Mooney at the tribunal

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Originally posted by Joffaboy
Yes but all the finals are in a capital city on real grounds not some pathetic incestious backwater, with a VFL style B grade ground, inhabitated by a bunch of toothless hayseeds who have just come from their sisters their other brother. :D :D

Nice comeback, good to see your argument is still firing on all 6 cylinders.
of course mooney is a dirty player. he forearmed one of your fellas in the back on sunday and should have got three (haha)weeks. he also sat frankie peckett on his ass. hes a bad ass nutter who will go ballistic one day and deck half the side. AND HE GOT OFF TONIGHT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

saints supporters are ****ed coz all their boys keep getting rubbed out every time they go up and we couldnt pay the tribunal to suspend one of ours!

but then, st kilda has never had snipers in their team....EVER!

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Of course Mooney got off. Why wouldn't he?


Originally posted by JeffDunne
We really don't give a toss what happens to Girlong players, we aren't playing you next week.

You are an absolute moron. Anybody that ever uses stupid
immature idiotic nicknames such as girlong, the dawks, bummers and so on is anbsolute ****er. It is so immature it almost isn't funny.
Originally posted by Inside 50
You are an absolute moron. Anybody that ever uses stupid
immature idiotic nicknames such as girlong, the dawks, bummers and so on is anbsolute ****er. It is so immature it almost isn't funny.
have a good hard look at the posts on this thread by your fellow supporters and I think you will feel a bit silly.
Originally posted by The Fireman
have a good hard look at the posts on this thread by your fellow supporters and I think you will feel a bit silly.

I stand by what I said.

And while looking through this thread I found another classic Billy Brainless, come to think of it i've heard that one somewhere before...... where was that , I'm just trying to think of it, oh thats right the 90's.
Originally posted by Inside 50
I stand by what I said.

And while looking through this thread I found another classic Billy Brainless, come to think of it i've heard that one somewhere before...... where was that , I'm just trying to think of it, oh thats right the 90's.

onya mitch, olive unbanned.

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Originally posted by Inside 50
You are an absolute moron. Anybody that ever uses stupid
immature idiotic nicknames such as girlong, the dawks, bummers and so on is anbsolute ****er. It is so immature it almost isn't funny.
Sticks and stones . . . :rolleyes:

Since you're the self-appointed guru on mature language, I take it "****er", an "anbsolute" one at that, is mature by your standards?
Originally posted by Inside 50
You are an absolute moron. Anybody that ever uses stupid
immature idiotic nicknames such as girlong, the dawks, bummers and so on is anbsolute ****er. It is so immature it almost isn't funny.

Aints etc

Supension would have only be warranted for intent rather than outcome, didn't like being tackled well by the 75kg Montagna, Mooney was lucky Montagna saw it coming and moved away from the point of contact, intent can't be proven.

If Mooney wants to know what tough is, he could take a leaf out of Luke Balls book, who tackled Mooney front on knowing full well a forearm to the face would be his price, and he still held on to the tackle.
Thank God Mooney got cleared, thought his Brownlow chances were shot! :D

Hah. I thought Sunday arvo and Monday were far too peaceful.
But Saints' fans, Vozzo is the one you should be labeling corrupt..

Mooney was booked on video evidence by the league's video reporting officer Ian Robinson but had controlling field umpire Michael Vozzo to thank for his acquittal.

Vozzo, who paid a free kick and a 50 metre penalty against Mooney at the time of the incident against St Kilda's Leigh Montagna which led to a goal for the Saints, told the tribunal on Tuesday night that even after watching video footage of the incident he still would not have laid a report.

When asked whether he felt the incident was reportable by tribunal chairman Brian Collis; Vozzo replied: "Certainly not."

"I don't believe the contact was forceful and I don't believe contact was made to the head of the player," Vozzo said.

I'm sure he paid a 50/50 decision to us somewhere too.

Originally posted by JeffDunne
Sticks and stones . . . :rolleyes:

Since you're the self-appointed guru on mature language, I take it "****er", an "anbsolute" one at that, is mature by your standards?

Who the hell attacks grammar/spelling over the internet and talks about maturity, really?

Finally, it's been raised before, but can you please end our identity crisis, are we a team of thugs or hand baggers?

*For those Saints fans who can take a loss ( 3Ven agast Girlong11 9gEt it11!0 ), sorry for anything over the top, thought I’d post some factual stuff (on a thread like this and everything ) but got carried away in the crap.
This sour-grapes-conspiracy-theory garbage is getting a little tiring. There was stuff-all contact, the umpire on the scene didn't think it warranted a report, and the bloke he landed on got right up and started laying in to him - then kicked a goal. He got off because there was stuff-all in it - not because of the vaunted "Geelong Tribunal Conspiracy".

Harvey, by the way, didn't get cited because there was stuff-all in it too.
Originally posted by copernicus
This sour-grapes-conspiracy-theory garbage is getting a little tiring. There was stuff-all contact, the umpire on the scene didn't think it warranted a report, and the bloke he landed on got right up and started laying in to him - then kicked a goal. He got off because there was stuff-all in it - not because of the vaunted "Geelong Tribunal Conspiracy".

Harvey, by the way, didn't get cited because there was stuff-all in it too.

so all n all there was stuff all.
LOL @ all the whining from the precious saints supporters.

Whine, whine, whine - that's all we ever hear from you lot.

I guess several decades in the cellar will put you into a negative frame of mind, but seriously fellas - get over your selves.

The tribunal took all of 15 minutes to reach to correct decision, so there was obviously very little in it.
Originally posted by LongBomb
Whine, whine, whine - that's all we ever hear from you lot.
No that would be your "nobody pays any attention to us" coach.

1963 was it? :rolleyes:

When sleepy hollow isn't complaining, their bragging about the "greatest day in the clubs history". LOL - we are glad you rate us so highly.
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