I think that really invalidates the achievements of being world champions. Australia punches well above its weight and it is very impressive to perform at the pinnacle in as many sports as we do. The Matildas went on a good run that should be celebrated, but I can never rank finishing third above the teams that actually won.Winning a World Cup in which Australia is a dominant team in a particular sport (cricket/netball) played by a dozen or so nations is not as big as finishing 4th in the world game in which Australia has never been a dominant nation. What the tillies did was amazing, possibly one of Australia’s greatest team sporting achievements.
Winning football world cups is rare for nations which have massive populations compared to Australia and in which the sport is there number one focus.
We are expected to win netball and cricket World Cups or a least feature highly in the tournament but it’s not the case in Football.
Women's soccer is also very much an emerging sport, so I don't see it as being more competitive than sports like Netball or Cricket at this stage.