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You're not listening Chief, get rid of it altogether!!
I am listening, I'm just not agreeing to do what you're asking. I got the guys to move it across to a better location. I also believe some background colour will break up the white space if I can get that added. But the right hand nav will stay.

I am sorry if that means some people feel they cannot visit the site any more or as often as you used to. It is a shame but better to lose a few people than lose the entire site.

1. Who ultimately decides the layout of the site? You? Or some mysterious cladestine agency called "Big".

2. Is the navigational bar on the right, solely about Ads? If so, please be aware that more and more people are using adblock which makes the ads go bye byes.

3. Be careful. We have all seen bigger and better sites than BigFooty sunk because of over advertisement. More site traffic is your ticket, not more ads.
I am listening, I'm just not agreeing to do what you're asking. I got the guys to move it across to a better location. I also believe some background colour will break up the white space if I can get that added. But the right hand nav will stay.

I am sorry if that means some people feel they cannot visit the site any more or as often as you used to. It is a shame but better to lose a few people than lose the entire site.
How will you lose the entire site? It's doing nothing except squishing up the site and no one(NO ONE) likes it. Why can't you change back and get rid of it(reason please).

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As much as the bar on the left hand side annoys me, I still haven't had explained why the boxes aren't stretched to the right of screen anymore (if the text doesn't go that far) and I am left with half a screen of white.


And even worse, on profile pages, the same thing happens, which means half the user options can't be seen on first glance.

I have recreated something similar in IE7 only.

What browser are you using?

What browser version?

What operating system?
Sorry Chief but you have stuffed up. I think 100% of people would prefer an email than this crap. Remember that the more people accessing the site means more money. You don't need this crap to keep BigFooty profitible. Think off something else.:mad:
The nav bar is staying. No two ways about it. We tried an ad within the threads but it was not well received and also disrupted the flow of threads.

With the nav bar we'll need to run fewer gambling ads and send out fewer sports bookies emails to everyone. We'll also have more options for placement of navigation links and so on.

I have negotiated with the guys and we have agreed that the right hand side, while still annoying to some people, is an improvement in these areas:

* Large images will push the nav bar off the right of the screen, not the post text.

* It looks better in the blogs and My BigFooty area, which already have a left nav bar.

We are still experimenting with the nav content and the ringtone ads will be gone in a few weeks replaced with some more relevant, less annoying banners.
Just send us a email every week rather than have the nav bar.

Why change something that already works?
The nav bar is staying. No two ways about it. We tried an ad within the threads but it was not well received and also disrupted the flow of threads.

With the nav bar we'll need to run fewer gambling ads and send out fewer sports bookies emails to everyone. We'll also have more options for placement of navigation links and so on.

I have negotiated with the guys and we have agreed that the right hand side, while still annoying to some people, is an improvement in these areas:

* Large images will push the nav bar off the right of the screen, not the post text.

* It looks better in the blogs and My BigFooty area, which already have a left nav bar.

We are still experimenting with the nav content and the ringtone ads will be gone in a few weeks replaced with some more relevant, less annoying banners.

How about just getting rid of thing and giving the customers what they want?

It still looks shit, it's annoying and on some occasions, it is still compressing what I am seeing.

You'll lose more than a few people over this.
The nav bar is staying. No two ways about it. We tried an ad within the threads but it was not well received and also disrupted the flow of threads.
Surely it was better received than this though. There'd have to be some better way of advertising other than taking up half the screen.
Its growing on me.

Like a second head I just dont want.

The ladies love the second head...;)

I can live with the sidebar, but could we get rid of some of the ads it brings up? Like I'd mention the ringtone one but you are already removing that bad boy.:thumbsu:

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So did my respect for Bigfooty and its administration.

____ you Chief, you're not getting any money from me. I'll never pay for a subscription or click a single ____ing ad.

rJ was right.

I don't recall you ever having respect for BF or its administrators.

This thread isn't the place for extensive tutorials on how to block out the ads that keep this site alive.
The ladies love the second head...;)

I can live with the sidebar, but could we get rid of some of the ads it brings up? Like I'd mention the ringtone one but you are already removing that bad boy.:thumbsu:

Yes we can remove that. Give it a week or so while we organise replacements.
I have recreated something similar in IE7 only.

What browser are you using?

What browser version?

What operating system?
I replied to this before.

I am running Vista Ultimate, and Internet Explorer 7.0.
I don't recall you ever having respect for BF or its administrators.
Not true. If you and Fred are BF's main administrators then I absolutely respected you and the rules and regulations of being a poster on Bigfooty.

Check my record Chiefy. I have had one yellow card in two years, and even that one was pretty soft (I called someone a moron)

If this isnt the case and there is some overlord 'Big' corporation making you act like this then I will apologise. You need only say the word and I will direct my vitriol towards 'them' instead.

This thread isn't the place for extensive tutorials on how to block out the ads that keep this site alive.
This is where you are going wrong mate.

Ads don't keep Bigfooty alive, good posters do.
Not true. If you and Fred are BF's main administrators then I absolutely respected you and the rules and regulations of being a poster on Bigfooty.

Check my record Chiefy. I have had one yellow card in two years, and even that one was pretty soft (I called someone a moron)

If this isnt the case and there is some overlord 'Big' corporation making you act like this then I will apologise. You need only say the word and I will direct my vitriol towards 'them' instead.
Be my guest.

This is where you are going wrong mate.

Ads don't keep Bigfooty alive, good posters do.
True, but without ads there is no way we could run a site that has 35,000 regular users and 1-2,000 people on at any one time.

I see the negative response from people, and I'm gathering information on slower page load times to see how or if that can be mitigated. I will, however, ignore posts like "I hate u get rid of it u owe me a free site wif no adz!!!111".

The side nav has only been up for two days. Give me some time to try to get a win for everyone.
Don't get rid of the Lesbian ads though.....

I can live with it on the right. Though it still seems to make the layout seem squashed. Perhaps its just my settings
Be my guest.

Well then tell us where to direct our vitriol. Who are these unnamed sorcerers who control the way our favorite internet forum is run?

True, but without ads there is no way we could run a site that has 35,000 regular users and 1-2,000 people on at any one time.

I wonder how much it costs to run a site like this every year? Maybe $30/year for the bulletin board software renewal fee (extra $300 per year for phone support if you so require). Maybe $100/month for hosting on American servers. So there's... say... AUD $1500 per year?

And then... how much do you pay Fred? And how much do you pay each of the moderators?

Then you make $10 for every sucker (like me) who signs up every year... suppose 350 do (and I've got no real clue as to how many do - this is just a good figure for argument's sakes, and out of an apparent 35,000 seems reasonable) then that is a few grand of revenue. Less Paypal's cut, of course.

I wonder just how much it all costs...

I see the negative response from people, and I'm gathering information on slower page load times to see how or if that can be mitigated. I will, however, ignore posts like "I hate u get rid of it u owe me a free site wif no adz!!!111".

Free site? Whatabout the suckers who parted way with a tenna? Why should they be subjected to ads?

The side nav has only been up for two days. Give me some time to try to get a win for everyone.

'Side nav'. What, have you been reading Karl Rove's 'Guide to word-association and spin'?
It's a new section for more ads. Any fool can see that!

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