No credibility Mick

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Originally posted by Falchoon
$10000 for an advertorial from Eddie in prime time is cheap. Donation to charity is great and noble though hopefully not cynical.

Who has Gillette used so far on the show?

O'Bree, Steinfort, Malthouse.

I hope Gillette are not a Collingwood sponsor

Does it matter? FFS they are giving the money to charity.
Kg's a dill, but if you can't see Eddie as doing anything wrong mate then you are a bigger one.

What exactly did he do wrong???

Defending his club, is that wrong? Reality check....he is the Collingwood president. What would you expect him to do.

Or was it that he cut off them off. Well they've got mouths, why didn't they cut him off?

He asked the simple question. Why should Adelaide get the home final instead of Collingwood. You'd think with the week of moaning and sooking thats been coming from them two, that they'd have had a reply, but they didn't.

Any impartial 'judge' watching last night could see that those two clowns from Adelaide came out of this looking like idiots.

All this Eddie bashing is getting a bit old don't you think.

The reason why he's so hated is that he's doing his job so well, that it eats at the rest of you. You'd die to have a president that provides even half the media exposure that Eddie gets for the club.

And then you all complain about the Footy show. Simple, don't watch it!.

And yeah, Collingwood cops its fair share of s**t on the footy show, from the likes of Sam and Trevor Marmalade. Do you hear us whinging about it...NO!

Get some perspective??? lol, with footy when does perspective come into it. Exactly what perspective do you mean??

Yes, if Eddie was the president of another club, then yes, I'd loath him. But not because he's Eddie, but because he's the president of ANOTHER club. Is that enough perspective for you??

We have Eddie, you don't. Live with it! ;)

And it kills you that the pies are going places, doesn't it!

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Originally posted by Lestat

And it kills you that the pies are going places, doesn't it!
Only because of moronic supporters like yourself.

I have huge respect for many people down at Victoria Park. eg Malthouse, Burns, Clement, Freeborn etc

Its just a shame its spoiled by people like you

As a journalist Eddie makes a great Collingwood President.
No collingwood are the joke. All that underachieving for so long. They make a grand final and dont even win the thing and they think they are the greatest.

You truly are a goose. your very fast becoming the joke!

So Collingwood supporters think they are the greatest do they. Surprise surprise.

Ask a Stkilda supporter who is the greatest club? what do you think they'll say??

Ask a Carlton supporter who's the greatest club? What do you think they'll say???

Ask a Hawthorn supporter who's the greatest club? What do you think they'll say???

do I need to go on?

And thats big coming from an Essendon Supporter. They win won grand final, and you all think you're the 'team of the century'. Now thats what I call a joke.

Talk about premiership with the supposed 'team of the century'.

So yes, i'm proud that we made the Grand final, and yes, I'm spewing we lost. I'm sure most other supporters of teams that lose the grand final think the same way.
Its just a shame its spoiled by people like you

And how exactly is it spoiled by people like me.

Does it upset you when people barrack for there team, is that it??? Does it upset you when Eddie defends his club. Would you prefer he just s**t up, and let two clowns in SA go on sprouting there crap.

What exactly about Eddie is it that upsets you so much (all of you).

Spoilt by Eddie, now its spoiled by me? What exactly is spoiled???

Eddie is a great President of the Collingwood Football Club, perhaps he'll go down in history as one of the greatest. The fact that you all hate him so much, proves to us that he must be doing his job right.
Originally posted by Lestat
And how exactly is it spoiled by people like me.

Does it upset you when people barrack for there team, is that it??? Does it upset you when Eddie defends his club. Would you prefer he just s**t up, and let two clowns in SA go on sprouting there crap.

What exactly about Eddie is it that upsets you so much (all of you).

Spoilt by Eddie, now its spoiled by me? What exactly is spoiled???

Eddie is a great President of the Collingwood Football Club, perhaps he'll go down in history as one of the greatest. The fact that you all hate him so much, proves to us that he must be doing his job right.

I just want him to be fair when he is wearing his journalism hat on a national footy show

fair - that's all - its not a hard concept to grasp

Barrack for your team as much as you like - just try and get some perspective for god's sake.

By the way - I don't hate Eddie - I just dont like SOME of the things he does

other things he does are great. The MCartney segment for instance was superb last night as was the moustache shaving.
Originally posted by hotpie
Eddie had already answered the question. The three previous games were irrelevant - where do the Crows expect us to play Carlton, Hawthorn and Geelong? Is it our fault Brisbane lost to Geelong?

Whether the game was in Melbourne or Adelaide was line ball. But the bigger crowd and better facilities in Melbourne was the clincher.

Where would Pies be expected to play Hawthorn?

Why not York Park?

Why not Darwin for that matter?

Why would you expect Crows to play West Coast in Darwin, but not expect it of Pies & Hawks?

You wouldn't get a bigger crowd in Melbourne (remember no same-state opposition this time), and the facilities in Melbourne aren't any good for people living in Adelaide.

Eddie kept asking "why should we travel"? I ask "why shouldn't you"?

All SA people are asking for is their turn at a final in their state. They have forgone it twice now. Why a third time?

Why shouldn't Pies fans miss out for once?
If the current Essendon team is considered an underachiever (i.e. only one premiership when there were good opportunities to win more) , would it be fair to say that Collingwood is the biggest underachiever in the history of VFL/AFL football? Collingwood has a proven history of making the finals and then choking in the matches that have counted. If there was an award for the most underachieving team in the history of the AFL/VFL, Collingwood would be the clear favourite to win it.
Originally posted by Lestat

He asked the simple question. Why should Adelaide get the home final instead of Collingwood. [/B]

Of course they had a reply, and they began to give it. There are many reasons why it should have been in Adelaide. Adelaide had been stiffed twice before, Adelaide would have had as big a crowd, AFL would have made more money as AMMI is cheaper to host, and finally Adelaide had already travelled and Collingwood hadn't.

So I would like to ask Eddie & yourself a simple question.

Why should Collingwood get the home final instead of Adelaide?
I just want him to be fair when he is wearing his journalism hat on a national footy show

C'mon mate. We're talking footy here. He's not a supreme court judge.

Caroline that what you call fair?

Everyone goes on about Eddie being biased during Collingwood calls, and fair enough.

But what everyone chooses to ignore is the biased shown by all other commentators that hate Collingwood.

All commentators are biased in one way or another. Have you heard Rex Hunt call Stkilda or Richmond games?

Dennis Cometti call Westcoast games??

Did you hear the commentating from the Port v Coll final last year. That was ridiculous. Blight especially was so biased against Coll, and for Port.
I found it amusing that at the start quater, when Steinfort kicked a goal, to put us u 13 points in front, Blight for the first time in the game made the brilliant expert commentary of 'Collingwood are a real chance of winning this game'. :)
Yet not even a whisper about biased commentating. You talking about perspective??

As you know, Collingwood are the team to hate. We know this, and we love it, wouldn't have it any other way. However, as a result (and most pies will vouch for this), watch a game on TV, and if Eddie aint commentating, then I guarantee you that the commentating is almost always biased against Collingwood. Yet do you hear us whinge about!

So yeah, if occasionaly we get the commentating that biased in our favour, well live with it. We've had to live with it, so should you.

Point is, all journalists are biased, and all commentators are too. Even Tim Lane on ABC, heard him commentating Carlton games??

By the way - I don't hate Eddie - I just dont like SOME of the things he does

Fair enough. Though its seems here, people don't like EVERYTHING he does.

He could donate his month salary to a hospital, and I'm sure someone here would put a negative spin on it!
Originally posted by ok.crows

All SA people are asking for is their turn at a final in their state. They have forgone it twice now. Why a third time?

SA have shown, that they are not ready for a final, The Crowd Attendance is shocking - It does not matter id Port or Adeliade are playing. In Vic Many supportors of others club attend.. -
If the current Essendon team is considered an underachiever (i.e. only one premiership when there were good opportunities to win more) , would it be fair to say that Collingwood is the biggest underachiever in the history of VFL/AFL football?

Not at all. Cause if you knew anything about the History of those collingwood teams that lost those premierships, you'd know that in most of the occasions, the teams were thought to have 'over-achieved'. 1970 probably being the exception (yeah, we choked:))
Oh, and ofcourse 66 (low point in Coll history, how can we lose to a dud club like stkilda i'll never know). :)

The collingwood sides under Hafey (77, 79, 80, 81) were considered to be not so talented, and made it to the grand final on sheer guts and determination. Most experts agree that Hafey got the best out of them. However, you can argue that losing all those finals is a 'choke' of sorts, I agree.

In 64, Melbourne were by far the better side (perhaps greatest team of all time), yet we beat them in 58 against the odds.

Even most opposition supporters don't rate the 90 premiership side, and most experts claim that Essendon were the better team. Yet we won the grand final. So you tell me, are Collingwood overachievers or underachievers???

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Originally posted by Watcher
SA have shown, that they are not ready for a final, The Crowd Attendance is shocking - It does not matter id Port or Adeliade are playing. In Vic Many supportors of others club attend.. -

Crows only ever home finals were sold out

Where's your evidence now?

Last week was a semi against a team that had no supportrs there

Collingwood got 6,000 more when there were Geelong supporters there and AFL members got in free.

So really the game shouldn't have been played in Melbourne either

The Crowd argument just doesnt' wash
Of course they had a reply, and they began to give it. There are many reasons why it should have been in Adelaide. Adelaide had been stiffed twice before, Adelaide would have had as big a crowd, AFL would have made more money as AMMI is cheaper to host, and finally Adelaide had already travelled and Collingwood hadn't.

What are you talking about?? Stiffed twice?

If your talking about last years final, well that was a different comp.

And last years wizard cup final was in Adelaide wasn't it??

Why should Adelaide getting shafted in last years final series have any impact on this years Wizard cup???
And if you did get the wizard cup final, does that mean you would of stopped moaning about last years final...I don't think so.

Out of all those reasons, you haven't given ONE reason why the final should be in Adelaide and not Melbourne? Perhaps the travel issue is the only one that you can argue, but even then, its a weak argument.

Was it the AFL who shafted you last year, or Collingwood?

Perhaps the GF should rotate through the states, I agree.

But think about it, if Eddies idea about rotating the final was in place, since Adel had the final last year, the final would still be in Melb this year, and you'd still be moaning.

And listen to of your reasons is that Adelaide has been stiffed twice before. Do you truly believe that this is a reason that the cup be played in Adelaide. Because you've been stiffed. :rolleyes:

Like me saying that the final should be played in Melbourne, cause we got stiffed in the 1980 night premiership. Sounds pretty stupid hey :)
Originally posted by Jars458
Crows only ever home finals were sold out

Where's your evidence now?

Do I need evidence, What has been happening in SA, Have you sen the Attendance for the last couplof Finals?

Are the crowd attending games or are they using some excuse for not going, Bumb on seat, that's what counts. This is not a PORT issue,It is a SA issue....

don't get me wrong, I think finals should be played all over the Country. But SA which is a power house in AFL and has no other real threat to the AFL(unlike NSW and QLD), does not generated the attendance
Collingwood got 6,000 more when there were Geelong supporters there and AFL members got in free.

You keep saying that, where do you get your info from???

the only AFL members that get in for free, are those that aren't Club support packages.

I have a Coll AFL Full membership, and that did not entitle me to get into the game.

However, I agree with ya, the whole crowds thing is really a shallow argument.
Hasn't Collingwood won the most games in the AFL/VFL? They must be underachievers if they are only third on the list of premierships when they have won the most games. They have had so many chances to win more premierships but they have failed. Since the end of the second world war Collingwood have lost in the grand final 12 times. They have only won 2 premierships. To me that seems like underachieving.
Originally posted by Jars458

Collingwood got 6,000 more when there were Geelong supporters there and AFL members got in free.

Will you South Australians get your facts right. This is what Eddie was trying to say to Cornes and KG.


The only game they get into is the Wizard Cup Grand Final. They had to pay just like everyone else.
Hasn't Collingwood won the most games in the AFL/VFL? They must be underachievers if they are only third on the list of premierships when they have won the most games.

Well if you look at it that way, then yeah perhaps we did underachieve. But you also have to put it into perspective. Look at the individual teams, talent available, and the competition that they were up against. As I said, in most of those losing grand finals, Collingwood were not the most talented outfit, yet they still made Grand finals.

For example, I personally believe that Stkilda in the late 90's underachieved. A team with the likes of Lockett, Lowe, Harvey, Winmar, not winning a GF, imo is a missed opportunity.

Essendon's 99, 2000, 2001 team was a great team, perhaps one of the greatest individually talented teams of all time. (however, imo there were some serious over-rated players in there).

However, the fact that Essendon could only get one premiership from the supposed 'team of the century' is also underachieving don't you think.

If you compare the 2000 Essendon side to the 84/85 side. Which side do you think was more talented??? Personally, I'd say the 2000 side was the better team individually.

However the 85/85 side won two premierships, to the 2000 teams one, so imo that makes them a better team.

Of course, when Coll involved, all logic goes out the window, and the 90 premiership side sh*ts on them both ;)
I think that we should have won an extra premiership in the period (99-01) so over those three years we did underachieve. So Essendon has underachieved over that three year period compared to Collingwoods history littered with missed chances and underachievement.
I think that we should have won an extra premiership in the period (99-01) so over those three years we did underachieve. So Essendon has underachieved over that three year period compared to Collingwoods history littered with missed chances and underachievement.

so you comparing Essendon's 3 years to Collingwood's whole history??

What did Essendon do in the 60's, 70's and 80's??

So you feel that reaching the GF and losing is underachieving.

So what do you call not making the Grand Final at all? Is this not underachieving??

Like you said, we've won 3 premierships since WWII. So how long did it take you to catch up??? Did you underachieve before WWII.

Before 83, when did you make the finals???
Originally posted by Lestat

he is the Collingwood president. What would you expect him to do.

Exactly, and that is what makes people dislike him, the fact that he wears so many bloody hats and cant see that it is a conflict of interest ! Plus he thinks his s*** doesnt stink.

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No credibility Mick

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