MOTY - Walker or Krakouer?

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Walker's mark is terrific not only because of how high he got, but also because of the degree of difficulty. Getting a full run up and jumping onto a stationary pack (Krak, NicNat etc) is easy. Walker and his man were both running back with the flight of the ball, and in the moment they stopped Walker pounced. Should easily win MOTY.
i agree he got amazing hang time, but i've always found it interesting that people are looking just for height. He essentially took a chest mark once he got up there.
Krakeour in a pack doubles the degree of difficulty, in much the same way that i believe Tarrants mark was better then moorcrofts all those years ago. i realise it sounds like collingwood bias, but i'd be happy to concede MOTY, thats a nothing award in a premiership season. Also those memories are easier to draw on since i watch more collingwood footy.
But for mine its Krak, Nic Nat, Walker.
interesting discussion but i can't see myself being swayed on degree of difficulty having to be a part of it all. Johnno Brown, and Riewoldt's marks are twice as speccy to me as say sampi's or Jurrah's.

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Persoanlly I see MoT as something which is going to be used to show case the game, more for the unitiated than the affecionado.
I base my choice on that.
Walkers looks better.
I'm sure that some diving marks, off to the left or right at full pace with a player on your tail are actually better by way of difficulty than a lot of hangers, but they are never going to get MoT.
I'm really surprised by some of the responses here:

I would grade a "speccy" based on the following:

- Height:How high was the player when they took the grab
- Degree of difficulty:Was the mark hard to take? Did the player have to go to extraordinary lengths to pull it off?
- Moment of the game: Was it a crucial moment in the game or junk time?
- Contested:Was the players opponent contesting the ball or was a he just a step ladder?
- Type of Mark:Was it a mark at full stretch or a basic chest mark?,

I would rate them in the following manner:

Kraks Vs Walker
7 & 10 - Walker got some serious height!!
7 & 9 - Both relatively difficult, but Kraks got a much better run at the ball.
6 & 5 - Game over for Carlton but the Pies had just made a very special comeback!
10 & 7 - Walker just jumped over a bloke, Kraks had 10 people in the air at the same time!
8 & 5 - Kraks above the head in the air, Walker a basic chest mark.

Kraks = 38/50
Walker = 36/50

I think Walkers was just made to look better with the 180 turn at the end of the mount.

Anyone agree?


Carlisle is 198cm, clean, huge leap, eyes on the ball the whole time, no hands, second lift, good fall = best grab of the year by a mile.

Only way it could be improved is by having his arms outstretched taking the ball higher, but he got up so high he took it on the chest.

Our room watching the game, none of whom were Carlton supporters, went absolutely mental. For ages.

Krak's was a classic, but had nothing on walkers unfortunately.
Krak's was a beauty no doubt, but Walker's is better IMO. It just looks so good! If he didn't have the little spin around at the end then it would be closer, but Walker wins for mine.

1 on 1 with the easy sit, but good hang time

Pack mark, and in context of game sparked the greatest quarter of footy a club has played in my memory

Walker's getting horribly overrated like everything Carlton
Not even better than last years by Jurrah
Walker's by a mile.

For MOTY, I'd go Walker > Petterd > Krakouer > Natanui so far this year. Ricky Petterd's mark kicked arse, it's been very underrated this year. Walker's was the best I've seen in years though. Brilliant mark.

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Walker by a mile.

Elevation, timing, excitement factor.........they are talking about it as one of the greats of all time, not just this year.

Kraks was awesome but just like Taz in 2001, will be pipped by something very special.
Walker - chest mark 1 on 1
Krakouer - pack mark above the head.

Krakouer easily.....although im finding it hard to split Krakouer and Nic nat

This. I don't think a one on one mark is anything special, really.

Kraks was awesome but just like Taz in 2001, will be pipped by something very special.

Yeah...........nah, Taz was robbed, a massive pack mark is streaks ahead for me.
This. I don't think a one on one mark is anything special, really.

Except maybe a smaller surface area to climb on and maintaining the sit on one pair of shoulders.

Yeah...........nah, Taz was robbed, a massive pack mark is streaks ahead for me.

Moorcroft took it falling backwards when the ball was past him ffs! How can you put a pack mark ahead of one-on-one speccies?
Moorcroft took it falling backwards when the ball was past him ffs! How can you put a pack mark ahead of one-on-one speccies?

If I remember correctly, he also put his hands square on the guys back in order to get up there. How is outstretching for a mark difficult?

How can you put a one-on-one speccie ahead of pack marks?
That last photo of Walker reminded me of this attempt (can't recall if he plucked it) by Medders in the '10 preseason.


Wasn't Dean Polo's day, obviously.
Who really cares, all 3 (Nicnat's included) were great marks, and will be shown for years to come.

But if I was forced to choose the best, I'd say Walker, so we might as well give him the Whopper voucher now;) (no cars anymore, sponsored by Hungry Jacks).:)
I'm amazed TBH the love for Walker's mark.

One on one, three step runup to launch, got his knees on the guy's shoulders and pushed up from there, marked it on his chest.

Re bias...well I could be biased against Walker.

I've noticed all year, this guy tries to take mark of the year, nearly every week.

And often his attempt at personal glory results in a free or a turnover to the opposition.
I think it's actually that that fuels my bias against him, cos I think he's been a very good player apart from that flaw this year.

But I do also think pack marks are harder and hence I'd have Petterd, Krak and NicNat all above Walker.

I guess it depends a bit what criteria are used to judge Mark of the Year, I suppose hangers are the most spectacular, but they're not that super hard to do, esp when they get the 'sit'
like Walker did, one on one.

Marks running back with the flight, like J Brown and N Riewoldt take, are far more admirable and far harder to do IMO, but agree not as speccy.

Looking at the pics Absy posted, Krak looks just as high, plus in a pack, plus grabbed with his hands. Same with Nicnat and Petterd.

Would be interesting to see how often MOTY is something other than a hanger type.

Feel like a spoilsport, but you call it how you see it :)
Walkers mark is good but not that good. Geez, from some of the love for him you'd think this was the Blues board.:confused:

Trevor Barker, Peter Knights, Paul Vanderhaar used to take those marks on a weekly basis. Bustling Billy Picken would launch up on top of packs each week, as would Capper, Shaun Smith, etc etc.

Degree of difficulty for Walkers is minimal. I've seen blokes take those at U17 training.

Krak for mine is a better mark, but I really dislike the modern trend to think that everything that happens today has to be the best ever. Football existed before the current generation and we did it pretty damn well. We also did sex and had that perfected long before most people here were born.:p
Trevor Barker, Peter Knights, Paul Vanderhaar used to take those marks on a weekly basis. Bustling Billy Picken would launch up on top of packs each week, as would Capper, Shaun Smith, etc etc.

Degree of difficulty for Walkers is minimal. I've seen blokes take those at U17 training.

Put 'em up, I'm keen to see some of them if they happened with such regularity.

And bs on the degree of difficulty. Carlisle wasn't just standing there, they were both running back with the flight before turning. Can't remember the last time a mark like that's been taken.

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MOTY - Walker or Krakouer?

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