Let's see the lighter side - likely scenarios if Thomas turns up to the Copeland.

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Jan 29, 2009
Hoppers Crossing
AFL Club
Rightio Magpie brethren, let's have a bit of a chuckle about Thomas going to the scum.
Get creative and post likely scenarios if Thomas was to turn up to the Copeland tonight. There is absolutely no room for realism in this thread.:D
I'll start.
Swanny has just taken out the Copeland Trophy. After his speech, he nods to Pendles, who in turn nods to Trav, who in turn nods to Beamer, who in turn..........yeah you know the rest.
Swan casually walks over to Daisy, who's having a bit of a laugh and humming the scum's theme. Swan leans over and whispers
"Daisy, me and the boys have organised a going away present for you. It's waiting in one of the panel shops just around the corner. Didn't want to get a room in case the media gets a hold of what's gonna happen."
Thomas: Really? Mate I thought you blokes would be pissed off.
Swan: Yeah nah mate, we're cool with it. Just wish it was us playing under Mick again.
Swan then nods at the others who have all congregated behind Thomas. Bucks sees this and casually takes a sip of his Sparkling water. Ed manages to catch Thomas' eye, lifts his glass and gives him a nod of approval. Thomas seems chuffed and also raises his glass.
10 minutes later
The boys are in the cars and heading to a panel shop in South Melbourne. Thomas is texting Murphy and bragging about how much the boys still love him and how cool he thinks the present will be.
As they reach the shop, Swan looks over to Thomas
Swan: You're gonna love this so much that it'll hurt.
Thomas: You blokes are the best. I love yas
Trav: (leaning over from the back seat) Yeah we love ya too Daithy.
They get out of their cars and make their way into the panel shop. Thomas notices that everything is dark and yet still gets more excited as they walk into the cold workshop.
Thomas: Bring on the bitches!
The rest of the boys laugh. Pendles flicks the light switch. To Thomas' surprise, the place isn't decorated and there is a serious lack of women. He looks around to see large grins on every face.
Swanny: Daisy come over here, the birds we have lined up want you chained and ready to rumble.
Thomas: Really? heck, how'd you blokes know about what I liked? I never told you.
Swan: Yeah mate, best mates have a knack of knowing.
Swan then chains Thomas' ankles and wrists to the hoist. He nods at Pendles who raises the hoist so that Thomas is standing at full stretch with his arms in the air. Thomas is giggling.
Thomas: Ooh yeah baby, bring em out!!! Hurt me bitches. This is the best fargin going away present EVER!!!
Swan: Oh one more thing Daisy, have you organised getting the Premiership tatt removed?
Thomas: What? haha funny prick. Why would I do that? That was the best day for all of us. Come on mate, why ask that?
Swan: Can't sign a f..kin Scum contract and still have a Pies tatt mate. (Nods at Beamer who fires up the workshop radio, really loud. Stuck in the middle with you by Steelers wheel starts playing).
Thomas (in a panic and thrashing around): WTF? I've seen Reservoir Dogs and Sons of Anarchy, you PRICKS!
Pendles casually hands Swan an oxy.
Swan(firing up the oxy): Then I guess this aint a surprise anymore.

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Not at you mate, the other folk.

LOL who else posted in the thread?

Personally I hope he turns up, goes to walk in and a bouncer stops him and says "sorry.... name's not on the list pal."


"Oh but bar friend?? Bar frieeendddd??"


"Get out of here scum..... "


"But I was the reason this club won a flag.... I'm the only reason kids like this club..... me me me....."


"They were mean to me Mickkkkk....... Miiickkkkkkkkkkk :("

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It's the post dinner blue light disco time and Daisy's all time favourite song comes on and he asks the guys if he can have 1 last dance with them all, for old times sake. "Sure, what the hell, why not" agree the boys. So Daisy gets out there, busting a move to Psi's Gangnam Style, going like the clappers and jumping up and down, riding that little pony then ...... crack, there goes the ankle.

Quick call to MM to collect Daisy for a trip to the ER ....... Oh, the humanity!
Thomas brings Mick as his plus one only to find they are on table 172 behind a pillar at the back of the room where you get pie and chips.

Shaw finds out, gets smashed and gate crashes, finds Mick and belts him for paying his love child $700000 to kick before a game with his good ankle, screaming this side is nothing without me.

Ed presents Adams with his new #13 jumper to the cheers of the crowd.
He says the last bloke to wear this jumper lost all his talent when MM made him shave his hair off to match the waxed boy child he adores.

Daisy is overheard begging Mick not to make him go on the scum hazing cruise next week.

Ed then announces Scotty Burns succession plan in two years.

Daisy tweets. "What have I done :("
Swanny and Pendles reply #yourdeadtous#ltrtarbaby#didntuleave2010
Trav: (leaning over from the back seat) Yeah we love ya too Daithy.
LMAO hahaha.
Ok ill give it a go.

All players including ex team mate Dale Thomas arrive at the Copeland.
All players take their seats. Daisy gets to his chair, pulls it out, kicks his moon boot on the table, puts his arms around the chairs to his left and his right, keeps chewing the toothpick in his mouth while confidently starring at the other players at the table. The ceramony starts.
Buckley heads up on stage to start the night off.
Bucks: Gday all, first off, glad you could all make it.
*daisy starts whistling the carlton song while looking around the room with disrespect*
Ball: Hey Daisy, you mind?
Trav: Yeah Daithy, cmon <--- lol i had to put it in
Bucks: Righto, I'd like to announce a few Cultural changes we must implement, this is in house stuff.
*Dale suspiciously taps his shirt three times and whispers "clear?"*
Beams: What was that mate?
Dale: What was what?
Beams: I heard you mumble something
Daisy: Nah, Nah, shut up, I cant hear what Bucks is saying
Bucks: First off, id like to talk about my feelings, I'm very angry. I'm feeling very angry. I'm enraged. I'm feeling very, very mad. And I'm trying to get some closure on that.
*Bucks looks at Dale*
Dale: So why are you telling me?
Bucks: Why am I telling you? Like you don't know nothing about it? You don't know nothing? What?
Dale: I don't know what your talking about.
Bucks: Whatever, I'm just trying to tell you about my feelings and that I'm angry, and that anger is a blocked wish. And I'm looking forward to seeing you next week at that thing. Then I can unblock that angered wish and then hopefully, *looks at daisys shirt, gets close and screams at the mic* hopefully you make one more move on me you motherf*** I'll ****in' cut your ****in' balls off I'll shove them up your ****in' ***, I'll ****in' bury you, I'll put i....
*Bucks is taken away by security*
*Dale runs out of the building into the white van parked across the road*
Malthouse: Get a dictionary. Find out what this "closure" thing is. If that's what he's going to hit us with, I want to know what it is.
*Dale suspiciously taps his shirt three times and whispers "clear?"*

*looks at daisys shirt, gets close and screams at the mic* hopefully you make one more move on me you motherf*** I'll ****in' cut your ****in' balls off I'll shove them up your ****in' ***, I'll ****in' bury you, I'll put i....
*Bucks is taken away by security*

Malthouse: Get a dictionary. Find out what this "closure" thing is. If that's what he's going to hit us with, I want to know what it is.

A few gems in there. In tears.
It's Copeland night, and as expected there's no Daisy or Heater. Dids takes his seat at a table to the cheer of the crowd, even though they've parted ways there's alot of love between dids and collingwood still.

The night goes as expected, the boys are pretty chilled after a long season and looking forward to the future, Eddie and bucks are in jovial moods and its a great evening. Swanny wins the Copeland and doesn't mention rat pack or culture, only a few comments about looking forward to his off season.
Bucks is watching him with a little smirk, he loves that Swannys his own man, and has enjoyed him being able to behave a bit more around the club as a good influence to the younger boys, so doesn't mind him letting his hair down in Europe, cos he'll come back refreshed and re charged for next year.

Bucks takes the mic to close out the evening

"well collingwood faithful, we're looking forward to next year now, but we want to dispel some myths about all these new players we're gonna be trading for, so we'll bring on stage tonight our 2 new players"

The crowd is buzzing, will it be Taylor Adams? Chappy? Riewoldt? Did we swoop and land buddy?

The spotlight hits the curtain, and out pops......

Daisy and heater!

What the hell is going on!!!

They're wearing collingwood polos, I thought they had the shits and left?

Daisy reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a contract, signed earlier this year!!! At 400k for 3 years!!!!

He grabs the mic

The crowd are going ape shit

"Earlier in the year I hurt my ankle, I knew I would struggle to play this year so while re-negotiating I put it to bucks and Ed that I would stay for less money because that's my worth after these last 2 years, but I wanted to get back at my ex best buddy Mick cos I feel he'd been a bit too bitter towards "his boys" since he left.

So I suggested stirring him with a promise that I'd come over, just to take the piss. I signed the contract to prove I wasn't going anywhere cos I LOVE THIS CLUB"

The roof is almost lifted off the building, the place is going bananas.

And how does mick feel? Who cares....

Heater embraces Daisy, then grabs the mic

"After our chat a few weeks ago, bucks told me a few home truths and I got shitty. But I had a think, and he's right. I need to pull up a bit and so my colleagues a bit more respect, I need to adjust my attitude. And I will. Because I BLEED BLACK AND WHITE"

Roof has lifted


Roof actually blows away. Twitter and bigfooty are in meltdown.

He drops the mic.

Clokes overheard saying,

"I love you Daithy" <---- (haha love that)

Bucks, Daisy and Heater walk off the stage, brothers in arms.

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Let's see the lighter side - likely scenarios if Thomas turns up to the Copeland.

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