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Interesting - but would people hate that even more?

I certainly could judge, but I do know that it doesn't ruin the look and feel of the site. So, it's annoying 5% of the time rather than 100% of the time...

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I have occasionally thought of just taking out all ads and making it a paid site.

That way new users are automatically paid for and there is more time and money to make the site better. But I want to keep it free so everyone can join in.
I have occasionally thought of just taking out all ads and making it a paid site.

That way new users are automatically paid for and there is more time and money to make the site better.

It's pretty rare for people to pay for internet content.

edit: that isn't pr0n.
I have occasionally thought of just taking out all ads and making it a paid site.

That way new users are automatically paid for and there is more time and money to make the site better.

That would kill off alot of members if it was paid. Paying to post at a forum is a unheard of thing on the internet and is frowned upon. I have trouble to believe that more ads are needed. That Big Internet Group really needs the extra income to support the servers.

Let's have a look at the biggest forum board in history.... Gaia Online. The forum contains over 1.2 Billion posts and no that's not a typo. There are on average between 40 000 to 60 000 members online at one time. With 12 million members. Thinking of the logical of BigFooty, no there isn't over 1000 Google ads to support this size. They have one simple ad on the side. They do business deals with the server hosts for cheaper prices. Now if they can keep ads on a low key then the tiny BigFooty can do the same thing. Unless you are getting seriously ripped off by your web host or there's a few too many greed bosses at the top of the tree.
A high profile site can get much better ad deals than a relatively small site like BF.

Paid forums are not unheard of. ?

Any number of business sites. Online marketing sites. Even some bands have a service where you pay a subscription for access to their site and all of their music.
Cheif out of all the things you've done this is up their with the worst. After 340 posts of complaining, and 10 posts of Fantastic_Crows pissing in your pocket, surely you go with the 340?

To say you will 'lose the whole site' if you don't have that their is a little silly imo. I'm sure you can come up with a few better ideas than taking up 15% of the screen and cramping up everything?
A high profile site can get much better ad deals than a relatively small site like BF.

Paid forums are not unheard of. ?

Any number of business sites. Online marketing sites. Even some bands have a service where you pay a subscription for access to their site and all of their music.

I have seen forums between the ranges of 5 to 20 million with low amount of ads. 3 ads was pushing, but 4 ads is overkill. 95% of the members have agreed with this point.

The ratio of paid posting to free forums is very one sided. I would never pay to post in a forum. It should be free and it would remove many members from BigFooty. Go to a number of Admin based forums and ask the question "Would you charge people to post" and nearly all the comments would "Are you for real?"

Have a talk to the boys in the business suits at Big Internet and say "Look guys, alot of members are not happy with this current change and we need a Plan B. It will not be good for us to sweep it under the carpet and pretend it's not a problem"

See if that works.
A high profile site can get much better ad deals than a relatively small site like BF.

Paid forums are not unheard of. ?

Any number of business sites. Online marketing sites. Even some bands have a service where you pay a subscription for access to their site and all of their music.
The thing is your making it seem like the site will have to be shut down if this 1 ad isn't on it.

Now I don't know how much you pay for site hosting, but I know it can cost only $40 a year, now doing some math you have many who pay the $10US to be BFSC members, then you already have 3 ads on the site, that would make you a fair profit.

How about getting rid of the side bar, and you never know, maybe you will get a few extra BFSC members(SIGN UP IF IT IS TAKEN AWAY), then you get people happy with the site, a nice full screen for the threads.


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Yes I think that is certainly possible. A second tier of BFSC member would be very easy to add. I am pretty sure the techy guys could add code that blocked the ad units for that level of subscriber.
Only thing is that Adblock could stop a lot of people joining up for it. I'd be willing to pay it even though I use Adblock simply because the site's worth it.
As a follow-up to the paid site/forum subscription idea -

I think at some point clubs will have special sites which members can pay extra for. Club officials and players will visit regularly and talk frankly with, say, the top 500 or 1000 supporters who pay $100-$200 extra per year. Certain players will run sites and dodge the salary cap by licensing their club to sell memberships on their behalf for a commission. So the player is effectively paying the club rather than the other way around.
Only thing is that Adblock could stop a lot of people joining up for it. I'd be willing to pay it even though I use Adblock simply because the site's worth it.

I will point the guys in the direction of this post and see what they think.
It is a shame but better to lose a few people than lose the entire site.


"Please, Midge! They're gonna take my thumbs!"
Yes I think that is certainly possible. A second tier of BFSC member would be very easy to add. I am pretty sure the techy guys could add code that blocked the ad units for that level of subscriber.

Why don't you just make it apply to normal BFSC members. Not many people are going to pay between 30 and 50 bucks, but if you include it in the normal BFSC membership then you might find a lot more people signing up.
So, what about the people who are already supporting the site by subscribing to the BFSC? Shouldn't they be able to view the site ad free?

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