Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

Are you for or against Mandatory Vaccinations

  • For

    Votes: 292 57.4%
  • Against

    Votes: 221 43.4%

  • Total voters

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Why? It's a basic risk calculation. The risk of something going wrong by wearing a seatbelt vs not wearing a seatbelt.

The same calculation is made when assessing any medical procedure. There is a risk with any medical procedure. What are the odds of an adverse event if you do take the vaccine vs if you don't? At the moment, with 99% of the COVID cases in Victorian hospitals being unvaccinated and not a single death of a double vaccinated Australian (happy to stand corrected on this), it provides some compelling evidence that these vaccines are doing what they are intended to do.

There have been a stack of double vaccinated deaths:

From the 8th-14th in NSW:

There were 21 deaths as a result of COVID-19 reported this week including a male in his 30s (un-vaccinated), two females in their 40s (both un-vaccinated), a female in her 50s (un-vaccinated), two males (one fully vaccinated, one un-vaccinated) and three females (one fully vaccinated, two partially vaccinated) in their 70s, two females (one fully vaccinated, one un-vaccinated) and five males (all un-vaccinated) in their 80s, and two females (both un-vaccinated) and three males (one partially vaccinated, two fully vaccinated) in their 90s.

What I want to know is what constitutes double vaccinated in Australia? I've seen people suggest that after only after two weeks from your second shot are you fully vaxxed and three months after that you're only considered partially vaccinated due to waning efficiency but haven't been able to find a source for it.
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Tragic. How many people have suffered from this after being vaccinated? Which vaccine did they receive? What is the expected rate of this occurring in the wider population?
One incident doesn't even prove correlation, let alone causation.
It's more than one incident mate & if you're going to deny it with a straight face you're just a sad little conspiracy theorist.

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A sarcastic response towards a guy who now can't speak properly and has to take heart medication every day? This is more or less what I expect from you nasty, passive-aggressive types.
No, its truly tragic. But do we ban bread because this guy choked on it?
If people want to get vaccinated, they can get vaccinated.
If people don't want to get vaccinated, they should not be forced to get vaccinated.
Immunocompromised people will always be some degree of danger even without the existence of covid, just like with the flu epidemic of 2017. That is just a cold reality.

I don't care how much it upsets passive-aggressive types like yourself. Nobody should ever be forced to inject the covid vaccine.
A for honesty.

Most anti-vaxxers go through all sorts of mental gymnastics when trying to deal with immunocompromised people. You're just straight up "It's a cold reality that they'll die, but so be it".
Another day, another set of anti-vaxxers who refuse to provide sources for their claims
Another day, another self-important mushroom tripping over himself to defend corporations & banks for God knows what reason.
You don't need to try and fool anyone with this obviously fake empathy because it's inconsistent with the condescending, passive-aggressive tone that seeps within the rest of your posts.

I don't care to prove anything to you. There is so much information being pumped out by thousands of different sources to the point it's virtually impossible to prove what is and isn't true. I trust my own judgement and my own eyes, and the one thing I'm certain of is that I can very comfortably discard the input provided by people like yourself.
So if there’s thousands of sources out there, why don’t you provide them here? Not for me but for the good of everyone else.
You don't need to try and fool anyone with this obviously fake empathy because it's inconsistent with the condescending, passive-aggressive tone that seeps within the rest of your posts.

I don't care to prove anything to you. There is so much information being pumped out by thousands of different sources to the point it's virtually impossible to prove what is and isn't true. I trust my own judgement and my own eyes, and the one thing I'm certain of is that I can very comfortably discard the input provided by people like yourself.

We know you don't care to prove anything to anyone. Just gush out as much bullshit as possible until this account also gets banned. Rinse and repeat.
Congratulations fellas. We have Dave in here providing a fresh perspective & instead of having a thoughtful discussion, once again the insecure brigade of usual suspects have decided to stink up the joint & pat each other on the back. Maybe this is what LavenderBushranger was having a tantrum about yesterday.

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Mandatory is no lightning rod at all
I expect to see almost no self-respecting hospitality establishment to enforce that crap. Especially after they've been shouldering such a burden for the past year and a half. Why would they turn away more than 50% of their customers. Even twice vaccinated people are disgusted by this & have vowed to boycott any business which asks to see any form of vax passport.

The people are letting their voice be heard.
Do you bear contempt towards healthy people who choose not to get themselves injected with a substance that can potentially cause permanent side-effects and heart inflammation?

Don't worry, the feeling is mutual.
A little needle with some protein in it. Look the other way if don’t like needles. Probably could use a bigger heart aswell.
Congratulations fellas. We have Dave in here providing a fresh perspective & instead of having a thoughtful discussion, once again the insecure brigade of usual suspects have decided to stink up the joint & pat each other on the back. Maybe this is what LavenderBushranger was having a tantrum about yesterday.
And we have basil zemplas commentating from the sidelines.
Mandatory is no lightning rod at all
Agreed, given the continued strong vaccination rates across the board, mandatory indeed doesn't seem to be much of a lightening rod for vaccine refusal. :thumbsu:
It's hard to think of a more fundamental right than the right to determine what happens to one's own body. Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates this most basic of rights.

I'd agree with you until I think about how the rest of us need to support these folks when other lifelong choices about what goes into their body leads to other health conditions and diseases. Trans-fats from fast food, other high-fat/high-sugar junk, drugs and alcohol, smoking, etc. I know a some anti-vaxxers who regularly consume shit, but have the hide to preach about Covid conspiracies. YOU'RE 20KG OVERWEIGHT YOU FAT ****S and on statins, hypertension, and anti-depressant medication!!

I wish anti-vaxxers had a choice when they were children, and perhaps they'd be eradicated or affected by hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, haemophilus influenza, rotavirus, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal, measles, mumps, rubella - you know, most of those once common diseases infant immunisations have protected them and modern western society from.
There have been a stack of double vaccinated deaths:

From the 8th-14th in NSW:

There were 21 deaths as a result of COVID-19 reported this week including a male in his 30s (un-vaccinated), two females in their 40s (both un-vaccinated), a female in her 50s (un-vaccinated), two males (one fully vaccinated, one un-vaccinated) and three females (one fully vaccinated, two partially vaccinated) in their 70s, two females (one fully vaccinated, one un-vaccinated) and five males (all un-vaccinated) in their 80s, and two females (both un-vaccinated) and three males (one partially vaccinated, two fully vaccinated) in their 90s.

What I want to know is what constitutes double vaccinated in Australia? I've seen people suggest that after only after two from your second shot are you fully vaxxed and three months after that you're only considered partially vaccinated due to waning efficiency but haven't been able to find a source for it.

Thanks for that - as I said happy to stand corrected. And excellent point about at what point are you considered double-vaxxed.
Scotland's department of health released figures from the UK during August.


Further evidence proving the Covid-19 vaccination programme is failing has been released which confirms throughout the whole of August 80% of the people who died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the disease.

Take a look at the latest Covid-19 Statistical Report released by Public Health Scotland (PHS) on the 8th September 2021.

According to table 16 of the report between the 28th August 2021 and the 3rd September 2021 there were 36 admissions to hospital related to Covid-19 among the unvaccinated over 60 population, whilst there were 7 admissions on the partly vaccinated population.

However, there were a huge 299 admissions among the fully vaccinated over 60 population, and the same pattern can be seen for the weeks previous all the way back to the 7th August 2021.

In all for the week of 28th August to 3rd September 2021 there were 271 hospitalisations among the entire unvaccinated population but 423 hospitalisations among the fully vaccinated population. If we base these hospitalisations occurring after the previous weeks confirmed cases then we can calculate the case-hospitalisation rate.

In the week beginning 21st August there were 15,047 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population. Therefore based on the unvaccinated hospitalisation figures of 271 in the week beginning 28th August the case-hospitalisation rate is 1.7%. However, when we carry out the same calculation for the fully vaccinated population hospitalisations (423) and cases (14,519) we can see that the case-hospitalisation rate is 2.9%.

Therefore, this shows that the Covid-19 injections are increasing the risk of hospitalisation when exposed to Covid-19 by 70% rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed by the vaccine manufacturers and authorities.

So now that we’ve cleared up the Covid-19 injections increase the risk of hospitalisation rather than reducing it let’s find out if they prevent deaths like the authorities claim.

Table 17 of the Public Health Scotland report shows the number of deaths to have occurred via vaccination status.

The number of deaths by vaccination status between the 5th August 2021 and the 26th August 2021 are as follows –

  • Unvaccinated population – 25 deaths
  • Partly vaccinated population – 6 deaths
  • Fully vaccinated population – 92 deaths
This means the unvaccinated population have accounted for just 20% of alleged Covid-19 deaths throughout the whole of August, whilst the fully vaccinated accounted for 75% of them. But couple the partly vaccinated deaths with the fully vaccinated deaths and you can see that throughout August 80% of deaths occurred among the vaccinated population.
Do you realise this information is completely useless, as the the vaccination rates are not included??

All over the world, data has shown that sickness, hospitalisations and deaths are over represented in unvaccinated populations and underrepresented in vaccinated populations. I somewhat doubt Scotland has anything different going on to alter that.

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Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions
