Movie Marvel Cinematic Universe - News, updates and discussion

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i understand theres no midnight sessions.

having never been to a one of those, what's it like? is it any different to seeing it during the day or at night>

Never been to a midnight session but as Anzac Day is a Wednesday the movie opens when the cinemas do after lunchtime. My problem is I forgot it was a public holiday and would have gone earlier in the day so I'll be doing my best to avoid spoilers.
Never been to a midnight session but as Anzac Day is a Wednesday the movie opens when the cinemas do after lunchtime. My problem is I forgot it was a public holiday and would have gone earlier in the day so I'll be doing my best to avoid spoilers.

Ah i got ya. Well I guess you won't want to be tagged in this thread then right?

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Ah i got ya. Well I guess you won't want to be tagged in this thread then right?

I guarantee I will be so it looks like a BF free day :D
I went to a midnight screen of TDKR which was showing the previous 2 movies before hand (man that was a long knight ;) ) and only a few people in batman masks.

I went to a premier of Warcraft at IMAX and there was people in full costumes. Would depend on where your seeing it though I guess.
Probably already been discussed but Im going to throw it into Spoilers anywho:

In one of the trailers, Tony asks Strange if any of the timelines has them winning and he doesnt respond, so he must go forward several times in different scenarios trying to find a winning one...
anyone come in full marvel gear?

I rolled a cap shirt, actually got some shit cause I’m not nerdy enough to get away with it, the quote was like “you look too much like cap to wear that and not look like an arseh*le” I was pretty chuffed. No one else really, just tee shirts, some dude wore a flash shirt, he was shunned.
I rolled a cap shirt, actually got some shit cause I’m not nerdy enough to get away with it, the quote was like “you look too much like cap to wear that and not look like an arseh*le” I was pretty chuffed. No one else really, just tee shirts, some dude wore a flash shirt, he was shunned.

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More spoiler chatter:

So its been heavily implied someone dies (To Thanos presumably) in the first scenes of the movie... At first I thought potentially Thor...In that he sacrifices himself to get the GotG away from Thanos and to Earth. Based on the scenes of him in the contraption using his electrical powers and Thanos holding him by the head. And how he isnt seen in scenes with Starlord and Tony talking.

However now I suspect it will be Loki officially biting it, after he offers the Cube to Thanos, and Thanos destroys him because he failed to retrieve it for him previously.

Thats my two theories anyway.
just a load of bollocks story or disrespectful to the anzacs?

They dont appear to be tying it into any anzac theme; just using the public holiday.

I get up for the dawn service to honour the anzacs but the rest of the day is my own, so i dont see an issue with it opening on anzac day.

Behind paywall so first two sentences

CINEMAS are facing a major backlash from veterans groups furious that they are releasing the new Avengers movie Infinity War a day early to cash-in on Anzac Day.

Veterans say movie distributor Disney and cinemas have seriously misjudged the mood of the Australian public by screening the movie on a day set aside to commemorate those “who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.”
Just journalists baiting for views. Just a stupid argument really. Disney dont rely on the sales of OUR box office, so why would they line it up on a day we coincidentally have off?

I get some people would prefer the day be 100% focused on the ANZACs and I understand that, but as people have said, if we want to be like that we need to stop AFL, any other sports and close stores/pubs in respect of the Soliders, both servers and those lost.

Just a bunch of hot air.

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Movie Marvel Cinematic Universe - News, updates and discussion

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