Current Murder of Luke Davies & Jesse Baird AFL Goal Umpire & ex Ch 10 Presenter * Stalker Cop Charged

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Thursday 16 February:
Service revolver obtained for user pays event. Was stored at mother's as per regulations.

Sunday 19 February: User pays event.

Monday 20 February: The murders at Baird's Paddington rental.

Monday 19 February: Police have alleged gunshots were heard from a house in Paddington, Sydney in the morning. Four minutes after the first shots were fired there was a 000 call made from Jessie's phone around 9.45am, but it disconnected. Police said there was "no communication" during that call.

Monday evening: Police have alleged Lamarre-Condon hired a white Hiace van from Sydney Airport.

Tuesday 20 February: Police have alleged that partial admissions were made by Lamarre-Condon to an acquaintance of having been involved in the death of two individuals.

Service revolver was returned to Balmain & later transferred to original storage.

Wednesday 21 February: Bloodied clothing belonging to both victims and an $8000 watch were found in a skip bin in the southern Sydney suburb of Cronulla. Police launch a missing persons investigation and the homicide unit is notified

Later same Wednesday: Police have alleged Lamarre-Condon attended the Bungonia area with an acquaintance who police believed assisted him in purchasing an angle grinder and padlock from a local hardware store in that area, before driving to a rural property in Bungonia.

Police said the "small" angle grinder was used to sever a padlock from the gate of that particular rural property and then that padlock was replaced with a padlock purchased from the hardware store.

The acquaintance was left at the top of the property for 30 minutes. The accused disappeared for that period in the Hiace van, returning to pick up the acquaintance and then they returned to Sydney later that afternoon. Police said the acquaintance was assisting them in their inquiries, that she is not a suspect, and they believe she was an "innocent agent".

Wednesday 11pm: Police have said that evening, weights were purchased from a department store by the accused and it is believed that the accused returned to that rural property overnight and during that evening, having also acquired two torches from the acquaintance.

Thursday 22 February: Police have alleged they can place the accused leaving the Bungonia area again at 4.30am. "It would appear that the accused has remained in the city area, still in control of the white Hiace van, before attending a further acquaintance's premises in the Newcastle area and without fully disclosing any criminality, asked access to a hose to clean that van," Hudson said.

Friday 23 February: At 10.39am, Lamarre-Condon presents himself at Bondi Police Station where he was arrested and subsequently charged.

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I still believe that there is a possibility, that he dumped them in the ocean, close to where the bloody clothes and personal affects were found.
Or that one is disposed that way and the other elsewhere.
The rest of the travel could be laying false trails or he only moved one body south.
Or just disposing of the J's phone in the south.
Also getting the female friend to go along could just be to avoid being noticed if the description is of a lone male then who is going to look for a couple?

how do we know that he didn't have photocopied plates to stick on the van?
Were things done by him to make the police draw false conclussions and be being led on a merry dance looking far and wide when it's a lot closer to 'home'.
The risk of transporting a body many kilometers forms a greater possibility of being caught doing so.
I just have a strong sense of it "the ocean' as being a. very possible disposal site that I can't seem to shake.
And where does the barefoot walking along the street come into all of this?
What day is that in the timeline? Does anyone know? As far as I can recall it was never very clear when this was.
It is one of the only sightings of him on camera that we have seen released.
At first I was very suspicious that it was a 'crime of the moment' and there were some dumb moves but maybe it was premeditated and he is better at this crime than it would appear. Especially now we know there was months of very concerning and concerted stalker behaviour prior by someone who was skilled in that area.
I don't know and I will stop myself speculating any further.
At the risk of upsetting people, I will go back to what I was saying yesterday, as overnight a few puzzle pieces revealed lend creedance to what I was thinking and trying to communicate.

1/ He had a 'scanner apparatus' that he was using. So he was 'thinking and acting' with calculation.
2/ The police are searching closer to where he was seen in the barefoot photo.
As I said why this photo and no other released? Because this is key...they want to jog peoples memories in this area at this time.
3/ it is not a un-thoughtout crime it is calculated and LC has put learnt skills whether they be stalking skills or police procedural skills to use.

As unpalatable as it maybe, LC is not 'dumb' he is sly, sneaky and calculated.
This is looking more and more that it was 'timed' and he was doing this on his schedule.
It is a 'dumb act' that is not in doubt but it is not as simple as just saying he is dumb.
It is evil, it is sickening and so very, very wrong.
I don't think he is some criminal mastermind who is across everything, to an extent he was obviously adjusting to the situation as it developed and he is using what skills he has to frustrate an 'orderly and ordinary' investigation.

As to the Police conference yesterday:
I thought it was a little weird how 'open' it was at the time and how much information was being given.
We now know that information given, was not accurate for whatever 'reasons' or 'mistakes'.
Does it occur to anyone here that the initial information released, of 'a blood saturated' crime scene (it wasn't) and a single casing/bullet used was a gross manipulation of 'the truth'. Though there were probably considered 'reasons' for it at the time and we now know that the police asked reporters to sit on the info 'that it was a serving police officer involved' the facts were manipulated because of the political fallout of 'bad policing and policies'.
Is the timing of this crime also a revenge on 'the force' by the perpetrator?
Is this also part of his calculations?

In all of this analysis, awarness of the ever widening ripples of pain is paramount.
This bitter crime hurts.
It hurts everyone.
It touches everyone.
Deeply and profoundly, across society.
We need these boys found.
Please let it be today.
Because it's a Police officer being charged with double murder. They will want to make sure that transparency is at an all time high or the level of trust in NSW Police would completely nosedive (even moreso).
Questions need to be asked about the security of police weapons - there have been plenty stolen over the years - and procedures and monitoring of those in officers’ possession. Eg if a firearm is checked out there should be a good reason, and a firm timeframe which, if not adhered to, is followed up.

Also this guy seems to have displayed some very odd personal habits, not entirely in keeping with the expected demeanour of a protector of public safety. It’s a wonder he didn’t come under notice earlier. But perhaps they were wary of being accused of “discrimination”.

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Questions need to be asked about the security of police weapons - there have been plenty stolen over the years - and procedures and monitoring of those in officers’ possession. Eg if a firearm is checked out there should be a good reason, and a firm timeframe which, if not adhered to, is followed up.

Also this guy seems to have displayed some very odd personal habits, not entirely in keeping with the expected demeanour of a protector of public safety. It’s a wonder he didn’t come under notice earlier. But perhaps they were wary of being accused of “discrimination”.
Oh it looks like he did 'come under notice', by the reporting last night of the reported 'internal complaints'.
Whatever reasons they were supressed or dismissed will be under the microscope as will weapon procedures as flagged in the presser. Hoping that the Vic Pol commissioner or appointee of his does a thorough job in his review and that changes will be embraced and enacted.
Latest in the DM:

"However, Corey-Dean Thorpe, a good friend of Mr Baird's who was in a previous relationship with him for five years, told Daily Mail Australia this was not true.
He said Lamarre-Condon had feelings for Mr Baird that were not reciprocated, and that Mr Baird was eventually forced to end their friendship when the serving NSW Police officer posted videos on Instagram falsely suggesting they were a couple.
Last November, Mr Thorpe even helped Mr Baird draft a text message to Lamarre-Condon telling the senior constable he had overstepped the boundaries of their friendship and they should no longer see each other.
The text concluded: 'I would appreciate it if you could refrain from contacting me.' "


"'Jesse would be so angry at the portrayal in the media of Beau as his ex-partner, and it's disrespectful to Jesse's family that Beau is being made out to be his ex,' Mr Thorpe said.
'They were friends, but when Beau began filming them and putting videos on Instagram - which were hidden from Jesse - making it look as if they were a couple, Jesse told him, "We can't be friends anymore".' "


"Mr Thorpe said Mr Baird became alarmed when his list of phone contacts changed and people were blocked from contacting him.
'Jesse would be at a café with another guy, having a coffee, and he would get text messages from Beau saying "I hope you’re enjoying that coffee with that other guy".
'I told Jesse go to the police, but he was scared an allegation about him might arise and "I might lose my AFL career".' "
Sorry new to the thread...

Is there any reason why the return of the service revolver didnt raise alarm bells if there were discharged shells from the clip? Do police track this and are they accountable for the number of round in their clip?
Could they be easily replaced without raising suspicion?
Kurve could we please get a correction on the time line at the top of the page?

Monday 19 February: Police have alleged gunshots were heard from a house in Paddington, Sydney in the morning. Four minutes after the first shots were fired there was a 000 call made from Jesse Baird's Luke Davies phone around 9.45am, but it disconnected. Police said there was "no communication" during that call.
A photo of Jesse and Lamarre posed together was there before, it's been removed.
It was a very uncomfortable photo, didn’t take a screenshot as I didn’t want it on my phone. But i’m sure it will resurface again, it was probably one of the pics LC posted to his social media to pretend he and Jesse were an item.

“Police begin new search for Sydney couple in Royal National Park​

search for evidence in an area off Sir Bertram Stevens Drive, near the intersection of Bundeena Drive, after police said "new information" came to light.” from Nine

Hoping they find the boys soon.

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Blood was also found at Grays Point oval and they are conducting dna testing.

Article goes on to say:

“However, a spokesperson for NSW Police told that deer culling had occurred in the area overnight, with the blood "likely" belonging to an animal and not one of the men” sky news
It was a very uncomfortable photo, didn’t take a screenshot as I didn’t want it on my phone. But i’m sure it will resurface again, it was probably one of the pics LC posted to his social media to pretend he and Jesse were an item.
It might have even been photoshopped and the meeting of them at that location never happened.
Sorry new to the thread...

Is there any reason why the return of the service revolver didnt raise alarm bells if there were discharged shells from the clip? Do police track this and are they accountable for the number of round in their clip?
Could they be easily replaced without raising suspicion?
Yes. 1/ the revolver was stored at one station and then transfered to another where it originally came from.
2/ Major questions are being asked about police procedures in accounting for weapons and the Police Commissioner stated yesterday, '..... that there are identified gaps (because of this incidence) and they will look into improving procedures where necesessary."
3/ Same press conference has senior detective saying that police are issued with more bullets than just a clips worth.

There is little information on exactly how the gun was discovered and checked in that has been released.
The press have been all over this issue so best to google for what info is out there.
Within this thread there is discussion on the 'facts' and opinions & knowledge on 'weapon' procedures so you will have to read through it to find out more.
Just a personal opinion, but I think LC would have photoshopped a happier photo of Jesse if that were the case. Speculation, but we do know they had hung out (friends with benefits) from prior reports from Jesse’s ex in Brisbane.
Yeah agree. That's not the photo of Jesse he would have photoshopped in, if wanting to show them as a happy couple.
Blood was also found at Grays Point oval and they are conducting dna testing.

Article goes on to say:

“However, a spokesperson for NSW Police told that deer culling had occurred in the area overnight, with the blood "likely" belonging to an animal and not one of the men” sky news
Had no idea there were deer around the Shire. I know there’s some out Camden / Cobbity way but didn’t know they were in and around the Hobbits.
2/ Major questions are being asked about police procedures in accounting for weapons and the Police Commissioner stated yesterday, '..... that there are identified gaps (because of this incidence) and they will look into improving procedures where necesessary."
3/ Same press conference has senior detective saying that police are issued with more bullets than just a clips worth.
2) There is a remarkable level of implied trust that officers just do the right thing regarding g their service weapon.

3) Yes that has always been the case - even in the revolver days (especially in the revolver days as 6 was always light on)
“Fordham also revealed police believe the alleged killer had day surgery on his stomach on Tuesday and arranged to have the following two days off.

“They reckon Beau managed to squeeze in a medical procedure last week, the day after it’s believed that he (allegedly) killed Luke and Jesse,” he said.” From

I mean, wtf? What stomach surgery and how do you move bodies after having a surgery. Do you think he went ahead with the surgery or was it an alibi?
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“Fordham also revealed police believe the alleged killer had day surgery on his stomach on Tuesday and arranged to have the following two days off.

“They reckon Beau managed to squeeze in a medical procedure last week, the day after it’s believed that he (allegedly) killed Luke and Jesse,” he said.” From

I mean, wtf? What stomach surgery and how do you move bodies after having a surgery. Do you think he went ahead with the surgery or was it an alibi?
Should be easy to check
Human remains have been found by police at a property in Bungonia, near Goulburn, as police continue the search for the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies.

A crime scene at a second property in Bungonia was established Tuesday afternoon, a day after police ended search efforts at a different property in the region.NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb will address media at 3:30pm. 10 News First will be carrying the press conference live across all social media channels: 10 News

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Current Murder of Luke Davies & Jesse Baird AFL Goal Umpire & ex Ch 10 Presenter * Stalker Cop Charged

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