Men and alcohol

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Mar 2, 2008
AFL Club

Greetings all,

I am a Masters student in Clinical Psychology and am seeking participants to take part in online research. My research is looking at men's attitudes towards masculinity and alcohol consumption. If you are interested in participating and are male and aged 18 or over, please access the research questionnaire below where you will be asked to anonymously record your responses to questions/statements about your attitudes towards the male role in Australian society today and various aspects of your drinking behaviour. It should only take 10-15 mins to finish the survey.

A lot of the men who have already participated have given me feedback about how helpful completing the survey was in seeing where they were at with their drinking (something we don't think about or like to think about), and what they thought about how a man should/shouldn't act today. So in other words most guys have got something out of it.

If you have any questions or want to give me feedback, I would prefer you contacted me by PM or via email. Just to confirm, I have sought and gained permission of the Administrator before putting up this post, so it is in no way dodgy or spam.

The link to the survey is:

Thanks in advance for your interest.

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Some feedback:

I found some questions I would agree with but regardless of sex and therefore the specific man part of the question made it irrelevant.

e.g. Being beaten in a game by a woman. - I'm quite competative and so being beaten in a game by anyone is not fun so being beaten in a game by a woman I would have to say is stressful but I believe that misses the point of the question as the emphasis of the question is on the woman not the losing.

Having others say that you are too emotional - I wouldn't have a problem being described as emotional but being too emotional implies inability to perform a task which would be stressful, not because they think you are emotional but because they think you incapable.
Thanks for your feedback... I appreciate the fact that you felt strongly enough about the experience of completing the survey to reply on the board. I will reply to each of you by PM. Cheers
agree with the comments about the questions... an attitude toward something isn't necessarily confined to values of masculinity... i guess that's where you answer neutrally...
There were a few questions which were a bit ambiguous, and I did find that certain questions didn't really let me show what I meant with the whole disagree-strongly agree thing. Probably should have changed the wording a bit to cater to both sexes. eg. Instead of the whole "being beaten in a game by a woman", this should be "being beaten in a game by a member of the opposite sex", unless I'm missing the point of the question.
There were a few questions which were a bit ambiguous, and I did find that certain questions didn't really let me show what I meant with the whole disagree-strongly agree thing. Probably should have changed the wording a bit to cater to both sexes. eg. Instead of the whole "being beaten in a game by a woman", this should be "being beaten in a game by a member of the opposite sex", unless I'm missing the point of the question.

the whole survey was based on MEN and alcohol, so logically women are the opposite sex i would've thought...

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I also thought the questions could have been a bit more neutral.

Would you be stressed if you 'wife' earned more than you? etc. What about gay people? Or those who are are long-term singles?

I'd also be interested in seeing the results later on
I'm still waiting for the survey of psychologists and sociologists which enquires as to why they (psychologists and sociologists) believe anything anyone replies in any of their surveys.
the whole survey was based on MEN and alcohol, so logically women are the opposite sex i would've thought...
Yes but wasn't there a question at the start asking if you were male or female?

Unless the female option told you that you weren't required to do the test then it should be a bit more ambiguous about the gender.
If you indicate on the first question that you are female, you are immediately taken to the end of the survey... a number of people have indicated they are female (whether this is actual women mistakenly entering the survey or guys who are confused about their sex is unknown) and they are immediately exited from the process.
Think i fall into the typical binge drinker category. 2-4 times a month, more than 10 drinks every time.

Yeah I'd fall into that catagory, maybe sometimes a bit more, and occasionally go out and have a few. But generally around 4times a month and drink more than 10drinks everytime.
Thanks everyone for your feedback and participation in the research and the thread... it's been interesting to read people's statements with regard to their drinking and I've had a lot of interesting feedback so far, more so from members of this forum than anyone else who has participated. I've tried to reply to by PM where a response is warranted.
I feel that it did not allow for people to comment on their moral or religious views thus it may be inclined to lean towards certain stereotypes & as a result may not reflect their true position view.

For instance a person may not agree in gay marriage but it may have nothing to do with the consumption of alcohol or his upbringing but may be related to religious views formed as an adult.

Also a person may have a moral objection to a gay person working as a teacher due to being molested as a child by a man & now feels that this could be a potentially dangerous situation for a young boy.

I don't know but just how I felt, that it is hard to get a true indication of a persons views.

In saying that it was quite well structured & tried to dig into the right areas most of the time.

Interesting survey mate. And I want to announce publicly that I think men should have home improvement skills! My computer froze at the page where I put in my email address to find out the results... what can I do about that? Can't seem to reenter the survey at that page.
Thanks deezer. If you want to just send me (email or PM) your email address I'll put in on the list and you'll be sent the results when they are finalised. Cheers.
I saw this and took the test but not sure that I got much out of it other than I still drink way too much! I think you will get mostly binge drinkers from here coz footy and drink go hand in hand. Good luck anyways.

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Men and alcohol

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