Well, in further tales of rampant saved game inept stupidity, I was playing NMS last night after a few beers which were followed by a few more beers, when I received a notification that a new update had been installed. So I installed the update and restarted the game and continued on. Then pantskyle happens to arrive in my game and then I get another notification about a game update being ready to install. A bit weird I think, as I've just done that, but either way I update again so I can get back to the multiplayer session.
When I restart the game the saved game is gone. Nothing. Surely I don't have to restart? The cloud backup is not there. I really don't want to have to restart again. How has this happened to me again? Was it pantskyle's fault? Hard to see how, but I was open to the possibility, which I let him know all about. So i went and played something else for a while before checking NMS again and I notice there's an option to upload the save to the ps5 version. Which meant I was on the ps4 version. Which meant that the second update must have been for the ps4 version. Which I had then changed to when I installed the update and restarted the game. Which is why I couldn't find the ps5 saved game. Which magically reappeared when I changed to the ps5 version.
An hour's worth of ranting and raving that could have all been avoided. And once again very difficult to blame anyone else for.
I read this as pantskyle crashed the internet.