McGinnity to be sanctioned for insulting a players mother

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The sledging on cricket fields has always been far tamer than the mindless, idiotic garbage that footballers use to get under their opponent's skin.

Despite all that, the ICC came down hard on the Aussies "take no prisoners" approach to sledging and started suspending and fining players who crossed the line.

I just shake my head at people who think all is fair and anything goes. Where do they get this idea from? There are still standards of behaviour, even on a football field.
I strongly disagree.

In fact sledging is not only the domain of AFL players, see NFL, NBA, professional soccer.

Heck if professional netball is anything like it is at an amateur level.:eek:
Sledging has never been as bad in the AFL, you can just crunch the guy with a bump or tackle if he pisses you off somehow.

And if you want to piss someone off you can niggle them all game.
I was talking about this with a mate at work today, and he was saying that at the Primary School his wife teaches at, the Yo mamma jokes had gotten so out of hand that the Principal had to call a special assembly to announce that any kid heard beginning a sentence with "Yo Mamma..." would be suspended on the spot.

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McGinnity is a footballer, a shut down defender who does what needs to be done to put his player off. Did he say something "mean", something that wouldn't be tolerated off the field? Almost certainly, he also got his jaw smashed via an illegal act by the Pies skipper and said nothing except "shit happens and its part of the game... "

Petterd has done nothing wrong if you take the view of soccer mums and those who long for a "safer", "nicer" more "inclusive" world ...

McGinnity just did what sportsman have been doing forever, and something that the code he plays in has seen as "part of the game" forever...
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?
I always try to open my other eye when it comes to footy. Try to not be biased and see other people's side of things but seriously Melbourne supporters, watch that video again and try tell me that Pettard wasn't raising an issue with the umpires about Mcginnity.

Simple fact is he is embarrassed about the fact he snitched and acted like a pussy so he lies on SEN. He is gonna hear a lot worse than "I ****ed your mum" for the next few years that's for sure.
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's to DES Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?
I draw the line at racial vilification.

The things I have heard........

I am not a sledger, but I have copped plenty worse than I ****ed your mum or I will rape your mum.
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?

Greatly disputed version....But it did get Headland off a 6 week striking charge so it served its purpose:rolleyes:
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

This has been repeated a few times, but where is the evidence that Selwood said it? Selwood was found not guilty by the tribunal.

Taken to its logical conclusion, alleged verbal insults could regularly be cited as evidence of provocation in order to obtain a lesser sentence for striking. Footy's answer to battered wife syndrome.
Headland was a sook. Ive had plenty said about my sexuality (cause I'm an amazing dresser) bout my family and race. I don't crack the shits though. Yeah I'll try line him up or at least tackle him as hard as I can but after the game, I'll shake their hands and if they're in the club rOoms after the game I'll sit down and have a beer with em. Only thomastown was the only football team which was messed up who would sledge like no tomorrow but when something was said back to em the hole team ran off the field for their van to grab bats and polls. Nothing happened. But we never versed that wogfested team again...
Headland was a sook. Ive had plenty said about my sexuality (cause I'm an amazing dresser) bout my family and race. I don't crack the shits though. Yeah I'll try line him up or at least tackle him as hard as I can but after the game, I'll shake their hands and if they're in the club r
Thats it.

I mean seriously? I have copped and heard dished out far worse from team mates, regularly.
Got to laugh at the melbourne spin.
First it was Ricky's mum has cancer (lie)
Then it was something to do with rape (lie)
now little ricky is trying to convince people he didnt cry to the umpires.
Not only a confirmed sook but also a pathetic liar.
Unbelievable. None of that spin came from Melbournefc or Petterd. None of the video is conclusive about anything, unless you can lipread.

Not only are you completely out of tune with policies on respect for women, you are shooting someone who is not even the messenger. The biggest spin is coming from West Coast supporters who are deflecting from the real issue, which is what McGinnity said and how disgusting it was.

The facts are:
  • McGinnity was charged and suspended for a week
  • McGinnity contritely issued an apology
  • The Eagles issued a statement in support of McGinnity's suspension saying what he said was demeaning
  • the AFL supported the suspension through their policy on respect for women

Petterd accepted the apology. But you're still going on and on and on about Petterd? What about McGinnity? Get some perspective on who's the transgressor here.

When you start accepting the shameful role McGinnity has played in this, I'll start to take your views seriousl
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?

Ordinary thing to say, yes, but they were so far removed from any kind of reality that Headland, in any clear state of mind, could not have possibly taken the comments literally.

His reaction was a disgrace, and so was the tribunal findings in that case.

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Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?

You want me to make a comment on something that Des Headland alleges was said and Adam Selwood vehemently denies was said?

I mean we could do a comparative study of the relative characters of Headland and Selwood and then re-assess your made up claims in light of that.

I think its funny that a bloke clamouring for the high moral ground uses the lies of a bloke who was facing a 6 week suspension, and would do anything to avoid same, to try and make his point. You falsely accuse Selwood with a horrible unproven (and denied) "statement" which does more damage than anything McGinnity may have said. Hypocrite much?

There is clearly a line and its just been redrawn, without notice and to the detriment of a bloke who had his jaw broken outside the laws of the game and saw the man who assaulted him escape sanction....

The AFL is a mish-mash of social engineering and money driven phony "ideals" ... its bollocks...
Unbelievable. None of that spin came from Melbournefc or Petterd. None of the video is conclusive about anything, unless you can lipread.

Not only are you completely out of tune with policies on respect for women, you are shooting someone who is not even the messenger. The biggest spin is coming from West Coast supporters who are deflecting from the real issue, which is what McGinnity said and how disgusting it was.

The facts are:
  • McGinnity was charged and suspended for a week
  • McGinnity contritely issued an apology
  • The Eagles issued a statement in support of McGinnity's suspension saying what he said was demeaning
  • the AFL supported the suspension through their policy on respect for women

Petterd accepted the apology. But you're still going on and on and on about Petterd? What about McGinnity? Get some perspective on who's the transgressor here.

When you start accepting the shameful role McGinnity has played in this, I'll start to take your views seriousl

I bet you are fun at parties ....
Unbelievable. None of that spin came from Melbournefc or Petterd. None of the video is conclusive about anything, unless you can lipread.

Not only are you completely out of tune with policies on respect for women, you are shooting someone who is not even the messenger. The biggest spin is coming from West Coast supporters who are deflecting from the real issue, which is what McGinnity said and how disgusting it was.

The facts are:
  • McGinnity was charged and suspended for a week
  • McGinnity contritely issued an apology
  • The Eagles issued a statement in support of McGinnity's suspension saying what he said was demeaning
  • the AFL supported the suspension through their policy on respect for women

Petterd accepted the apology. But you're still going on and on and on about Petterd? What about McGinnity? Get some perspective on who's the transgressor here.

When you start accepting the shameful role McGinnity has played in this, I'll start to take your views seriousl
I lol'd.
Hey mate, I'm interested to know if you also condoned Adam Selwood's comments to Des Headland about his six year old daughter, saying he'd f***** her and that she was a sl**

Was this also just a "part of the game"?

Or do you agree there is a line somewhere for sledging that shouldn't be tolerated?

Those comments above are disgusting, but that is Headland's version. He had blown his stack and punched Selwood, so obviously he had an agenda in making Selwood sound as bad as possible. Selwood's version sounded stupid as well, so personally I think the truth was somewhere in between.
Anyway Adam obviously said something out of line, and he got punched in the head, pretty fair if you asked me. But I don't believe he said what is written above.
There definitely is a line, but" I f****d your mamma"? Really?
I'd call it lame and unimaginative, but so offensive that you'd make a complaint? Can't believe his dad made a comment either.
Here are the details of what was said.

Interesting that Petterd allegedly made threats to kill, since Jake King is facing a real court next week over the same thing. Seems that some threats are taken more seriously than others...

Though all the article says is that the Herald Sun was told by a "source".

I wonder if the source was reading Bigfooty or Demonland.

Will wait to see if the club responds first.
I have copped plenty worse than I ****ed your mum or I will rape your mum.
Yeah, me too. And I never worried about the stupid shit people have said. Water off a duck's back. But it still doesn't make it right. People should show respect to each other. It isn't soft, or "caring and sharing". It's just the right way to be. McGinnity is a young guy, but he'll learn from this. No excuses for people to act like wild dogs. There are other, better ways to niggle an opponent.

Years from now, McGinnity will look back on this incident and be embarrassed by his words. (If he hasn't already.) He won't think, "I was just doing my job, what's all the fuss about?" He'll probably say "WTF was I thinking? Gee, I was an idiot back in those days"

It's amusing to see the apologists condone the below-the-belt sledging. At least McGinnity can use 'white line fever' as an excuse.
He's a Melbourne supporter. He's no fun anywhere.
Yeah, I get it now. It's OK to say demeaning, disgusting and repulsive things about women because:
  • It was said on the football field
  • It was said in the stress of competition
  • What is said on the field stays on the field
  • It's all just said in fun
Weak, gutless and morally vacant.
Well done to the West Coast Eagles. It's a shame most of their supporters are rock apes.
The HUN is as reliable as this website, funnily the "update" appeared just after discussions on here started alleging this.

Will wait for genuine confirmation first.

Interesting that Pettard allegedly instigated the situation by threatening to kill McGinnity. Again though, has not been legitimately confirmed.
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