No Oppo Supporters Lewis traded to Melbourne

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All the best to Jordan who has been a warrior for our club, it will be so sad to see him and Sammy in another jumper.

However I bounce back quickly from stuff like this and in the end if we can replace a 34yo and a 30yo with a 22yo and 23yo then we will have done well.

That of course is a simplistic view of things but I think it's the only way you can look at it without getting all misty eyed.
Argh, I thought I'd done that clever hide the swear in broken letter thing appropriately........has seemed the rage on BF for many many years.
Yes, but mods have eyes. And read irate Tweets.


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Yes, but mods have eyes. And read irate Tweets.


Yup, not one of my classiest moments.

Tell me, why don't individual boards hand down their own punishments to followers who go to other footy boards and relentlessly troll?
It's funny, because when you visit their threads, they often talk about how they get red carded for zero offense, when in truth they get away with absolute murder before getting corrected.

It'd be nice to visit - say the Geelong board - and see a Mod posting how disappointing it is to see his own club supporters vising other boards and acting like unfathomable, unforgivable, and reputation tarring nit wits.

You know, self discipline and public shaming would go a long way to discouraging such troll behavior.
The fundamentals of the discussion were that Hawthorn couldn't guarantee he would be retained post 2017. A rival club offered him stability over 3 years. I'm certain you would take the offer in the same position

We all would.

I love Lewy for everything he's done for the club. I love him for putting his body on the line. I love him for getting angry when other lesser clubs tried their shit on. I love him for every third man up, every hard ball get, every sweet lace out kick into the forward line. I love him for being honest about his early days, for pulling his head in, knuckling down, and turning himself into a 4-time premiership champion of the mighty Hawthorn Football Club.

When I spotted Lewy at a coffee shop in Hawthorn after the coward Harbrow wiped him out, I wanted to hug him. I didn't take the opportunity. This BigFooty post will have to do.

Thank you, Jordan Lewis. You're an effing champ. You will be missed. And no doubt you'll be back at HFC in the years ahead.
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Sorry, don't think this one is on us.

Just read the article on AFL dot com - "Exclusive: Hawks didn't want to trade Lewis"

It was opportunism, and don't think he worried too much closing the door behind him on the way out.
Thanks Jordan Lewis. You weren't the best player of our great era, but certainly a hard nosed gun in your own right, and one of my very favourites (as if anyone didn't know lol).

I love what you helped make this team and club in to. What some called poor discipline, I called the edge..... the missing ingredient. One of the most vital on field cogs on making us great again.

Wish you the best.
Lewis is Hawthorn through and through, so just really sad to see. Surely we could've offered him a contact till end of 2018. Easily has 3 years of quality footy left in him.

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Did we not just finish top 4? Really really disappointing. Nobody to blame but Clarkson. Lewis like Mitchell should have finished in Hawthorn colors. These guys are among our very best of all time. History is not going to be kind to some of the decisions over the last couple of weeks.

First and second in our best and fairest says it all. Adding insult we gave them both away for nothing and get the pleasure of watching Vickery in brown and gold.

This trade period can't end soon enough. What a cluster-f!
Have to laugh, not even a pick, just minor forth and fifth round upgrades.
Wonder what guys like Gunston, Smith, Bruest, even Hodge think about what is happening.
They're probably thinking "**** yeah, when I have about 15 games left in me Clarko will be able to suit me up at another club and land me a juicy contract! What a boss!"
Did we not just finish top 4? Really really disappointing. Nobody to blame but Clarkson. Lewis like Mitchell should have finished in Hawthorn colors. These guys are among our very best of all time. History is not going to be kind to some of the decisions over the last couple of weeks.

First and second in our best and fairest says it all. Adding insult we gave them both away for nothing and get the pleasure of watching Vickery in brown and gold.

This trade period can't end soon enough. What a cluster-f!
100% agree with this. These two champions should have finished in the Brown and Gold!
Hope Lewis has a great few years at the Dees and now everyone can move on and remove those rumours once and for all.!
If it was any other club I be devistated yet it's great to see him go to the club that we almost merged with.
I like them and hope they both play finals.!
Bye Bye Jordy. So shattered right now both you and Mitch are now gone and we didnt get to have a proper farewell send off at the MCG.

I will never forget the sacrifices you made for the HFC. Although the 2011 Prelim is a painful memory, that for me was your greatest game. You really put your life on the line in that game and it is one of the top individual performance I have seen that moved me so much.

Congrats on taking that retirement fund from Melbourne. You deserve it!
Not sure they'll read this mate

Clarko and Wrighty have done a lot right. But this trade period had been a balls up.

Oh well. It is what it is. Time to move forward, and plan for our next premiership run.
If we get O'Meara, Mitchell and Vickery for the loss of Mitchell, Lewis and some speculative picks, maybe it is some short terms teething problems for long term gain. We fix an urgent need for a key forward, which we missed big time this year. We have also received an outright gun midfielder (possible top 5 mid in the comp) and a gun bull midfielder that tackles well the other way. Even if we don't change anything with our structure this coming year, at least we have 2 midfielders that can tackle back the other way. Neither Lewis or Sam were providing much pressure in the middle if we didn't have the ball. With GWS, Adelaide, Bulldogs and pretty much most other midfields, we were susceptible to getting goals kicked against us out of center clearances. Even if they didn't score, we were then starting plenty of chains from our defensive 50, which makes us predictable. A problem we saw through the year when teams put a defensive forward on Gibson
Did we not just finish top 4? Really really disappointing. Nobody to blame but Clarkson. Lewis like Mitchell should have finished in Hawthorn colors. These guys are among our very best of all time. History is not going to be kind to some of the decisions over the last couple of weeks.

First and second in our best and fairest says it all. Adding insult we gave them both away for nothing and get the pleasure of watching Vickery in brown and gold.

This trade period can't end soon enough. What a cluster-f!
We finished outside the Top 4. We didn't make the prelim. We went from top of the ladder, 2 games clear to going out in straight sets.

We won 2 of our last 6 games, where 1 was a one point win against Collingwood, who at that point had only won 2 of their previous 6 as well. We also won 5 games by under 1 goal so our win/loss was flattering.
We finished outside the Top 4. We didn't make the prelim. We went from top of the ladder, 2 games clear to going out in straight sets.

We won 2 of our last 6 games, where 1 was a one point win against Collingwood, who at that point had only won 2 of their previous 6 as well. We also won 5 games by under 1 goal so our win/loss was flattering.

Understood; our last 3rd of the year was ordinary but I think it was reasonable to think that we had an opportunity in 2017 to still be a serious flag contender. Let's look at the Dogs. They were ordinary leading up to the finals and simply 'clicked' at the right time.

Either way, trading Mitchell and Lewis was ill conceived and will have a negative impact on the legacy of all those involved. Giving them away for nothing is simply negligent and downright appalling.

You can only make an assessment on the facts that have been presented at this time and based on what's been communicated by the club the actions to offload them don't add up.
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