Politics & Government mark webber "nanny state" comments

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Australia is probably the only country that actually inforces 'jaywalking laws' - most other countries wouldn't know there is a law against crossing the road !

Obviously I don't know of every instance that every law has been enforced, but I've never head of jaywalking laws being enforced here in Adelaide. Of course it's safer to cross at crossings and actually wait for the lights, but (particularly in the city) it's pretty much a free-for-all here in SA as far as I've seen. You cross the street when and where you like, at your own discression. I was under the impression that the US was one of the few places that actually practiced and enforced these laws.

As for the "nanny state" comments, I'm not sure they're entirely valid. The road rules are there for a reason - not everyone has the driving smarts and reflexes of an F1 champion. In fact, from what I've witnessed over the years as a passenger (I don't drive myself), it's often the complete opposite - a lot of drivers are totally inconsiderate towards and unaware of those around them, and play fast and loose with road rules and speed limits. As for Internet filters and alcohol taxes and proposed laws (Rudd's 21-and-over drinking age idea), I don't seek out pornography or other questionable material and I don't drink, so they don't really effect me. And I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but if those laws and rules do what they're assumedly designed to do and weed out the perverts and d*ckheads (alcohol/road) from society, then I'm all for it.
But you were speeding, why couldn't you do 100 coming down the hill?

I would have thought for your speed to fluctuate by 3kms when you are concentrating on all the other things going on around you would be perfectly reasonable and probably an opinon shared by most people.

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Obviously I don't know of every instance that every law has been enforced, but I've never head of jaywalking laws being enforced here in Adelaide. Of course it's safer to cross at crossings and actually wait for the lights, but (particularly in the city) it's pretty much a free-for-all here in SA as far as I've seen. You cross the street when and where you like, at your own discression. I was under the impression that the US was one of the few places that actually practiced and enforced these laws.

As for the "nanny state" comments, I'm not sure they're entirely valid. The road rules are there for a reason - not everyone has the driving smarts and reflexes of an F1 champion. In fact, from what I've witnessed over the years as a passenger (I don't drive myself), it's often the complete opposite - a lot of drivers are totally inconsiderate towards and unaware of those around them, and play fast and loose with road rules and speed limits. As for Internet filters and alcohol taxes and proposed laws (Rudd's 21-and-over drinking age idea), I don't seek out pornography or other questionable material and I don't drink, so they don't really effect me. And I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but if those laws and rules do what they're assumedly designed to do and weed out the perverts and d*ckheads (alcohol/road) from society, then I'm all for it.

Since when was pornography questionable? That's everyones own personal moral decision to make. The government has no right to legislate on such a thing. Trying to weed out 1% of the community by punishing 99% (not that it would weed them out anyway) is not the correct approach.
Since when was pornography questionable? That's everyones own personal moral decision to make. The government has no right to legislate on such a thing. Trying to weed out 1% of the community by punishing 99% (not that it would weed them out anyway) is not the correct approach.

By "other questionable material" I meant sites which promote illegal activity (terrorism, etc.) which I understand are prohibited under the Internet filter. Pornography itself becomes questionable IMO when it delves into paedophilia, zoophilia and unscripted forced or against-their-will acts. These should be banned without question IMO. I was under the impression that it was only very extreme or illegal pornography that was being filtered out anyway, which is what has influenced my viewpoint. If it's a blanket ban on all pornography, then I'd have to reassess my viewpoint. Just because it's not something I actively seek out, your run-of-the-mill hardcore sex scene isn't something that necessarily needs to be banned. People should obviously have a choice on most things, but when it crosses certain lines (that I outlined earlier), then it's not on IMO.
By "other questionable material" I meant sites which promote illegal activity (terrorism, etc.) which I understand are prohibited under the Internet filter. Pornography itself becomes questionable IMO when it delves into paedophilia, zoophilia and unscripted forced or against-their-will acts. These should be banned without question IMO. I was under the impression that it was only very extreme or illegal pornography that was being filtered out anyway, which is what has influenced my viewpoint. If it's a blanket ban on all pornography, then I'd have to reassess my viewpoint. Just because it's not something I actively seek out, your run-of-the-mill hardcore sex scene isn't something that necessarily needs to be banned. People should obviously have a choice on most things, but when it crosses certain lines (that I outlined earlier), then it's not on IMO.

Yeah well obviously we don't want that kind of stuff but giving the government free run to ban whatever they like is no way to solve it. What an international embarassment that would be, a developed country that filters what it's people can and cannot see. That would be a huge step backwards. Why is no responsibility put on people themselves? Every time there is something that has the potential to be abused this country feels it has a right to ban the privilege for everyone.
I'm waiting for the day when some poor sod gets run over by someone going down the hill doing the speed limit, cos they were too busy watching their speedo to notice the road in front of them. Considering he's going below the speed limit, he'll probably get off scott free. Imagine the lulz on the police...
Yeah well obviously we don't want that kind of stuff but giving the government free run to ban whatever they like is no way to solve it. What an international embarassment that would be, a developed country that filters what it's people can and cannot see. That would be a huge step backwards. Why is no responsibility put on people themselves? Every time there is something that has the potential to be abused this country feels it has a right to ban the privilege for everyone.

Has it actually been confirmed that the Internet filter is going to blanket ban all forms of pornography and the like, or is that just scaremongering from the (for lack of a better way to describe it) anti-government, "harden the f**k up" crowd?
I'm waiting for the day when some poor sod gets run over by someone going down the hill doing the speed limit, cos they were too busy watching their speedo to notice the road in front of them. Considering he's going below the speed limit, he'll probably get off scott free. Imagine the lulz on the police...

only a matter of time unfortunatley

Has it actually been confirmed that the Internet filter is going to blanket ban all forms of pornography and the like, or is that just scaremongering from the (for lack of a better way to describe it) anti-government, "harden the f**k up" crowd?

Well what I read is you have to go on a list (no im not joking) which allows adult content or something like that. So no there isn't technically a blanket ban on pr0n but but they are proposing a blanket ban on a lot of things. It is all pretty much scaremongering at the moment you right. Im guessing there is a pretty big chance none of this will happen. Too much money involved and interests which will stop it I hope. But the fact that the government is seriously considering filtering the internet is a huge worry in my mind.
Surely it achieves fear of penalty,causing people to modify their behaviour.

Are you going to slow down because you can get booked for only a few Ks over or risk the fine?
Pretty important question you seem to be avoiding Biff

Answer please
I'm waiting for the day when some poor sod gets run over by someone going down the hill doing the speed limit, cos they were too busy watching their speedo to notice the road in front of them. Considering he's going below the speed limit, he'll probably get off scott free. Imagine the lulz on the police...

ahhh yes, a highly comical situation that one :rolleyes:
I would have thought for your speed to fluctuate by 3kms when you are concentrating on all the other things going on around you would be perfectly reasonable and probably an opinon shared by most people.
As far as I can tell no matter what the limit you would complain because you were only just over it.
If it was 104 you would complain because you were only doing 108.
If it was 150 you would complain because you were only doing 154.

My car has a break peddle, I assume yours does.
Why not use it?
I'm waiting for the day when some poor sod gets run over by someone going down the hill doing the speed limit, cos they were too busy watching their speedo to notice the road in front of them. Considering he's going below the speed limit, he'll probably get off scott free. Imagine the lulz on the police...
Do you really believe the only way to drive down a hill with a 100 limit is drive exactly on that limit by watching your speedo?
Why not travel at 90 or 80 then there is no need to see how close you are to 100.
I understand if you are still a P plater, it does take a little time to work things out

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I have driven a car around Melbourne with a broken speedo and never got photographed,just did the same speed as the people around me.
ahhh yes, a highly comical situation that one :rolleyes:

wow, a guy finally wins a race after trying for 20 years and suddenly his opinion his gospel.

his reaction when he finally a race proved he is a massive tool.
As far as I can tell no matter what the limit you would complain because you were only just over it.
If it was 104 you would complain because you were only doing 108.
If it was 150 you would complain because you were only doing 154.

My car has a break peddle, I assume yours does.
Why not use it?

I wouldn't say that, driven plenty in europe and never had a complaint about road rules or police in general. would have thought some common sense in minor infringements would go a long way in making motorists respect road rules rather than a zero tolerance approach.

I have driven a car around Melbourne with a broken speedo and never got photographed,just did the same speed as the people around me.

Good on you hero, how very responsible of you. Would you like a medal? You can add that to your resume of owning 3 sports cars and your fantastic driving ability over 30 years.

wow, a guy finally wins a race after trying for 20 years and suddenly his opinion his gospel.

his reaction when he finally a race proved he is a massive tool.

Yeah I mean he was only the 4th best driver in the biggest motor sport event in the world last year. But hes the tool not you?

Wouldn't have thought any of his comments were gospel. Just someone whos opinion will obviously get media attention speaking out about an important issue.
Check out this from the sydney morning herald:

"Wakehurst MP Brad Hazzard said he promised to take up the case of constituent Phil Thorsen, who was fined $253 for beeping his horn at his neighbour to "say hello".

No doubt our friend hawk dork would be in full support of this too. Haha what a complete joke.

EDIT: hold up it gets even worse

"Local Area Command denies police are too zealous in applying the law, despite fining 160 motorists in 12 months for unnecessary use of their car horns."

Not sure what relevance the second link is? Bit strange, if anything it would only make some of my points regarding speeding. Trolling through my post count to find a post posted in april 2009 and then quote it? Hmmm slight worry that you have the time to do that.

And to your question, fining people for minor traffic infringements is not going to save lives. Altering someones behaviour from 103km to 100k would not be my idea of using police resources effectively. Your in the group that believes in zero tolerance and abiding by the law as opposed to common sense and responsible behaviour. Your most likely the kind of person who thinks it's fine to get completely wasted but even touching a joint would be bad because it's 'illegal'.

Insisting on someone to answer your question when you fail to reply to multiple posts pointing out the ignorance and factually incorrect statements you make is a bit hypocritical don't you think?
If you are finding these road rules so ridiculous and feel getting fined for doing 4 or so km's over the speed limit is purely for revenue; How about adhering to the laws? You, the driver, speeding and receiving the fine is feeding their bank accounts.
Not sure what relevance the second link is? Bit strange, if anything it would only make some of my points regarding speeding. Trolling through my post count to find a post posted in april 2009 and then quote it? Hmmm slight worry that you have the time to do that.

And to your question, fining people for minor traffic infringements is not going to save lives. Altering someones behaviour from 103km to 100k would not be my idea of using police resources effectively. Your in the group that believes in zero tolerance and abiding by the law as opposed to common sense and responsible behaviour. Your most likely the kind of person who thinks it's fine to get completely wasted but even touching a joint would be bad because it's 'illegal'.

Insisting on someone to answer your question when you fail to reply to multiple posts pointing out the ignorance and factually incorrect statements you make is a bit hypocritical don't you think?
Nice deflection:thumbsu:
Still not willing to answer the question and let your pathetic thread die:p

Speed cameras don't need policemen, actually makes their job easier,but thanks for your concern.
Good to see you are concerned about speed when you aren't yelling intelligent and I would imagine humorous comments out of your car window:D
Tip: if you get your arse served up to you don't keep presenting it for a second,third, fourth serve:p

I rode a motorbike around southern India for a bit over a month,nearly died about 5 times a day,I would pray for nanny state laws, over my breakfast curry, before I went out for another day.
Had a lady killed near the house I was renting so in the middle of the night the local council built the biggest speed bump in the universe it was as big as a tree stump.No signs,just lit a fire in a tin can near it.It got torn down the next day because it caused a few accidents and destroyed a few cars,(the fire went out).

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Politics & Government mark webber "nanny state" comments

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