Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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Can I ask a question? I know from past comment that you have a rather dim opinion of Amaral. Why so negative?

If that is the extent then it is hardly investigating him

Amaral strikes me as self serving and quite vindictive. As I suggested in an earlier post, imo he should have been gagged from commenting at all as having run a failed investigation in being unsuccessful in proving anything against the McCanns and the investigation still ongoing.


The German prosecutor has said that he has evidence that proves Maddie's death and by Brueckner. Adding further he says that the evidence isn't DNA evidence. It was stated early and is known that Bruecker video records his crimes, certainly the rapes. You speculate that perhaps there is a video of Maddie dead. They may be holding off to try and piece together evidence around abduction and mode of death


Brueckner has refused to answer any questions of German authorities since being jailed. He has however spoken to a former detective aiding a chanel 5 documentary Mark Thomas. Thomas has described the revelations as 'explosive' but not elaborated. There are apparently 4 witness statements corroborating the alibi. What is known is that a call was made to Brueckner from his girlfriend on the night of disappearance and lasted 30 min. His phone received a call on that night and it pinged the tower to show the phone was within 200 metres of apartment 5a at the time. The girlfriend has said that he was travelling in a Winnebago from Foral to Tomar which is a 4-5 hour drive. Foral is approx 40 min from Praia De Luz. We don't know contents of witness statements but if it dovetails with the trip it may be statements from those he met in Tomar with a time? The worth of witness statements becomes dependent on timeline. Was he in possession of his phone? Was there time for an abduction given his arrival at Tomar?.Stay tuned!!

Police Reaction

The prosecutor reaction to the witnesses and alibi surfacing was rather curious. He seemed to be agitated that Brueckner hadn't previously divulged this information as though he thought Brueckner had some obligation to aid in building a case against himself.


If the alibi was ultra watertight on timeline then there wouldn't be reluctance to divulge it one would think. If there are witnesses their value would only be if they accompanied him OR the timeline proved impossible to an abduction by Brueckner. Witnesses attesting arrival anytime this side of 1am would make it impossible for an abduction by Brueckner
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UK investigators have now confirmed that the alibi provided by Brueckner via Mark Thomas has checked out and is valid. The case against him is teetering on collapse.

My posts at 862 and 863 appear spot on the mark. Of course Dr Perlin hasn't been asked to perform the advanced DNA for free as offered which i have strongly believed would vindicate the original investigative findings. We will get past 3/05/2022 at which point the case which could have been pursued with effective UK policing and a little honesty and proving a dreadful accident will collapse too by lapse statute of limitations.

What an utter disgrace. The UK authorities and those responsible should hang their heads in collective shame. Amaral was totally right. Brueckner was a magicians distraction so that the real crime was washed away forever allowing escape from judicial judgement for the perpetrators and the authorities which corrupted it's investigation

An addition to all the evidence I referred to is this:

On the night a child purportedly disappeared with an alleged abduction what were the parents doing? They were deleting their phone logs to make sure there wasn't any calls showing that they didn't want police to find. That is irrefutable FACT they were altered That is NOT the focus of parents concerned at welfare of their missing child. It is the focus of parents who know her fate and having accepted that fate were then concerned with themselves

The haunting words of Gerry McCann on that Portugese interview:

"To be accused of guilt was particularly difficult but not nearly as bad as the night we found her"

The burden that will be carried and follow them for life will be horrible.
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I viewed once more the Peter Hyatt statement analysis. He made a number of conclusions them being:

  • Maddie died by a horrible accident in Apartment 5a
  • the accident possibly involved drugs and a fall
  • the body was hidden and in a place where confidence exists it wouldn't be found
  • Kate viewed Maddie as a difficult child and had trouble with her parenting
  • the recount by Kate emphasising window, blind, angle of door was a lie without question. In his opinion Kate is not an accomplished liar
  • there were a number of red flags around sex abuse. Not necessarily Maddie but possibly Kate
  • there are concerns around timeline that's been advanced
  • Gerry gave an embedded confession of how it happened when and what they did.

Peter Hyatt explains that the process by which the mind chooses words to use is massively complicated and when in addition those words have to also be consistent with a lie clear evidence often escapes as to truth. We all know of Freudian slips. Here is a list applicable to characters around Maddies alleged abduction.


KATE:. "I thought maybe she was cowering under a table or something" as to being unable to find Maddie. That supports Hyatt's conclusion the mother daughter relationship was difficult. Maddie was loud and dominant per Kate. Cowering is a pretty severe reaction of a child to discipline. Seemingly it was normalised for Kate. Red flag. They had breakfast together spent time at pool and went to kids club the only time Kate had a need to care for them alone was about 1hr whilst Gerry did tennis. Gerry asked David Payne to check in on them n the context of being left alone for an hour. Really? That is a major red flag and possibly indicative of mental or emotional state of Kate. You just dont need to check on other parents left alone for 1hr with their own kids and if you've been asked to then there is a reason


",They haven't told the twins where she is" ............pause realising wrong thing said then added..... "well they don't know where she is"

Self evident. She has been told or knows


"Are you trying to tell me that Maddie was hidden for 5 weeks and then suddenly reappeared in this hire car"

No one mentioned 5 weeks he chose that timeline and it doesn't match hire of the car which was less. Rather it matches several weeks after when all the family had gathered there.


"Not nearly as bad as the night we found her"

I've spoken about this before but I want to concentrate on other aspects. In particular time and pronouns. If it is a Freudian slip and relates to Maddie's death then it happened at night and when both had found her. These facts are arguably inconsistent with the night witness timeline and working hypothesis of PJ at the time. They believed it was between 6-7.30. before they went to dinner.
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I viewed once more the Peter Hyatt statement analysis. He made a number of conclusions them being:

  • Maddie died by a horrible accident in Apartment 5a
  • the accident possibly involved drugs and a fall
  • the body was hidden and in a place where confidence exists it wouldn't be found
  • Kate viewed Maddie as a difficult child and had trouble with her parenting
  • the recount by Kate emphasising window, blind, angle of door was a lie without question. In his opinion Kate is not an accomplished liar
  • there were a number of red flags around sex abuse. Not necessarily Maddie but possibly Kate
  • there are concerns around timeline that's been advanced
  • Gerry gave an embedded confession of how it happened when and what they did.

Peter Hyatt explains that the process by which the mind chooses words to use is massively complicated and when in addition those words have to also be consistent with a lie clear evidence often escapes as to truth. We all know of Freudian slips. Here is a list applicable to characters around Maddies alleged abduction.


KATE:. "I thought maybe she was cowering under a table or something" as to being unable to find Maddie. That supports Hyatt's conclusion the mother daughter relationship was difficult. Maddie was loud and dominant per Kate. Cowering is a pretty severe reaction of a child to discipline. Seemingly it was normalised for Kate. Red flag

Seriously? I just lost any respect I MIGHT have had for Peter Hyatt. A tarot card reading on the case might have been more insightful.

I will do a post relevant to certain facts that I've uncovered in media and witness statements that may help regarding the Brueckner angle. I personally now believe is discredited but until the German prosecutor concurs we keep it alive.

It is not a well know fact but apparently Brueckner did occasional work as a handyman for the Ocean club during this timespan. He would therefore be familiar with layout and security arrangements and like.

I was aware that it had long been said that Gerry had scrapped the refrigerator in his apartment and that he did so of his own volition and a new one was supplied. Who does that?..... no one is my answer!! Posts appeared on their blog along those lines but were deleted after things became problematic. No evidence exists anymore. It had also been said that something within the David Payne witness statement referred to these facts. So I read them. In the witness statement with Leicestershire police there is a reference but not confirming the blog post. It says that he was aware McCann's were having difficulty with their blinds and refrigerator and that handymen were called from Ocean club. That dovetails with the fact that Brueckner worked for the Ocean club as a handyman. Did he visit the McCann's as a repair man? How many handymen do they occasionally contract? If he did visit was Maddie there at that time?

Was the refrigerator scrapped as the blog posts purportedly said? I repeat ......who does that?
Seriously? I just lost any respect I MIGHT have had for Peter Hyatt. A tarot card reading on the case might have been more insightful.

I dont for one second believe that they are or were anything other than loving parents. Certainly horribly grief stricken.....none of which means that Kate can't also have been clinically depressed or a dysfunctional parent at the same time and if that is true that fact may just have contributed to events on 3rd May
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I dont for one second believe that they are or were anything other than loving parents. Certainly horribly grief stricken.....none of which means that Kate can't also have been clinically depressed or a dysfunctional parent at the same time and if that is true that fact may just have contributed to events on 3td May

Kate wasn't the only person/parent in that group to leave their children alone in their respective apartments while they all went out for dinner. Any focus on her mental health as playing some role in contributing isn't reasonable imo.
Kate wasn't the only person/parent in that group to leave their children alone in their respective apartments while they all went out for dinner. Any focus on her mental health as playing some role in contributing isn't reasonable imo.

None of the other parents had their child go missing. None of the other parents behaviours are therefore under focus. The McCann's did and their choices are appropriately under focus. All the parents apart from the McCann's gained access using front door keys. The only ones that didn't were McCann's. They did back gate access stairs child proof fence and sliding door. Their witness testimony was of only changing to back access on the night of disappearance whereas previously they also used key and front access. The reason for change it was said was because the kids would be awoken by the noise of the front door.....they wanted them to sleep soundly. They also said that agreement was reached for regular checks on kids and occasionally using other parents. On the night of 1st the owners of the apartment on the top floor immediately above the McCann's reported that a young girl (Maddie) was screaming and crying for over an hour .. 75 min and only stopped when the parents got home at close to midnight and their apartment balcony overlooked that back access. I don't think they changed one night. I don't think there were regular checks either. If there were she would t have cried for 75 minutes. Kate of course referred to Maddie's comment at breakfast ("why didn't you come when we cried mummy") but changed the date to 2nd by lying. She did so to create a more believable case around an abductor even going to the extent of saying perhaps her crying was because of him the previous night and had been disturbed. Dishonest IMO

Not coincidentally Hyatt said that Kate's recollections around the crying comment indicated deception
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Then you proceed to put focus on what the other parents did.

Only to the extent David Payne was asked to visit Kate and had information about handymen visits too.

As regards whether or not they went via back or front it has some credence imo regarding parental neglect but not more. But you made the point as though there was parity to McCann with other parents. I'm largely unconcerned with the fact many of the parents were imo selfish and possibly neglectful. The only things I'm interested in are anything having bearing on abduction or death including accidental. Kate's emotional state and parental skills or lack thereof can have such an effect. Lies also help with pieces too.....storytelling around how good they were as parents rather than concentrating on finding Maddie. Make no mistake almost from the moment of disappearance they were storytelling and you have to ask why?? ......which is exactly what Hyatt said. In his view they showed no concern for Maddie and all their focus was on the abduction 'story' and protecting themselves after she was gone because they knew she was dead. I agree with him.

Her instinctively referring to cowering under a table and/or Gerry asking a friend to check on welfare (when she had only an hour to care for them alone) ARE massive red flags. The PJ certainly thought so too. Now that may lead nowhere but it also may help piece together a picture.
Seriously? I just lost any respect I MIGHT have had for Peter Hyatt. A tarot card reading on the case might have been more insightful.

It's most definitely a science. It's hugely successful in crime. it's not infallible and not admissible in court but is often used as a very powerful investigative tool. To equate it with tarot card readings is just wrong. But we are all entitled to our opinions regarding this case. If evidence persuades then nail Brueckner I say. When I thought that there was video evidence on him then he could only have that with involvement. At which point I would be obliged to dissect my prior conclusions to find where I could have went wrong. Now we have 4 witnesses and at least the UK authorities convinced on the alibi so it would seem that is rapidly becoming a dead end. If the alibis are true and UK too then it must be said that it's unlikely there was ever any video evidence as was insinuated.

The frustrating thing is that this case could and should have been resolved years ago. The only way that McCann could have hid a body using a hire car after 25 days was with a freezer at other premises. Those premises would have to have been paid for by Gerry, a relative or a friend and there would be a financial trail. The PJ were denied access to financial records and to medical records too. Apparently this is standard police procedure so the ONLY conclusion was it was intentional interference by UK. Likewise the DNA analysis could have been redone by
Dr Perlin who offered free of charge. He was certain it would resolve any uncertainty either way but his requests went unanswered. The two crucial investigative steps were blocked by the UK. Why? they were invested in blocking them because they helped parents being respected Doctors escape what at the time appeared to be a looming situation of being 'rail roaded' by an inferior nations police procedures. The UK arrogantly looked down their nose at what was happening and chose to help McCanns and in the process perverted the course of Justice. Once they took a step down that path they then also became an accomplice to whatever occurred and were duty bound to follow it to its natural end.......now.....lapse of any right for justice.
Kate is on the record asking whoever had Maddie 'Please don't scare her.' You've got the wrong read on it imo.

People who have guilty knowledge of an accident say don't willingly divulge it. It will be divulged when they are in constant media attention and make mistakes like I've shown. Merely because they are able to act out a particular role consistent with claims won't help you. Witness statement analysis can and does. That is their role. In addition to the lengthy interview of McCann in Australian TV, Hyatt in his 21/2 hr analysis said he watched numerous other interviews and his analysis conclusions didn't change.
This is where it gets even murkier. Amaral the PJ investigator who was sacked because of pressure brought to bear from UK government through Portuguese government then pressuring PJ to sack him from the investigation has commented in April 2019.

LOL I didn't know Amaral had been sacked but it explains a lot.
LOL I didn't know Amaral had been sacked but it explains a lot.

Yes you can interpret it that way. But UK could have resolved their guilt or innocence with Dr Perlin DNA and with providing financial records and didn't.... and then he was forced out by political pressures. Are those possibilities worthwhile? Or is it better to chase unknown suspects in foreign countries without an ounce of evidence only linked because of hearsay. They chose the latter. So I know what I believe and who is in the wrong here. He may very well be an obnoxious man. But his investigative findings in my view have weight
I guess that Amaral had the last laugh. He won the defamation case against him brought by McCann at High court level. It would have resulted in a significant costs award against the McCann's .

It isn't over yet. Amaral might face further action with absolutely nowhere to go when and if Brueckner is charged and convicted.
It isn't over yet. Amaral might face further action with absolutely nowhere to go when and if Brueckner is charged and convicted.

Wow Kurve you certainly have a dislike for him don't you.

High court decision was the final appeal so as far as that case is concerned there is no further possibility.

There was a case against him I thought for misconduct in an unrelated earlier matter missing child again. He was named an Arguido himself for statements made that were falsified.....something like that. Dont know all the details. His record wasn't unblemished though.

What I struggle to understand about Brueckner is how an alibi can be conceivably correct per UK and with 4 witnesses yet the German prosecutor say with certainty that they know shes dead and that he did it. It there is video evidence that is imo probably slam dunk. If there is valid alibi then can't be slam dunk. Very perplexing really. I hope you are correct that something further is disclosed. Got a bad feeling though Kurve
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Wow Kurve you certainly have a dislike for him don't you.

It's not personal.

High court decision was the final appeal so as far as that case is concerned there is no further possibility.

On that particular case.

There was a case against him I thought for misconduct in an unrelated earlier matter missing child again. He was named an Arguido himself for statements made that were falsified.....something like that. Dont know all the details. His record wasn't unblemished though.

If you have a link? I didn't know this but it won't surprise me if Amaral had tried to fit the parents of another missing child up for charges rather than confront human trafficking rings operating on his patch.
It's not personal.

On that particular case.

If you have a link? I didn't know this but it won't surprise me if Amaral had tried to fit the parents of another missing child up for charges rather than confront human trafficking rings operating on his patch.

A mother of a missing child was beaten by 3 police under his control in order to extract a confession. Amaral then gave false statements to protect those officers and was ultimately convicted of that offence in 2008. The case preceded McCann. He wasn't present for the beatings but protected them and had a 18 month suspended sentence imposed

Black and Blue and can't even open her eyes with swelling but he said she did it herself. The mother was Lenor Cipriano who is in jail for murdering her daughter Joana
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