Mick Malthouse: I find it difficult to talk publicly

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he's been a sook since day one. back when he was at Footscray / WC it was seen as passion.

now its politically incorrect to be grumpy. Micks just being Mick. gun coach and very hate-able. nothing wrong with that.
Perhaps those there don't need things repeated for them 3 times. Monologue lecturing vs grilling.

He simply despises "journalists" and it's easier to say that then what he really thinks of the vultures, these people seem to think because other coaches take their crap everyone should, if they want to make emotional pleas and say they are just doing their job and they are human beings perhaps they should have some empathy as that's the oldest excuse, they are a joke the lot of them.

These personalities think people are interested in them, that channel 7/fox footy is bringing the game to the people and making the AFL and they are all that, bullshit, the public demands the product and the network bid for that product, now they attempt to spin and big note them self that they are the best presenters in town, when they are generally cringe worthy and infuriating.

How about talking footy instead of being whining useless vultures trying to make fun of coaches and having a cry when they call your service out for your lack of professionalism.

best post I've read in ages.

spot on.
You do understand the distinction between someone directing the discussion themselves, and someone being grilled and criticised in public, that I mentioned earlier in the thread, right? Everyone here would be far more comfortable with the former than the latter.

He doesn't have a problem making money off journalism. His daughter is a journalist, yet he feels uncomfortable speaking to journalists. I suggest Malthouse do one thing, be respectful. It's not hard to do. Treat people how you want to be treated. He has a hot temper and doesn't treat people properly. He needs to rectify that.

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this is the part where you list the coaches that won premierships with no on field leadership 'to make them look good'.
You are completely correct about there being no premiership coaches without on field leaders, what I am saying is that Mick sold himself to Carlton as the difference between finalists and premiership, he was so much better than Ratten and that has worked so well for the club hasn't it. His rationale was that everything was in place and all Carlton had to do was be graced by his presence and everything would fall in place. One of the things he doesn't have at Carlton are the senior leaders that Geelong and Hawthorn have in spades, and he had a few at Collingwood and more than a few at WC, his presence alone will never be enough to bridge the gap.

He either knew this but still sold himself as the answer or he truly believes he is the difference, dishonest or delusional you can choose.
I said earlier Mick should just embrace the fact that he's the grumpy old man similar to Pop or Belichick. And I still agree with that.

But you can be grumpy and unwilling to deal with the media without being so angry and almost unhinged.

Please Mick. Embrace the grumpy. Answer questions however you see fit. But for your own sake calm down a bit and stop thinking life the whole world is against you. Emotional outbursts don't help anyone.
Malthouse is only an issue because he's pissed off Mark Robinson and to a lesser extent Jon Ralph. I'd imagine that wouldn't be hard to do, imagine putting up with these negative... The Herald Sun/Foxfooty boy's club are all over him so they are going to make sure he's plastered all over the TV/Papers every time he sneezes. If it wasn't for that lot drooling over everything Malthouse does that could be construed as negative and waiting for the slightest little negative reaction from him he wouldn't even get into the news.

If you're sick of hearing about Malthouse, just ignore these blokes who have an obsessive vendetta with him. Trust me, I doubt that there will be much positive stuff in the media by these two regarding Carlton's win and if there is the coach won't get a positive mention that's for sure.
He's been around long enough to know that the overwhelming part of why his salary is exponentially higher than it was 25 years ago, is the value of the media coverage of the AFL. The bosses of those journalists that he despises, are feeding him. And a small but important part of the billion-plus-dollar TV juggernaut, is the post-match press conference broadcast live.

You are asked a question. You answer it in its terms. If its terms don't make sense, if it's based on a false premise etc, you can gently point that out, seek clarification or just deflect it and move on. FFS, it's not that difficult. Unless you want to make it difficult.
The bosses of those journalists that he despises, are feeding him.

You and I are feeding him along with every other footy fan.

Not a penny of his pay, nor that of his bosses or their bosses, or the journos or the media oligarchy that employs them, comes from anywhere but our pockets.

Pies , chips, beer, LCD tvs, bookies, cars, taxpayer funded broadcast license concessions... it all comes from our pockets.
Get a load of mick in full force.

Now I'm willing to admit there are some pretty stupid and contrived questions in there but some are pretty reasonable. The media has to feed the beast and its a very hungry beast indeed. I'm not saying Mick has to be a wallflower but he is required to liaise with the media as part of his role and he doesn't need to show them contempt for them on a regular basis. He's made it pretty clear that, in his view, you need to be an ex-player to have any credibility as a footy journo so you're going to be up against it if you're not.

The Ling confrontation was inappropriate and ill advised. There must have been enough backlash from Carlton members for the Carlton hierarchy to call Mick in for a little chat and in the end its about presenting a professional and united front for the Blues.

Also Mark Robinson is a dickhead.

I don't think there's anything there that's terribly incriminating. yes he pushed it further than he probably needed it to but it's more him being a smart ass than being really vindictive. and I love every one one of those answers.

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The solution for Mick is to come out as Gay and or with a form of autoimmune disease or cancer, he'd be untouchable. The media's PC special interest and racist sexist collectivist guilt pushing will be forced to get behind him.
I just watched his press conference and I'm still laughing, I can't believe people are trying to drive him out of the game in exchange for another boring as hell robot specially programmed to talk for 20 minutes without actually saying anything. There will be 18 robot coaches soon all reading from the same script, the people hating on Malthouse will just have to relax and wait a year or two.
I don't think there's anything there that's terribly incriminating. yes he pushed it further than he probably needed it to but it's more him being a smart ass than being really vindictive. and I love every one one of those answers.
That rundown is hilarious.

I just watched his press conference and I'm still laughing, I can't believe people are trying to drive him out of the game in exchange for another boring as hell robot specially programmed to talk for 20 minutes without actually saying anything. There will be 18 robot coaches soon all reading from the same script, the people hating on Malthouse will just have to relax and wait a year or two.
Probably why Sanderson has the job at ours, great at saying nothing and repeating the same script every week.
They are after a bunch of sterilized politicians this lot.
Then where are their ratings?

You and I are feeding him along with every other footy fan.

Not a penny of his pay, nor that of his bosses or their bosses, or the journos or the media oligarchy that employs them, comes from anywhere but our pockets.

Pies , chips, beer, LCD tvs, bookies, cars, taxpayer funded broadcast license concessions... it all comes from our pockets.
And if you want to go a step further back, our employers/customers/Centrelink are feeding him. The money trail goes back forever. Doesn't change the fact that if you're the AFL, hundreds of millions are poured directly into your coffers each year by 7 and Foxtel combined. Plenty of regular people were plenty passionate about the footy in 1989, and plenty of people went to the footy, bought pies, watched ads, bought products advertised on ads etc. Apart from economic growth and population growth that is the same for any industry, the reason why salaries are exponentially higher now than then, is because the AFL in partnership with large media conglomerates, exploded both the number of hours of footy broadcast on TV and the professionalism of the product. More cash led to better developed and trained players, better grounds, more cameras etc and—if bean-counting is your thing—it became a virtuous cycle where success fed success.
You do understand the distinction between someone directing the discussion themselves, and someone being grilled and criticised in public, that I mentioned earlier in the thread, right? Everyone here would be far more comfortable with the former than the latter.

You do understand that being uncomfortable speaking in public normally results in shyness, trying to please too much and/or making a complete balls up aka ricky muir?

Being rude and obnoxious at every media event has nothing to do with being uncomfortable, rather it's to do with being a prick.

Pricks can only get away with it when their winning (and last night does not make a season, particularly given it was the bad news Roos that turned up).
You do understand that being uncomfortable speaking in public normally results in shyness, trying to please too much and/or making a complete balls up aka ricky muir?

It doesn't always have to be like that. I think your perception of the problem is quite narrow and stereotypical.

I don't feel the need to really apologise for Mick, but it is entirely possible that the whole process of presenting himself to the media just makes him uncomfortable, and the way he acts is a defense mechanism that helps him through. Just because you've been doing it a long time, it doesn't make it any easier or more comfortable. And no, giving a lecture or commentating a game is not the same thing at all.
Fronting the media at Visy Park on Thursday, Malthouse tried to stamp out a number of spot fires that have flared over his strained relationship with reporters.

"I'm probably opening up my soul a bit here but I find it very, very difficult to talk publicly, and I've been doing it for 30 years," Malthouse told a media conference on Thursday.

AFL clubs invest heavily in marketing their brands, and a coach's work in the media is a key component for a team's interaction with fans.

By that measure, Malthouse is failing at part of his job.

Malthouse said he was willing to try to change if his reputation as an uncooperative grump reflected negatively on the Blues.

"If people view that, then I've got to look at it because if it's not good then it's not good for Carlton," Malthouse said.

"Some coaches are comfortable, I'm not.

"My media conferences haven't been picture perfect.

"But it's not by design to hurt anyone, it's to finish it as quick as I can."



What a bunch of nonsense. The guy can waffle on with the best of them.

When he's winning of course. :rolleyes:
what a crock of shit, he's an absolute douchbag
What's this dude's problem? Can't/won't even answer a simple question about a matchup...
Thanks for another quality press conference Mick...

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Mick Malthouse: I find it difficult to talk publicly

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