Military spending by country (We are 13th) Worldwide

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Norm Smith Medallist
May 5, 2005
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Other Teams
Rank...Country..............Military expenditures (USD)   
1.......United States.......$583,283,000,000
3.......United Kingdom.......$68,911,000,000 
[B][COLOR="red"]4.......China....................$59,000,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]6.......Japan....................$41,750,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
9.......Saudi Arabia...........$31,050,000,000 
10.....South Korea...........$29,539,193,034 
[B][COLOR="red"]11.....India.....................$26,500,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]13.....Australia................$20,727,710,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]22.....Singapore...............$7,129,400,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]27.....North Korea.............$5,500,000,000
31.....South Africa............$4,067,879,840 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]47.....Thailand.................$1,775,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]48.....Malaysia.................$1,690,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="red"]54.....Philippines...............$1,348,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR="red"][B]55.....Indonesia................$1,300,000,000 [/B][/COLOR]
60.....New Zealand............$1,147,000,000

I have colored red the countries that although not currently, may at some later date pose a security threat to our nation. And when I say later I'm looking possibly out to 50 years.

Indonesia due to the long shared border with us.

Taiwan who I consider an emerging major threat, it was only recently that they uncomfortably deployed a battleship into the main harbour in the Soloman Islands while we were in the process of deploying troops.

Japan has attacked us before 65 years ago, 50 years time who knows relations may not be so harmonious.

China if supply of our resources was ever threatened may feel compelled to take action, much like Japan in WW2.

I listed a few Southern Hemisphere countries because of possible future Antarctic/Southern Ocean disputes. It may not seem an issue now, but if we are in an aggresive phase of global warming or if someone decides to press an Antarctic territorial claim, or attempts to mine down there. Our military priorities may focus on them.

Likewise if something go's horribly wrong with Japan's whaling down there (eg the SS Steve Irwin gets sunk) or the South American countries fishing in the Southern Ocean or South Pacific.

Pakistan and India because they may blow up against each other in the Indian Ocean and that may drag the region into it.

With possible consequences of global warming we also have the threat of issues arising from our nearby northern neighbors getting squeezed and destabilising in the face of possible rising sea levels or even droughts.

We are always going to have to spend more than most on our military anyway because we are totally surrounded by sea, and we straddle 3 oceans (Pacific, Indian and Southern)

Hence we do need to be a submarine power and we need our military to be able to project a long way because to the south of us is nothing but ocean until you get to the currently mainly unoccupied Antarctic. To which we rightfully have a fairly large territorial claim (about 40% I think) on. We might be able to trust ourselves that we will keep in pristine and un-mined, but can we trust others including our neighbors and the yanks ?

I think including taking into account our remote isolation to the rest of the world that we have got our military spending about right.

Part of that is because I keep thinking back to when WW2 Labor Prime Minister John Curtain was confronted with the Japanese bearing down on us, and none of our then involved traditional military allies like Britain willing or able to help us.

Our survival as a nation at that time was totally due to being saved by the U.S.A

And because we are so resource rich, we are a target. Thats the drawback to being the lucky country.
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China's military expenditure is grossly understated.

The US believe that the Chinese expenditure is understated to the extent of 25%.

Makes you wonder what China's intentions are.

I'm more concerned about Taiwan's intentions at the moment Jeff, sending a battleship into a Pacific port close to us where they knew we were about to deploy troops.

I'm sure they do not want to cause a stir with us, sought of.

But they are starting to show a bit of misguided brinkmanship.

It could almost but not quite be construed that they are trying to take us on, amongst the Pacific islands as the dominant player.

I think they are rattling a sabre with us, and we must proceed with extremely firm caution. And in doing so leave them in perfect clarity that we will not accept their presence in our region of the South Pacific even if it means firing shots via ship, sub or aircraft.

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Proportionate spending to GDP I believe we are in the top 5-10.

We spend more on our military than Israel, who have much greater immediate threats.

Do we really need such great expenditure or are we pissing money against the wall?

IMHO we can justify expenditure on deterents (ie subs, good air strike capability) but boy we could make some savings here.
Proportionate spending to GDP I believe we are in the top 5-10.

We spend more on our military than Israel, who have much greater immediate threats.

Australia's total military spending as a percentage of GDP is about 2.4% according to the 2007 CIA Factbook. That's the same as the United Kingdom.

Note that Israel's percentage is 7.3%. The 6th highest in the world.
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Proportionate spending to GDP I believe we are in the top 5-10.

We spend more on our military than Israel, who have much greater immediate threats.

Do we really need such great expenditure or are we pissing money against the wall?

IMHO we can justify expenditure on deterents (ie subs, good air strike capability) but boy we could make some savings here.


But Israel has nowhere near the distance of sea borders or distance to a whole heap of independant island nations who spend next to nothing on defence that depend on our military as we do.

I just named in my previous post Taiwan as being a South Pacific threat and serial pest seeking UN recognition even from the smallest Pacific nations.

Likewise although we are in an allied pact with them, Japan could turn ugly if some untoward event occurs to an anti whaling ship or a whaling ship.

Plus the threat that even though if we are not in direct conflict with them, China is directly tied to our resources and probably are not in a position to get the resource products they require as economically as they source them fom here.

A very similiar situation as to why Japan tried to get to us, prior to US intervention in 1941/42 (when the US basically stationed there entire Pacific fighting force here under Gen Douglas MacArthur)
Brazil spends more than us? Not good enough.

Have you had a look at Brazil's size and/or population lately? Shit, Rio alone has the population of Australia...

Oh yeah, that's right, I remember the global warming threads. You don't get the concept of 'per capita basis', do you? :D ;)
You're obsessed with global warming aren't you? Atleast in this case per capita actually means something.

I think we should be spending more in terms of funding retired defence force members. It probably hasn't ever been up to a decent standard when really they should be our main priority given the sacrifices they've made for us.

On other areas, I think our spending is about right given we dont face any immediate threat from another state.
Brazil spends more than us? Not good enough.

I don't know about the GW bit but he is bit pattern is right, Brazil's pop is 8x ours and since we rely heavily on US military coverage, it's understandable.

Acker the war mongerer. Half of those red nations wouldn't even think about attacking Australia, the pathetic reasons (fighting over a boat, fishing) don't deserve a response. Japan will not, and I mean WILL NOT fight Australia over the Steve Irwin Whaling issue. Japan is as much a threat to us as Germany is to Britain, i.e. past foes which are now very much friends. Anyone in Britain who feared German attack would be called a crackpot, I shall do the same on this issue. Singapore? :D Chile? :D South Africa? The Philippines? Rofl! :D:D

Acker, you're a crackpot, plain and simple. Japan has so much to lose from invading us. Ditto all the other red nations (except possibly China but still major losses for them).

China has no need to invade us, they're either buying our resources or taking them over. The US wants a stable pacific and the last thing it wants is it's direct competitor threatening one of it's major regional partners. Plus, if China invaded Australia, it's quite possible that the US would cut off trade links with China, stripping China of it's major export markets (I mean the US is getting screwed over trade deals with China and could possibly use this as an excuse, so it's not that unrealistic, the US have reasoning) and causing the Chinese economy to crash. It's why China's playing the peaceful rise card, playing nice with the US so it can trade with them.

Indonesia? We've had this discussion before acker, Indonesia are in no way militarily or politically able to invade Australia, not without grave losses anyway.

What annoys me is not China's spending, or Australia's spending in proximity to Brazil, it's the spending or Saudi Arabia, I just wonder if any of that spending is leaking into Islamist movements and if that spending is possibly halting spending on infrastructure and social reforms.
they should be our main priority given the sacrifices they've made for us.

No Australian soldier have "sacrificed" themselves for Australia since Borneo and Kokoda. The only things Australian's sacrifice themselves for is the imperial ambitions of Britain and America.
Acker the war mongerer. Half of those red nations wouldn't even think about attacking Australia

Have you been frying your brain cell's in the same solarium as Terry ??

Read the posts instead of skimming you heap of ****
Have you been frying your brain cell's in the same solarium as Terry ??

Read the posts instead of skimming you heap of ****

Sorry "pose a security threat". :rolleyes: Bullcrap they will, you know it, I know it, this is just simple scare-mongering.

Oh noes, the Indonesians spend money on defense and might attack us if mars and jupiter align! I read your other thread acker. I know what you're on about.


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Chile. Clearly a major threat to our future security.

If they decide to theaten the lively hood of one of the South Pacific island economy's fishing rights they might be.

In fact I remember not so long ago, a year or two one of our navy ships chasing one of their fishing vessel's across the Southern Ocean.

R.E: Illegal fishing.
Rank...Country..............Military expenditures (USD)   
1.......United States.......$583,283,000,000
3.......United Kingdom.......$68,911,000,000 
[B][COLOR=red]4.......China....................$59,000,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]6.......Japan....................$41,750,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
9.......Saudi Arabia...........$31,050,000,000 
10.....South Korea...........$29,539,193,034 
[B][COLOR=red]11.....India.....................$26,500,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]13.....Australia................$20,727,710,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]22.....Singapore...............$7,129,400,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]27.....North Korea.............$5,500,000,000[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]28.....Chile......................$5,193,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]29.....Pakistan.................$4,800,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]30.....Argentina...............$4,300,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]31.....South Africa............$4,067,879,840 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]47.....Thailand.................$1,775,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]48.....Malaysia.................$1,690,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=red]54.....Philippines...............$1,348,000,000 [/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=red][B]55.....Indonesia................$1,300,000,000 [/B][/COLOR]
60.....New Zealand............$1,147,000,000

I have colored red the countries that although not currently, may at some later date pose a security threat to our nation. And when I say later I'm looking possibly out to 50 years.



I would like a detailed report on how Chilie can be considered a security threat to our country. I read the claim about Antarctica but I would like more detail as I have a hard time buying this one.
If they decide to theaten the lively hood of one of the South Pacific island economy's fishing rights they might be.

In fact I remember not so long ago, a year or two one of our navy ships chasing one of their fishing vessel's across the Southern Ocean.

R.E: Illegal fishing.

Okay, so a year or two ago (funny how nothing has happened since) Chile and Australia had a fishing dispute over a few boats in the Southern Ocean (heck, if nations put other nations who had a dispute over fishing and similar issues on their security threat list, pretty much every nation would have a security threat list of about 30 nations) and you think they pose a security threat?

I can't stress how stupid that is. I *just* can't. Words cannot describe the stupidity.

I would like a detailed report on how Chilie can be considered a security threat to our country. I read the claim about Antarctica but I would like more detail as I have a hard time buying this one.

What about Thailand? Why in hell would they pose a security threat to Australia? Singapore? Taiwan (a US ally)? Argentina? Why? How?

Many questions, not many answers with acker.

There are only two nations, two not 14, who pose any remote possibility of a threat to our security, China and Indonesia, but as I have already explained, these threats are small at best. Australia has not been invaded or attacked in 60 years, with Australia having good military, economic and political relations with these two nations, that aint changing.
Okay, so a year or two ago (funny how nothing has happened since) Chile and Australia had a fishing dispute over a few boats in the Southern Ocean (heck, if nations put other nations who had a dispute over fishing and similar issues on their security threat list, pretty much every nation would have a security threat list of about 30 nations) and you think they pose a security threat?

I can't stress how stupid that is. I *just* can't. Words cannot describe the stupidity.

And if someone starts mining on the Antarctic ?

And if a small Pacific nation declares Taiwan as a sovereign state in the "UN"

And if our landing force in the Soloman's traded shots with the Taiwanese Battleship in Honiara harbor. ?
What about Thailand? Why in hell would they pose a security threat to Australia? Singapore? Taiwan (a US ally)? Argentina? Why? How?

Many questions, not many answers with acker.

There are only two nations, two not 14, who pose any remote possibility of a threat to our security, China and Indonesia, but as I have already explained, these threats are small at best. Australia has not been invaded or attacked in 60 years, with Australia having good military, economic and political relations with these two nations, that aint changing.

I agree, though it depends what we mean by security, do we mean on our turf or in our region. I think we have more to fear from a country not on his list (Iran) than we do from most he has named. I'm not talking invasion but the possibility we could meet them on a battlefield somewhere in the west Asia region in that 50 year period.
And if someone starts mining on the Antarctic ?

And if a small Pacific nation declares Taiwan as a sovereign state in the "UN"

And if our landing force in the Soloman's traded shots with the Taiwanese Battleship in Honiara harbor. ?

But the Solomon Islands have diplomatic relations with Taiwan already, have you any indication this ship came to threaten Australian military personnel, has Taiwan made any gesture that it is unhappy with Australia in the Solomon Islands.
And if someone starts mining on the Antarctic ?

Ahh, earth to acker, Antarctica isn't ours, it's partly owned by a group of nations, all of who have signed a treaty promising to use Antarctica for scientific purposes only.

And if a small Pacific nation declares Taiwan as a sovereign state in the "UN"

Ahh, some already do. Haven't threatened our security though.


And if our landing force in the Soloman's traded shots with the Taiwanese Battleship in Honiara harbor. ?

If, if IF. That's all you talk about, remote possibilities of small incidents which even if they did happen wouldn't cause major security threats to Australia, but regardless, NEVER HAPPENED ANYWAY!

As of now, China doesn't care that we are involved in a humanitarian mission into a nation which recognizes Taiwan as China, that has to be one of the longest bows drawn ever.

You're desperate, stop trying to think of some sort of bullcrap story of how possibly maybe Chile and Taiwan could become security threats to this nation. I'm sure when Rudd goes to sleep at night and thinks of all the threats to this nation, Islamic terrorism, global warming, economic downturns, Chile comes, oh just before Omicron Persei 8.
I agree, though it depends what we mean by security, do we mean on our turf or in our region. I think we have more to fear from a country not on his list (Iran) than we do from most he has named. I'm not talking invasion but the possibility we could meet them on a battlefield somewhere in the west Asia region in that 50 year period.

Possibly, but I think the risk posed by Iran is inflamed, people are saying that their nuclear capacity could threaten the US (to far) or Israel (too risky). Iran wouldn't dare nuke an Islamic neighbour. Political suicide. As for funding Islamist terrorist efforts, yes but so do Saudi Arabia, yet the US likes them, go figure.

The main people who should fear the Iranian government is the Iranian people themselves, they have to put up with the dictatorial regime built on ridiculous Islamic ideals.

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Military spending by country (We are 13th) Worldwide

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