Player Watch Mason Cox

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Silly comment. I am not a public figure whose personal views could polarize my fans. This is why intelligent celebrities refuse to take the bait when asked for their personal views on sensitive subjects like politics and religion. I am not sure how many people will be offended by the views of someone called, "Domus"
Maybe you could give us a list of people or occupations that shouldn't be allowed to comment on Trump

What about the guy in the Coffee Shop that makes my Coffee in the morning, he would influence any number of people, should he be allowed to comment on Trump in your world?
Silly comment. I am not a public figure whose personal views could polarize my fans. This is why intelligent celebrities refuse to take the bait when asked for their personal views on sensitive subjects like politics and religion. I am not sure how many people will be offended by the views of someone called, "Domus"

What does it matter what the fans think of his political views. It is not as if his comment was that controversial. As for his team mates, if they are upset by his comments then we really do have problems.

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I think the main point is being missed. Celebrity endorsement in politics is used because the political marketers realize that celebrity "sells" and that; as is the case with a pair of sneakers; people will buy the sneakers purely because they buy into the celebrity. Therefore it's a manipulation and diversion from people establishing the merits of the real "product". Marketing politics in this way is NOT a good thing and is NOT morally defensible. If any of our political parties actually cared about their people understanding the issues and making informed decisions (the whole point of the democratic popular voting systems); then they would not engage in this type of marketing. It's a cheap nasty form of selling a vote and many celebrities realize this and refrain from using their status and marketing power to manipulate such important outcomes in this way. I have no time for those who do!
I think the main point is being missed. Celebrity endorsement in politics is used because the political marketers realize that celebrity "sells" and that; as is the case with a pair of sneakers; people will buy the sneakers purely because they buy into the celebrity. Therefore it's a manipulation and diversion from people establishing the merits of the real "product". Marketing politics in this way is NOT a good thing and is NOT morally defensible. If any of our political parties actually cared about their people understanding the issues and making informed decisions (the whole point of the democratic popular voting systems); then they would not engage in this type of marketing. It's a cheap nasty form of selling a vote and many celebrities realize this and refrain from using their status and marketing power to manipulate such important outcomes in this way. I have no time for those who do!

So those that are celebrities are prevented from voicing an opinion. Hardly democratic.

Don't blame the celebrity, blame the fools who listen to celebrities (and political slogans) without really trying to understand the issues.

Unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve through our own collective stupidity.
Unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve through our own collective stupidity.
Except for me, I haven't voted for either winning party for the last 15 years, I didn't deserve it.:p

Such is the human race. Often it does seem a pity that Noah… didn’t miss the boat.
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So those that are celebrities are prevented from voicing an opinion. Hardly democratic.

Don't blame the celebrity, blame the fools who listen to celebrities (and political slogans) without really trying to understand the issues.

Unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve through our own collective stupidity.
Read my post.. I did not go anywhere near saying that they should be prevented from their obvious right to voice their opinion. I pointed out that they are aware that they are being used as marketing tools to influence people due to their celebrity. I pointed out that in terms of political issues and democracy this is not a good thing and morally wrong. They make a choice to participate in this cheap marketing of democracy (or fooling the fools as you would say). I judge them for that. Yes political parties will do what they have to do to win and fools will be fooled. It doesn't make it right or good.
Read my post.. I did not go anywhere near saying that they should be prevented from their obvious right to voice their opinion. I pointed out that they are aware that they are being used as marketing tools to influence people due to their celebrity. I pointed out that in terms of political issues and democracy this is not a good thing and morally wrong. They make a choice to participate in this cheap marketing of democracy (or fooling the fools as you would say). I judge them for that. Yes political parties will do what they have to do to win and fools will be fooled. It doesn't make it right or good.
So what. If words from an celebrity are taken for granted rather than to inspire critical thinking it is the problem of the fans, not the celebrity.
If Gingrich ran for Prez instead of Trump but made all the same statements, he wouldn't had a chance.
And from an elitist point of view. The avg voter nowadays makes election look like reality TV show with no debate whatsoever about the qualities or principles of the candidates.
Democracy is appeasement of the masses and if the masses can't think for themselves , there are checks and balances in place to make sure their choice can't do too much damage.
We the sheeple....
So what. If words from an celebrity are taken for granted rather than to inspire critical thinking it is the problem of the fans, not the celebrity.
If Gingrich ran for Prez instead of Trump but made all the same statements, he wouldn't had a chance.
And from an elitist point of view. The avg voter nowadays makes election look like reality TV show with no debate whatsoever about the qualities or principles of the candidates.
Democracy is appeasement of the masses and if the masses can't think for themselves , there are checks and balances in place to make sure their choice can't do too much damage.
We the sheeple....

Totally disagree. We just watched 9 months of debate about the qualities and principles of the candidates. The problem was there was no debate about issues.
Totally disagree. We just watched 9 months of debate about the qualities and principles of the candidates. The problem was there was no debate about issues.
Totally agree. Modern political debate is a disgusting mire of style over substance, marketing and mudslinging. Celebrity marketing of politics encapsulates it nicely.
Totally disagree. We just watched 9 months of debate about the qualities and principles of the candidates. The problem was there was no debate about issues.
We do disagree there.
Debate about issues was there but one sided and brought down to a very simplistic level. Mexican immigration is an issue. Islamo fascism is an issue. Economy is an issue.
Solutions: Build a wall that Mexico will pay for, stop the Muslims coming in & put a tax on foreign imports. Those are solutions that immediately should raise questions whether someone is fit for office. And unfortunately that what happened, Trump has no clue how to fix things and Hillary was drawn into fighting Trumps sentiment of hate and division, not the root cause.
If the outcome of the debate about Trump's principles are that he never meant to say those things, that is not a debate. That is appeasement to sooth the conscience.
So what. If words from an celebrity are taken for granted rather than to inspire critical thinking it is the problem of the fans, not the celebrity.
If Gingrich ran for Prez instead of Trump but made all the same statements, he wouldn't had a chance.
And from an elitist point of view. The avg voter nowadays makes election look like reality TV show with no debate whatsoever about the qualities or principles of the candidates.
Democracy is appeasement of the masses and if the masses can't think for themselves , there are checks and balances in place to make sure their choice can't do too much damage.
We the sheeple....
Not sure what you are saying? Do you think celebrity politics is a good thing? Do you think people voting on political issues because they like Miley Cirus and George Clooney and Brad Pitt is a good thing? Do you not think it a distraction that ALWAYS lowers the tone of a political campaign/debate? Celebrities have a moral responsibility when it comes to this kind of thing if you ask me. They know what they are doing and why they are being rolled out. Yeah they have a right to do it; Yeah those influenced by it are fools; but that doesn't excuse the moral choice made by those doing it.
Not sure what you are saying? Do you think celebrity politics is a good thing? Do you think people voting on political issues because they like Miley Cirus and George Clooney and Brad Pitt is a good thing? Do you not think it a distraction that ALWAYS lowers the tone of a political campaign/debate? Celebrities have a moral responsibility when it comes to this kind of thing if you ask me. They know what they are doing and why they are being rolled out. Yeah they have a right to do it; Yeah those influenced by it are fools; but that doesn't excuse the moral choice made by those doing it.
I share the concern but not the solution. Should we really hide their opinion during election because the masses can't think for themselves? Society is dumbing down but that is not going to change by having less celebrities involved.
And you are 1 step behind reality where thecelebrities themselves are taking to the political stage. With Trump as the latest installment.

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I have to agree with doodles98 on this, sure they have the right to voice their opinion, but then we have the right to criticise it. Doodles pointed out that there opinions are manipulating the masses and they should be called out on it.

I have no problem with Cox's comment though, I thought it was quite funny.
Celebrities should be held accountable for their opinions and should be called out on nonsense they tell the masses.
I share the concern but not the solution. Should we really hide their opinion during election because the masses can't think for themselves? Society is dumbing down but that is not going to change by having less celebrities involved.
And you are 1 step behind reality where thecelebrities themselves are taking to the political stage. With Trump as the latest installment.
I should have clarified that I have no issue with Mason sending tweets or whatever on his tweet account. I have no problem with them expressing their opinion when asked or straight after an election like that. It is the use of the Matt Damons etc in commercials, slick facebook posts and media interviews as an integral part of political marketing campaigns that I, and a lot of people strongly object to. I really like the fact that we avoid this in Australia.
I should have clarified that I have no issue with Mason sending tweets or whatever on his tweet account. I have no problem with them expressing their opinion when asked or straight after an election like that. It is the use of the Matt Damons etc in commercials, slick facebook posts and media interviews as an integral part of political marketing campaigns that I, and a lot of people strongly object to. I really like the fact that we avoid this in Australia.
We avoid it in Australia because the prevailing attitude is different. If an Aussie celeb came out and tried to convince people to vote for a certain candidate, the response wouldn't be "oh, well celebrity x thinks this guy is good so I'll vote for him", it would be "who the **** does this campaigner think he is, telling me who to vote for?"

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Keep the political comments to yourself, Mason - I wonder what the twittersphere would be saying had he declared his passion and support for Trump. McGuire has embarrassed himself enough already over Trump without hearing more of the same crap from you. Go and practise your marking.
yep lets ban public discourse

the same people who complain about celebrities voicing their political views on social media are the same people who whinge that political correctness is constraining freedom of speech.
I should have clarified that I have no issue with Mason sending tweets or whatever on his tweet account. I have no problem with them expressing their opinion when asked or straight after an election like that. It is the use of the Matt Damons etc in commercials, slick facebook posts and media interviews as an integral part of political marketing campaigns that I, and a lot of people strongly object to. I really like the fact that we avoid this in Australia.
Democracy IS a popularity vote in its core and the side that wins is the one that is most popular by any means possible .
I wish political commercials could be a boring vid of scrolling line by line through a A4 size political manifest but unfortunately that is not the case. Everything you see in a political commercial is distorting the message to support the political agenda. Whether that is with or without celebs, doesn’t make difference for me.
Clinton was the candidate with all the celebrities publicly rooting or appearing for her yet Trump boasted he still got more people along to his rallies despite lacking the support of famous folk. I am glad we don't have Australian stars aligning themselves with Liberal or Labour. Sometimes you are better off not knowing who your favourite singer or actor supports. Bob Dylan's favourite politician in the 60's was conservative Republican Barry Goldwater, which would have been a shock to the protest movement which identified with Dylan's songs, had his view been public knowledge at the time.

However, Mason Cox is hardly a celebrity and is not even living in the States. He is fully entitled to express his opinion on presidential politics and would have upset few people in Australia with his twitters.
Doesn't it work the other way though. If you're a celebrity who has the power to influence votes then isn't it immoral to not use that power to pursue a course that you genuinely believe in. If voters are silly enough to allow themselves to be manipulated by such advertising then that's on them.

The US election is a pretty good example. Trump's conduct over the campaign has been pretty ordinary - he's constantly lied, claimed the election is rigged, incited racism and relentlessly attacked the media. Isn't there a duty for people of influence to use that and challenge him on things they strongly disagree with?

It's also ironic that the media are copping so much heat for finally speaking out against many of Trump's indiscretions because if it weren't for the free ride he got from the media early on he probably would not have gotten through the GOP nominations.

And what makes a celebrity endorsement any different than any other types of political advertising? You might call it manipulation but it can also be thought of as contributing to public debate and getting people to engage with the political system which is an issue in a nation with non-compulsory voting. In fact a lot of celebrity advertising has been about just that.

Whether it's effective is an interesting question though. I think there's a good argument that the support Clinton got from Hollywood reinforced perceptions of her as the establishment candidate for the elites. In other words, rich people telling poor people who to vote for probably helped Trump.
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What does it matter what the fans think of his political views. It is not as if his comment was that controversial. As for his team mates, if they are upset by his comments then we really do have problems.

I repeat- had he said he was a big fan of Trump and a Hillary hater I can assure you our media would have been all over it as would many Collingwood fans. Because he is siding with the politically correct, popular choice in media and entertainment circles his political preference has become a badge of honour.

Politics and religion are no go areas for many people because they are divisive. That is why celebrities who wish to maintain their fan base and not split it, should keep their views to themselves or private conversations with friends. Eddie McGuire's endless bagging of Trump and his supporters each morning on Triple M was sickening. His branding of Trump as a racist and misogynist was quite ironic given that is exactly what the media here has branded McGuire.
I repeat- had he said he was a big fan of Trump and a Hillary hater I can assure you our media would have been all over it as would many Collingwood fans. Because he is siding with the politically correct, popular choice in media and entertainment circles his political preference has become a badge of honour.

Politics and religion are no go areas for many people because they are divisive. That is why celebrities who wish to maintain their fan base and not split it, should keep their views to themselves or private conversations with friends. Eddie McGuire's endless bagging of Trump and his supporters each morning on Triple M was sickening. His branding of Trump as a racist and misogynist was quite ironic given that is exactly what the media here has branded McGuire.
Because of course maintaining a fan base is the most important thing ever!

If the bolded is in fact true then I commend any celebrity willing to risk their fan base in order to speak up on what they feel is a higher principle. I doubt it is true though. Melbourne is basically Australia's New York and Trump is pretty much unelectable in this country other than perhaps QLD after a recession. I doubt Ed is risking too much here.

This discussion is interesting though because we seem to have hit the other side of "political correctness". Why is it not ok for people/celebrities in the media to voice their personal opinions about Trump/the US election/ religion etc? Surely that is as pernicious a form of "political correctness" as the usual stuff spouted out about aboriginals, muslims etc that you hear from the other side.
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Player Watch Mason Cox

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