hypocritical contradiction of vegan beliefs I don't know what is. But he felt justified in his beliefs to stay the course, and in the end that's what dietary lifestyle is about, it's down to a personal choice, I think it's fine to have some ideals and philosophies to abide by, but like religion - it's not so cool to ram it down peoples throats, and what's more, get your nose all bent out of shape when the science bobs up and deduces something contrary to your system, that's when ego becomes a factor.

Oh yay.. another West Aust. article by our dear "friends" the Heart Foundation slamming Paleo, not that I pay a single ounce of attention to this rubbish but once again my "health nut/nutritionist" friend posted this on my wall which apparently proves me "wrong" and Im gonna die of clogged arteries before I reach 30. :rolleyes:

Its so annoying, I dont even flaunt or preach LCHF around to my friends and only talk about it if someone asks me about it but I keep copping unprovoked flak from so-called health nuts or "qualified nutritionists" just coz she did finished a undergrad in it.

Sorry for the rant, but this board seems to be my only sanctuary.. lol. Yet to find someone my age whos a LCHFer.. :(

It's alright, you're in good company here. :D
Its predictable. The DAA and Heart Foundation go into PR overdrive every time a low carb or paleo based article or study comes out. The DAA are even known to give some handouts to various forum mods to continually discredit Pete Evans.
Where have I discredited Pete Evans?

I have asked someone to point me some evidence of his 'expertise' - you chose not to.

Come on mate, drop the rhetoric and the ad hominem attacks. You're doing your stance no favours.
Its predictable. The DAA and Heart Foundation go into PR overdrive every time a low carb or paleo based article or study comes out. The DAA are even known to give some handouts to various forum mods to continually discredit Pete Evans.
Really? Source?

I want free handouts!

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LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

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