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Not a real fan of Sam, but this was some of his best stuff!! Can't wait to hear all the complaints on TFS next week. He kept sinking to new lows as the segment went on, had me in stitches!!
Funny bloke u r, Big words like sam newman, do u learn a new word a day from the thesaurus just like him, and by the way I know who Barrett is, and have some respect...calling him an old fart......premeirship player from richmond and a total gentleman, unlike yourself, I think the qld sun has fried your brain. And like someone else mentioned how dare take the piss out of the Good Friday Appeal or have no idea waht the Royal Childrens Hospital does or even been there, money raised to help unfortunate sick children u low life C***hED. Obvisiously dont have kids or care for kids and that it offended many people. I have a sense of humour by the way!!!!!!

I'd check coz i think it may have had a gutful of you and ****ed off :)
its pretty simple, if the show has been "terrible for years" and a "disgrace since ddie left"? blah blah blah

why are you still watching it??? its obviously not for the the teams, as you can get them from 2 clicks on the computer you are reading from right now!!!
Sam Newman has made a sport of making fun of people who are different. Tonight they reached another great standard, a dwarf midget.:rolleyes:

Hey, short people deserve it!
What's with all the wowzers in this thread?

Maybe they have been watching the show for years and have seen the same old schit over and over and no longer think it's funny, which is fair enough, if you watched the same comedian week in week out and his material doesn't change, it gets a bit lame.
- Next week Sam will cut the head off a rubber chicken or doll.
- The week after, get shane on to do something to him.
- Then offend some woman or minority group.
- Get some more plastic surgery
- Do something controversial on Street Talk.
- Attack those that attack the show for the controversial Street Talk.
- Get drunk.

I'll stick to Fox teams and get my laughs from things that are actually amusing, I used to enjoy the show, watched it for years and generally enjoyed it, it's just getting old now.

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The Footy Show is the funniest live comedy show on TV during the past twenty years. It is, as an amalgam: League Teams; World of Sport; In Melbourne Tonight. They tread the tightrope of being offensive, and sometimes fall from the wire. This is vaudeville, occasionally, it is almost tinged with what approaches comic genius.

For those who didn't see the show, I'll make no comment about the content. You had to be there.

The number of laughs between ad breaks was disproportionate tonight. It's doing its job if it has the effect it appears to have had on some wet blankets who post on this site.

Long may it reign, and upset people who deserve to be so.

I prefer Before the Game on 10. At least they're funny, not the same old crap week after week. And OMG their jokes are related to footy too! None of those lame videos Sam shows that get circulated to everyone on email. But then again, the show is made for the type of ppl that struggle to find the power switch on a PC let alone know how to use email.

And thank God they stopped that showing stupid soap they used to do. Seriously, watching a bunch of chimps throwing faeces would be more amusing.
Nrl footy show is so much better, they have about 5 minutes of rugby and the rest full of laughs. But that segment "thats gold" is ****ing ****

So were do we draw the line? There's peole here complaining that TFS isn't enough about footy... it's the Sam Newman Show but in the same thread it's said that the NRL footy show is ten times better but there's hardly any footy on it it. I watched it last night and I could think was if the TFS had this much actual footy stuff the viewers would go nuts because it literally goes for about 5 minutes when they quickly run through the teams and their tips.
I prefer Before the Game on 10. At least they're funny, not the same old crap week after week. And OMG their jokes are related to footy too! None of those lame videos Sam shows that get circulated to everyone on email. But then again, the show is made for the type of ppl that struggle to find the power switch on a PC let alone know how to use email.

And thank God they stopped that showing stupid soap they used to do. Seriously, watching a bunch of chimps throwing faeces would be more amusing.

Most jokes on Before the Game are lame. I don't think "Lehmo" has told a funny joke on that show, ever. Most of the funny stuff is vision - like the Tool of the Week, or what not. And a lot of the times you already see it on TFS anyway.
Most jokes on Before the Game are lame. I don't think "Lehmo" has told a funny joke on that show, ever. Most of the funny stuff is vision - like the Tool of the Week, or what not. And a lot of the times you already see it on TFS anyway.

They show football vision? Already better than TFS.
this is a footy forum and the footy show gets its fair share of threads, i can troll in this one if i disagree with opinion, you want humour watch chasers war on everything thats a pisser.

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