Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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This is indoctrinated into children from the day they are born. There are many Memri videos showing this. That’s why there is no two-state solution unless this stops.
Please, Israel is no better, I've seen plenty of videos of Israeli children in schools chanting death to Arabs, discussing when gentiles become slaves to Jews, celebraring atrocities.

There's no two state solution, Israel will never allow it.

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No, it’s a different set of rules for zionists.

A Gazan who speaks out against Hamas is tortured for doing so and is characterised by yourself as a Zionist.

No wonder you struggle with the concept of impartiality.

Interesting lack of Al-Jazeera reporting on this one.
This is indoctrinated into children from the day they are born. There are many Memri videos showing this. That’s why there is no two-state solution unless this stops.

To break that cycle getting back to a two state solution is an absolute must. This indoctrination while heinous is not a reason to deny statehood to Palestine.
There's no two state solution, Israel will never allow it.

This is an inaccurate statement.

Israel agreed to a two state solution in 1948 and 2008 officially.

Up until 1967 there was a defacto agreement on the 1949 borders with Egypt/Jordan occupying Palestinian territory at the time. So while Israel officially didn't recognise a two state solution between 1949-1967 unofficially it did. Jordan/Egypt were actually the occupiers at that time.

Once war was declared on Israel by surrounding Arab nations in 1967 & 1973 Israel withdrew recognition and commenced occupation of Egypt, Palestine & Syria. Peace was agreed and a complete return of territory to Egypt in 1979. Jordan agreed peace with Israel in 1994.

In 2008 Ehlert offered to remove all settlers and withdraw completely from 93.7% of West Bank with 6.3% of that territory officially annexed to Israel with Israel transferring 5.8% of territory to Palestine in exchange with a direct transport link between Gaza/West Bank. The holy city was proposed to be an international city under this proposal under neither the sovereignty of Israel or Palestine.

If you were to say the current government in power won't allow a two state solution, I'd say that is a more accurate. I don't see the current government in Israel lasting beyond the next election though.

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