Your post made me think about the make up of the 5 "Egor", and looking ahead to the next month and it is going to really start to take shape! Considering that the current top 6 have a bit of a break on the rest i have only taken them into account (that is not to say someone may bolt from the blue), but have a look at the road ahead for the top 6 teams.
1. Avoca (32) - Dunolly, Carisbrook, Creek, Maldon
2. Carisbrook (32) - Rovers, Avoca, Newstead, Harcourt
3. Creek (28) - Maldon, Rovers, Avoca, Newstead
4. Rovers (24) - Carisbrook, Creek, Maldon, BYE
5. Maldon (24) - Creek, BYE, Rovers, Avoca
6. Newstead (22) - Talbot, BYE, Carisbrook, Creek
Should have a better idea of the make up of the 5 after that 4 weeks.
I think it will look more like
1. Avoca
2. Carisbrook
3. Newstead
4. Rovers
5. Maldon
6. Creek
Any thoughts?
I'll just add lucky number 7.
7. Dunolly (16) - Plays everyone until seasons end except Newstead.
2 games out of the top 5. Every other side play Newstead and Avoca (front runners) so it could be considered only 1 game. Need to roll Brook, Rovers and Maldon and have a strong back end of the season.
Creek probably wont make the 5 in the end. Rovers, Maldon and Dunolly looking likely to fight it out for 4 & 5.