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I haven't been scouring these boards for too long, and haven't given any advice yet, admittedly, but will look to in the future.

Age: 19
Height: 174
Weight: 66
Body type: Ecto-Mesomorph.
Body fat: 9.5% (approx.)
Qualifications in the industry: Studying exercise and sports science at Deakin at the moment, but only starting my second year, so I wouldnt say I am an expert, but I know a bit.

Diet: Never really followed a strict diet in terms of building muscle or improving fitness, as I live at home, and thus, eat what is put in front of me for Dinner.

Goals: Build muscle. Build up to 69-70kg while still retaining my body fat percentage. Get a regular game at the footy club by way of putting on this muscle, thus presenting myself being pushed around as much.

Sport played: Football, Swimming.

Just a quick question, personally, I have found it very difficult to put on weight. Any suggestions?
Note: I don't use protein powders or shakes or anything, could this be my biggest problem?
Just a quick question, personally, I have found it very difficult to put on weight. Any suggestions?

Get older ;)

I'm 178cm and I weighed 60kg when I was 18. Even in my early to mid 20's I couldn't get over 70kg (my Ben Cousins-esque recreational activities back then didn't help).

Then I did my knee, stopped playing sport, toned back the recreational activities... and blew out to 95kg in my late 20's.

I've got it back to 81kg at the moment with a lot of hard work, but it's still a constant struggle to watch what I eat when I spent must of my life stuffing my face till I felt sick in an effort to put weight on.
I haven't been scouring these boards for too long, and haven't given any advice yet, admittedly, but will look to in the future.

Age: 19
Height: 174
Weight: 66
Body type: Ecto-Mesomorph.
Body fat: 9.5% (approx.)
Qualifications in the industry: Studying exercise and sports science at Deakin at the moment, but only starting my second year, so I wouldnt say I am an expert, but I know a bit.

Diet: Never really followed a strict diet in terms of building muscle or improving fitness, as I live at home, and thus, eat what is put in front of me for Dinner.

Goals: Build muscle. Build up to 69-70kg while still retaining my body fat percentage. Get a regular game at the footy club by way of putting on this muscle, thus presenting myself being pushed around as much.

Sport played: Football, Swimming.

Just a quick question, personally, I have found it very difficult to put on weight. Any suggestions?
Note: I don't use protein powders or shakes or anything, could this be my biggest problem?

most 19yr olds train too much compared to what their eating...i'd increase your food QUALITY and train 3/week with minimal cardio for you, a sprint day would be benificial though

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Just a quick question, personally, I have found it very difficult to put on weight. Any suggestions?
Note: I don't use protein powders or shakes or anything, could this be my biggest problem?

Eat more, dude. I put on 10kg in 2011 by doing just that.

Work out your maintenance caloric intake using this:

Then eat more than that while working out.

As a quick guide:

Maintenance + 300-500 = lean bulk
+ 500 - 700 = regular bulk
+ 1000+ = hard bulk

I'm not as much of an ecto as you but I don't put on much extra fat doing 1000 calories over maintenance, unless it's a dirty bulk. But what I usually do is aim for 1000 calories over maintenance (so about 3600ish) and then if I feel hungry between meals I won't hesitate to snack on chocolates or junk food as really, it's just extra calories that I'm not worried about or even counting. I'm also not worried about fat, that can always be cut down the track.

If you're not keen on counting calories then probably your best bet is to just go for seconds and thirds of all your meals. Buy things to snack on throughout the day like fruit and yogurt and oats. Boil some eggs and eat it with cottage cheese if you have a spare 10 minutes. It's just about eating whenever you can.

Also, would recommend getting a WPI for post workout. Most of us in this thread don't consider WPI a supplement, it's more of a diet staple.

Good luck.
Thanks guys, I'm not overly knowledgeable about food in that sort of sense, I know the basics, but possibly not quite as in depth as some of you might, and obviously don't have that personal experience of putting on muscle. Hahaha
Before the holidays i was only 50-51 kgs. But now i am 61kgs.
If you want to put on good muscle stick to a high protein diet.
Calculate how much you calories you consume a day increase it.
Eggs, kidney beans and tuna are a good place to start.
Before the holidays i was only 50-51 kgs. But now i am 61kgs.
If you want to put on good muscle stick to a high protein diet.
Calculate how much you calories you consume a day increase it.
Eggs, kidney beans and tuna are a good place to start.


How's all the bf treating you?
He's still only 61kgs I'd still say its a good thing.

No doubt.

To think he's put on 10kg of good muscle though?

On the beans too - They're very good to boost your Carbs and fiber intake for the day, however be sure to have a quality protein source with them.
10kg in 2.5 months aint a stretch. In that time i didn't go out and stuck to the diet and gym.
Also consumed whey protein with the beans.
We see alot of members offering advice but who are these people? I think the regular members on this board should provide a little information on themselves so we know who we are getting advice from and who we are talking to, also to learn more about the guys here. Ill go first.

Age: 23
Height: 187
Weight: 85
Body type: Somewhere between ecto and meso
Qualifications in the industry: none

Supplements: currently using: WPC, maltodextrin, creatine, jack3d (every now and then)

Diet: Most of my protein comes in the way of food, tuna, chicken, steak, eggs and cottage cheese. I also normally get approx 5 and 2 serves of veg and fruit per day. Ive recently started eating alot more and noticed a big difference in muscle gain.

Goals: Build muscle, reach 90kg (200 pounds) with about 10% bodyfat
Achievements so far: Reduced body fat to approx 12% and added roughly 10kg muscle in 2 years

Sport played: Football

im not into anonymous profiles. anyone can say anything. if you are worried about the advice you see posted, then either google it, or ask for a link for evidence of their statements. people should be able to back up what they say with facts....unless its just opinion, and stated as such.

many poorly qualified coaches/trainers/ are really very good. certificates suck, as they require you to be present on the day, when some boring prick, pontificates all day on childish shit. it doesnt mean you know what you are talking about. it just means you were present.....not even awake!

the bloke who has a lifetime of experience and observation should be more valued than some princess that climbs the certificate ladder. the ablity to relate what you have learned over a lifetime iis critical. but at least you have done it. you cant relate it, if you havent done it! a certificate wont help you if you dont have experience to fall back on.

the thing about experience is that you have seen most situations already as a player or observer, that you may run into as a coach or trainer. usually you see things coming, and have structures in place to deal with them, or proactively plan to deal with certain situations.

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Kong, you know qualifications mean nothing. Experience is everything, I've talked to some people with sport science degrees and I learnt more than them watching Cressey and Robertsons building the efficient athlete than they learnt in 4 years. Not to bag all of them though, I have met some very knowledgeable people that have completed a uni degree.

Wow back on topic, yes does sound like a piss take.

For a guy that seems to know so little, you're studying it at Uni?

No studied PE teaching for two years, go into a sport science course next year, didnt make that very clear

You don't seem to know the basics of nutrition yet you're taking clenbuterol?
What basics dont i know? please explain

You gained 7kg in 6 weeks, but your body fat's around 8%?
Last week of August till 2 weeks into october (so probably more like 7-8 weeks) i gained about 6-7kg (upto 74-75kg). Than from mid october till Christmas i took oxy elites on a cutting diet (not really strict), increased the training in regards to cardio and probably went down to 71. After Xmas i have done a clenbuterol cycle and gone very strict with diet, done more sprints and maintained cardio and went down to 67-68

Come on, mate. You're taking the piss, yeah?

no piss take, why do you think it is?

Studied PE teaching for first 2 years, than going into next year am moving over, so havnt done any specific sport science units really yet as i start the study next year.

Im getting results, a mate who does MMA and knows alot about BF% ect said i would be around 6-7 when he saw me, but i thought that was way too low. So i thought id be in the range of 8-10 which i said above (single digits).
Hey guys just got back from a 2 month holiday of awesomeness (a mix of pretty much spinning wheels doing pretty much nothing and cutting :D), can I get a quick BF% estimation please?


Hopefully closing in on 11-12% but will start reverse dieting regardless because I don't want to waste potential noob gains. Calorie counting starts NOW, actually looking forward to it :D no more guesstimating!

Before anyone asks no I don't have a medical condition that needs monitoring lol that armband is a BodyMedia FIT.

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