Rumour Multiple GWS players are set to be suspended to start the 2025 season after distasteful costumes and skits from their post-season function

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They didn't get a chance to respond to apologise, they got a chance to be punished. The AFL is a witch hunt. They were all guilty immediately because the AFL is run by people with negative moral fiber in Andrew Dillon, Laura Kane and other sycophantic psychopaths.
This is the bit I'd like to know more about.

I disagree with the folks here saying "oh they didn't complain at the time, so play on", or that they shouldn't raise it with the AFL (raising with the club would be better, but they for a number of reasons may have preferred the AFL and they are free to do that)

It's the AFL handling of this that warrants the most scrutiny. Not the pub or the offended party. Did the AFL offer the chance to make this a teaching moment for the players? Did the AFL try to get the players to apologise, or to understand why xyz is not on? I would hope they did.

If they just went straight down the suspension pathway then IMHO that is not well handled (unless, and again I'm not across the details) the behaviour was off the charts bad.)
A time and place to joke about a terrorist bombing a tower?? Can’t imagine this great timing for it. Some things just aren’t appropriate for humor due to the sick nature of it. You can try all you want, but you will probably be that weirdo or loser people look down on. Each to their own.
Yes, a time and a place.

I mean, I have seen people joke on TV about Germans just following orders. If that can be done about the worst thing that has ever been done, then yeah, 9-11 is not off limits

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Will also be interesting if said pub loses their liquor license out of this though probably not the smartest idea to have released these things that happened on your premises without you intervening
They'd only lose liquor licencing if there was improper service of alcohol, nothing to doing with people being distasteful.
This is the bit I'd like to know more about.

I disagree with the folks here saying "oh they didn't complain at the time, so play on", or that they shouldn't raise it with the AFL (raising with the club would be better, but they for a number of reasons may have preferred the AFL and they are free to do that)

It's the AFL handling of this that warrants the most scrutiny. Not the pub or the offended party. Did the AFL offer the chance to make this a teaching moment for the players? Did the AFL try to get the players to apologise, or to understand why xyz is not on? I would hope they did.

If they just went straight down the suspension pathway then IMHO that is not well handled (unless, and again I'm not across the details) the behaviour was off the charts bad.)
A gift-wrapped opportunity to punch down on a small club and look tough and righteous 👍
You are right, society tries to tell us these days that pride parades with naked men with dog masks and their **** out and women walking around with strap-ons on are totally normal, even in the vicinity of children and members of the public going about their day, is totally normal and a part of accepted society because they're just "expressing themselves"
Wait, this is an actual thing?
This is the bit I'd like to know more about.

I disagree with the folks here saying "oh they didn't complain at the time, so play on", or that they shouldn't raise it with the AFL (raising with the club would be better, but they for a number of reasons may have preferred the AFL and they are free to do that)

It's the AFL handling of this that warrants the most scrutiny. Not the pub or the offended party. Did the AFL offer the chance to make this a teaching moment for the players? Did the AFL try to get the players to apologise, or to understand why xyz is not on? I would hope they did.

If they just went straight down the suspension pathway then IMHO that is not well handled (unless, and again I'm not across the details) the behaviour was off the charts bad.)
Exactly, I think this is the crux of the issue. I just have zero faith in the AFL handing out any sort of fair result because they are inherently biased and corrupted as we have seen with their draft concessions, biased treatment of certain clubs, inconsistent treatment between players of different races, different treatment of crimes v thought crimes plus the saccharine commercial gloss they require to put over everything.

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I do think sometimes Mardi Gras is a bit too explicit, but let's face it, it's not THIS explicit.
I don't know much about the Australia ones and think that the night time stuff is totally fine, do whatever you want if the people around you are into it. The sick stuff is the stuff you see out of America with naked old men trying to interact with children at these events in the middle of the day. Why any sick person would take their children to these events is another point.
Worthy of criticism? Absolutely.

But is the actual incident as reported worthy of the excessive penalties handed down here? No. if it is deemed a workplace matter by the afl then why do they need to go public with it. If anything nobody in the public knew it happened until they got involved and made it a public issue.

Exactly, I think this is the crux of the issue. I just have zero faith in the AFL handing out any sort of fair result because they are inherently biased and corrupted as we have seen with their draft concessions, biased treatment of certain clubs, inconsistent treatment between players of different races, different treatment of crimes v thought crimes plus the saccharine commercial gloss they require to put over everything.
The kicker is the AFL are the ones who took it public. If they deem it a workplace issue it should be handled internally. Nobody knew about it. I suspect they thought they would get far more support for their progressive stance and it has backfired massively.
The kicker is the AFL are the ones who took it public. If they deem it a workplace issue it should be handled internally. Nobody knew about it. I suspect they thought they would get far more support for their progressive stance and it has backfired massively.
The AFL didn’t take it public
The media did
Have you been to an end of year footy function?

Can guarantee they over did it
I assume blokes that do little to no drinking most of the year have a pretty low tolerance too
Yes, look at any American Pride parade.
& you are within your right to complain to the event organisers and if the governing bodies see fit they can impose penalty’s

It’s exactly what has happened in this situation
So the AFL could have had a quiet word to them and that would have ended it.

Nobody would even know anything about the evening.
Which is what they have done in the past. It's a good thing the afl is finally taking something like this seriously and punishing the act, and not deciding punishments based on media reaction.

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Rumour Multiple GWS players are set to be suspended to start the 2025 season after distasteful costumes and skits from their post-season function

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