Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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The key to the case, is understanding why the creche records were altered.

Absolutely!!!! Spot on the mark JM

It took me a long while to understand that but I now do. I stubbornly refused to accept it even though it was obvious

3rd is unlikely to have been the time of death. 8.30 to 9.20 is not enough time for a body to give off cadaverine AND been in multiple places thereafter before alarm ....behind sofa, in main bedroom, on Kate's clothes. Not enough time. There is NO proof of life that day other than testimonies that lack credibility

If an earlier time happened as seems likely then it means multiple parties are complicit including:

Creche nannies
Ocean club mgt
Tapas 9.

Why would creche nannies lie? The main reason anyone lies is from self interest. To resolve the case you need to resolve motive of the respective parties from that self interest. The solution is to be found in what happened to MM that gave rise to a motive to hide embracing all those parties if it did.

There is a very detailed video from Richard Hall that details creche nanny testimony inconsistencies and creche records errors. Strap in its 4 hr duration..I don't necessarily subscribe to all he pushes but his analysis is detailed in all respects. His conclusions are sometimes lacking veracity
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Mrs carpenter heard scream for Maddie at or about 9.20..At 9.45 no one was on the table in tapas bar because they scattered (multiple independent witnesses). Yet ALL the tapas 9 support the 10 pm timeline which is clearly wrong .

What does a 10pm timeline achieve?

If GM was at the table just before the alarm at 10 he can't have been the person seen by Smith family 400 metres away carrying a child. The person Smith family say 80% was GM, who the daughter says had buttons on the outside of his beige pants just like the ones worn by GM a photo of which previously supplied earlier, the ones who McCanns had their investigators complete efit images which images they were legally threatened to suppress from 2007 to 2013 and when finally forced to be released by UK police in 2013 the McCanns then said that person may be the abductor BUT ONLY if it is the same person seen by JT. Huh? Why?

That of course is important because if it is the same person then because JT crosses paths with GM and JW on the street at the time of abduction (per JT man ) it CANT be GM. What does JW say about that? He says he doesn't believe anyone could have passed him without him noticing.. The sighting by JT gives GM an alibi, one now proven false. Because it's false it means the Smithman sighting can be GM.

Coincidentally the sighting by Smith family 400 metres away was less than 70 metres from the church..the one where the priest had stated angrily .......'I was deceived by the McCanns'.
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If an earlier time happened as seems likely then it means multiple parties are complicit including:

Creche nannies
Ocean club mgt
Tapas 9.
Don't forget:
  • Scotland Yard
  • MI5
  • MI6
  • German LEA (all of them, probably)
Rothschilds are probably into this sort of stuff in a big way but I haven't found hard evidence linking them to the conspiracy. Yet.

We know that there were several colour images provided. 3 on climbing equipment thought to be day 1. The tennis shot, the last Pool shot and even the makeup shots.

There were, however, several CDs of photos taken on the trip also provided. These shots were inexplicably black and white images, silhouettes in fact where it was virtually impossible to identify the people involved. These were supposed to allow PJ to investigate further..instead their very nature was such that it hindered any further investigation.

Would a parent of a missing daughter hinder the investigation In such a way presumably for privacy reasons over holiday snaps? The answer is no. Did they do it because they were concerned about being implicated by PJ.....why? If they had no involvement?

Interesting was also the fact that three photos that did surface and were colour weren't amongst those black and white/ silhouette images they being the tennis shot, the pool shot and the make up photo.

The other interesting thing is that the photo provided to be the image used on posters was a much earlier photo perhaps as much as a year earlier. Why? They had the camera and the current photos so why weren't they provided?
Don't forget:
  • Scotland Yard
  • MI5
  • MI6
  • German LEA (all of them, probably)
Rothschilds are probably into this sort of stuff in a big way but I haven't found hard evidence linking them to the conspiracy. Yet.

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject or ridicule something you know nothing about.

We know that there were several colour images provided. 3 on climbing equipment thought to be day 1. The tennis shot, the last Pool shot and even the makeup shots.

There were, however, several CDs of photos taken on the trip also provided. These shots were inexplicably black and white images, silhouettes in fact where it was virtually impossible to identify the people involved. These were supposed to allow PJ to investigate further..instead their very nature was such that it hindered any further investigation.

Would a parent of a missing daughter hinder the investigation In such a way presumably for privacy reasons over holiday snaps? The answer is no. Did they do it because they were concerned about being implicated by PJ.....why? If they had no involvement?

Interesting was also the fact that three photos that did surface and were colour weren't amongst those black and white/ silhouette images they being the tennis shot, the pool shot and the make up photo.

The other interesting thing is that the photo provided to be the image used on posters was a much earlier photo perhaps as much as a year earlier. Why? They had the camera and the current photos so why weren't they provided?
The redacted photos, greayscale I think? I have seen them. Some of them are of the tapas group outside on the patio. They seem like normal holiday pics, various tapas members with kids on their laps. No red flags there!
Why would a family desperately seeking their lost daughter. Deliberately tamper with details that could lead to her return!
The redacted photos, greayscale I think? I have seen them. Some of them are of the tapas group outside on the patio. They seem like normal holiday pics, various tapas members with kids on their laps. No red flags there!
Why would a family desperately seeking their lost daughter. Deliberately tamper with details that could lead to her return!

They wouldn't. Nor would others that contribute .At last count there are simply dozens of examples of consciousness of guilt behaviours which are only explicable as needing to change the pool of evidence......and that's ignoring the 97% accuracy of a dead body behind sofa and in car boot on two different timelines and two dogs with different skills which came later

Patio of Millenium restaurant if I recall where the group had breakfast each morning except for McCanns who thought it too far to take their kids.
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This isn't a thread for prosecuting the McCanns, they've been cleared. If you can't accept them being cleared by Scotland Yard, the apology from the Portugal police should do it.

A delegation of senior officers travelled from Lisbon to London earlier this year, BBC Panorama has been told.
They met Gerry McCann, Madeleine's father, and apologised for the way detectives investigated the case and treated the family.

This isn't a thread for prosecuting the McCanns, they've been cleared. If you can't accept them being cleared by Scotland Yard, the apology from the Portugal police should do it.

A delegation of senior officers travelled from Lisbon to London earlier this year, BBC Panorama has been told.
They met Gerry McCann, Madeleine's father, and apologised for the way detectives investigated the case and treated the family.

Don't forget:
  • Scotland Yard
  • MI5
  • MI6
  • German LEA (all of them, probably)
  • Portugese Police
The 'substance' of the 'apology' is, per your link, threefold:

* That they handled the initial investigation poorly

Clearly because the unit wasn't established as crime scene and they didn't get an outcome so something went wrong

* They gave inadequate attention to missing children.

Well thank goodness that has been rectified by OG spending $20M chasing random abductors without result

* That their status as foreigners in an environment they didn't understand wasn't fully appreciated

That's what you call a Clayton's apology......sorry you didn't understand what we were doing and why. Ok

None of those things are even close to an exoneration of involvement. I'd be disappointed if they were because it's an unsolved crime and with what appears imminent release of CB early next year.

As regards Scotland Yard they have announced they are ending OG. They also expressed disappointment that they were unable to bring CB to get charged. Sounds like they think it's over too.

This sounds very much like the prophecy of GA several years ago....."a German pedophile currently in jail will be implicated in the disappearance to facilitate closing the case" ....
almost sounds like a leak from PJ , but that can't be right it would imply it was planned and our justice system is corrupt.

CB evidence

I remain interested in what pushed CW to conclude he was involved. I very much believe that the recent trials though pushing separate convictions ALSO had targeted bearing on the case CW has on CB for MM

The reality is at least some of what is there has arisen from.police attending CB property in Germany and the cache of USBs etc that were confiscated..it was said during the recent court hearings or flowing from it that the police were asked to attend without warrant and so the evidence confiscated may be inadmissible. If they have some photographic proof that may not be admissible. That was the argument I understand in those present proceedings. I suspect that the judge (being inquisitorial process) will hear all evidence but ignore that which is inadmissible in their verdict. That's perhaps why much of what was accumulated in those cases was inadmissible....speculation. I'm also aware that apparently there was also dispute about prior images of birthmarks since cut out along privacy laws concerns. Perhaps their match too was also excluded.
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Have they been proven to be altered? Or just demonstrated to be anomalous?

I don't like a lot of the conclusions drawn by Richard Hall but his analysis of creche anomalies and inconsistencies in testimony of both Charlotte Pennington and Catriona Baker with McCanns are the best I've found and entirely persuasive ..He has several videos (each 4 hrs) but the one on timeline is the one which I suspect discusses the issues. Warning it is over 4 hrs long. The creche records alone are anomalous and only that. When you delve into the witness statement comparisons is where they start to reveal much more of where people say they were which are totally incompatible for instance with those records. I suggest you start there. You will appreciate the detail he goes into to.

This is the link to the blue bag. Clearly SY had resolved such a bag existed. GM via Clarence Mitchell denied it did. They believe it important to find as discussed here.

Did CB take the bag? we haven't even been able to prove he entered the unit so massive ? And why? Not going to take MM and a bag.....he'd have his own anyway

So why would SY think it important? DP said one existed but wasn't big.....they did tennis lessons. SY is chasing it meaning they believe it existed too and with this level of authority probably proven it did.

So it is just 'A' bag and therefore of no importance or relevance? Well not quite..it is 'A' bag that PJ and SY had established existed and had gone missing being a bag GM via CM refutes did exist. Easy answer he threw it away because....XYZ.......... Instead he says it never existed.

If LE ever catch you out in a lie which has some bearing/ relevance to a potential crime it is an example of consciousness of guilt.

This is another 'report' many seeking to offer new clues but never eventuating to anything of evidentiary value. Rather they end up being distractions and have no direct link to the investigation by LE.

The MSM can be used to intentionally mislead and undermine the true investigation sometimes. Difficult to tell each from each other until you know what to look for.

Were the clothes relevant and did the McCanns confirm they were Maddie's? Did they do more precise DNA testing? It says the McCanns accept it as a positive piece but it's NEVER followed up on. Almost instead appears as a false report planted with MSM which ends up fuelling the abduction link. Was it picked up in multiple MSM organisations? Only opinion of course but these false reports have a certain pattern to them.

I wonder if McCanns sued them for offering false hope and quoting their name incorrectly? Mmmmmmm no I guess not
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This isn't a thread for prosecuting the McCanns, they've been cleared.
Is that technically correct? I can't find any statement from Scotland Yard which officially 'clears' the McCanns - the case remains open, and unsolved, so how can anyone be 'cleared'?
The Portuguese Attorney General officially removed their arguido status.
Besides that I don't think any of the authorities have explicitly exonerated them?
What needs to be understood is that Clarence Mitchell was a high powered PR executive working for political heavyweights in UK politics..he was seconded initially full time to help the McCanns control PR. Gradually over time he became part time or occasional.

Question: are we not looking for an abducted child? If so why on earth would the parents need a FT PR consultant? Wouldn't the evidence support the abduction of itself? If so it's wasted money.

The role of these people is to sway public opinion. They do that at times, I understand, by planting false stories channeling the debate in a direction they want..not suggesting CM did that of course because I don't know any source of stories real or fabricated nor his ethics which I assume are without question.
Apparently Berndt Stellander has indicated in his book that MM died in a fall from the sofa on night of 2nd. I haven't read the excerpt yet..what I will say is that when the sofa became a potential place of death for poor Maddie on a hypothesis that I looked thoroughly into deaths in falls from sofas. You have injuries sure but never deaths. There have, however, been two child deaths where the fall was from a sofa and there is also positional asphyxiation (PA) that might occur, for instance, if the child becomes wedged between the sofa and wall cutting off oxygen flow. So if we are going to focus on such a hypothetical location it necessitated, in my view, PA. Absent that it isn't credible.

Could there also have been blood? If she was on the back of sofa banging on window for parents and in groggy state she might slip, hit her head on the window sill and then slide between the sofa/ wall thereafter. Her weight might create a small gap to allow her to come to rest at the crevice with the wall......bleed there but still suffer PA. Yes entirely possible IMO

What we know for sure is that the positioning of sofa by the previous occupant of unit was away from the wall. In the cadaver dog search it was flush against the wall.
Apparently Berndt Stellander has indicated in his book that MM died in a fall from the sofa on night of 2nd. I haven't read the excerpt yet..what I will say is that when the sofa became a potential place of death for poor Maddie on a hypothesis that I looked thoroughly into deaths in falls from sofas. You have injuries sure but never deaths. There have, however, been two child deaths where the fall was from a sofa and there is also positional asphyxiation (PA) that might occur, for instance, if the child becomes wedged between the sofa and wall cutting off oxygen flow. So if we are going to focus on such a hypothetical location it necessitated, in my view, PA. Absent that it isn't credible.

Could there also have been blood? If she was on the back of sofa banging on window for parents and in groggy state she might slip, hit her head on the window sill and then slide between the sofa/ wall thereafter. Her weight might create a small gap to allow her to come to rest at the crevice with the wall......bleed there but still suffer PA. Yes entirely possible IMO

What we know for sure is that the positioning of sofa by the previous occupant of unit was away from the wall. In the cadaver dog search it was flush against the wall.

I've moved hotel room furniture around plenty of times. Usually to create an open space in the middle of the room, or to accommodate watching the TV.
Where were you 3 May 2007?

Tapas 9 10

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Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

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