News Lumumba's documentary and recent comments

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Why not just say that some racist or ignorant comments might have been made several years back by players, that there is no recent evidence of similar comments, and just issue an apology for what may have occurred. What is there to confront? The past? Collingwood Football Club are not specifically enough implicated to justify anything other than a contrite recognition of possible past sin. Say sorry and move on, but make sure the past is not repeated in the present.

As I say, I don't quite know what the club would be apologising for at this stage. It might not need to apologise, but maybe it might be obliged to acknowledge that the situation was poorly handled at the time. It's pretty hard to anticipate what the club should or will do without some clearer sense of what happened/didn't happen.
Racism, bigotry and sexism should not be tolerated in any work environment. But I reckon that a male professional sporting team is a unique environment. The only thing maybe similar would be a special forces unit (commandos, SAS). It's highly tuned professionals pushing themselves to the physical and mental limit in a stressful, competitive environment. The AFL players get a lot of cash but also a lot of media attention (that soldiers don't get). You would have to expect that in the locker room there would be some stuff that's said that isn't great, but surely it's expected.
What did Krak and Leon say?

I thought I read that Maxwell said the 'Chimp' nickname came from a party trick by H using some bananas? Did I completely get that wrong?
From The Age article: 'Maxwell says of the "Chimp" nickname that Lumumba, with whom he was close, had never communicated to him that it hurt. Collingwood on Friday said the nickname came about as a result of an incident at a party and was short-lived.'

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Bit thin skinned in this instance IMO:
"But then, according to Lumumba, Buckley mocked his stand, which included Lumumba protesting at the nickname "Les" – short for lesbian – directed by players at teammate Paul Seedsman, following some subsequent jokes over Seedsman's haircut. "I had opened up my heart about being insecure, about being different ...""

My post #2 in this thread still stands.

I went to Victoria Park as a 16 year old boy with my brother........grew up in the Northern Suburbs in a primary School that was dominated by Aussies.........the Wogs copped it often but I tell you what the minority group gave as good as it got.

I was at the "N.Winmar" game and many more and some of the things I heard during that era were disgusting.........but I have never heard it at the Footy since. It was a different era back then and has subsequently changed for the better.

I never had indigenous friends growing up but to be honest never had any negative energy/opinion against them and still don't.........never will.

I haven't watched the documentary and don't have any desire to do so unless JB1975 thinks it will be a positive experience for me (by the way I rate your opinion mate) thing I would like to know before watching it, is the "elephant in the room" discussed in the documentary?

My post #2 in this thread still stands.

I went to Victoria Park as a 16 year old boy with my brother........grew up in the Northern Suburbs in a primary School that was dominated by Aussies.........the Wogs copped it often but I tell you what the minority group gave as good as it got.

I was at the "N.Winmar" game and many more and some of the things I heard during that era were disgusting.........but I have never heard it at the Footy since. It was a different era back then and has subsequently changed for the better.

I never had indigenous friends growing up but to be honest never had any negative energy/opinion against them and still don't.........never will.

I haven't watched the documentary and don't have any desire to do so unless JB1975 thinks it will be a positive experience for me (by the way I rate your opinion mate) thing I would like to know before watching it, is the "elephant in the room" discussed in the documentary?

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What elephant?
What elephant?

The ex-lesbian fiancé.

He took offence to the Seedsman's "leso" nickname which caused the domino effect in my un-educated opinion.
... Blind freddy can McGuire is a big problem re this issue and his lack of understanding of issues and his big mouth makes him more and more of a liability. Its worth noting that he stuffed up again re Caro, he just can't help himself.

A formula for contentment (C):

C = president who speaks only at AGM and other defined occasions + football team that wins flags in proportion to general noise surrounding club.
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Well the its hard for the club to discipline players over this when the President calls Goodes an Ape (pretty much). What did our board do to McGuire at the time? He as all over a 13 year old girl with no evidence or context. Was very quick to say members would have their membership cancelled but its OK for him to stuff up but not anyone else?

Blind freddy can McGuire is a big problem re this issue and his lack of understanding of issues and his big mouth makes him more and more of a liability. Its worth noting that he stuffed up again re Caro, he just can't help himself.
You mean Caro and Big Freeze? You know how it goes, friends or not, racism is racism and sexism is sexism. That's unless you have an axe to grind.
Calling Lumumba "chimp", if derived from the most obvious origin for such a nickname, is obviously not cool and that sort of shit needs to be stamped out.

The dredging up of Eddie McGuire's comments is just plain moronic. In no way did he compare Goodes to an ape. He brought up Goodes as someone who had been publicly compared to an ape by a teenage girl, which was at the forefront of the news all week, in the same week as King Kong was opening. He was being ironic. It wasn't especially funny but it wasn't racist either.
What did Krak and Leon say?

I thought I read that Maxwell said the 'Chimp' nickname came from a party trick by H using some bananas? Did I completely get that wrong?

Thats definitely along the lines of what Maxwell said. The racist connotations may well have been obvious to everybody now in hindsight but not intended that way at the time.

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Bob Skilton is sick and tired of being called Chimp
I thought he changed his name by deed poll to:
  • Triple Brownlow Medalist Bobby Skilton
Skilton was unique in calling a champion player a "champeen"
And Simon Black is sick and tired of being called ...... Simon (not his nick but I couldn't post it here)

And I wonder when Trav Cloke and Jon Patton are gonna get tired of hearing 'just kick it to the gorilla in the goal square'... on the other hand Damian has never seemed to have a problem with being known as Monkey...
It's a real shame that racism in the club resulted in Krak retiring earlier than he should've. Doesn't take much of a brain to know calling a black man 'chimp' is about as racist as it gets

We all know Harry O is a bit of weirdo, but you can't really defend calling him chimp.
It's a real shame that racism in the club resulted in Krak retiring earlier than he should've. Doesn't take much of a brain to know calling a black man 'chimp' is about as racist as it gets

We all know Harry O is a bit of weirdo, but you can't really defend calling him chimp.
Did Krak say that racism was the reason for his retirement?
It's a real shame that racism in the club resulted in Krak retiring earlier than he should've. Doesn't take much of a brain to know calling a black man 'chimp' is about as racist as it gets

We all know Harry O is a bit of weirdo, but you can't really defend calling him chimp.
Did Krak say that racism was the reason for his retirement?
Was Krak called 'chimp' too?! Perhaps our players could be given a list of appropriate nicknames, or have the names vetted by a player's committee. You can't just have a one name fits all approach eg. 'ranga' for every redhead.
Calling Lumumba "chimp", if derived from the most obvious origin for such a nickname, is obviously not cool and that sort of shit needs to be stamped out.

The dredging up of Eddie McGuire's comments is just plain moronic. In no way did he compare Goodes to an ape. He brought up Goodes as someone who had been publicly compared to an ape by a teenage girl, which was at the forefront of the news all week, in the same week as King Kong was opening. He was being ironic. It wasn't especially funny but it wasn't racist either.

Bobby Skilton was and still is called the chimp. Explain that.
Maxwell says Lumumba was called chimp briefly after something humourous occurring at a party. Of all the players in this debate he's the one I respect the most for factual honesty

It's all about context .

In hindsight not a wise move but it wasn't racist. Time to move on an learn from this . There's additional caution required in these times.

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News Lumumba's documentary and recent comments

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