North Central Football League - Part 1

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Re: North Central Football League

Let’s face it the blokes a w***er. Even blokes in birchip think his a w***er. the sooner some one knocks him and his mate jimmy out the better, some one in the Birchip footy club should realize they aren’t doing themselves any favors by having those two on the ground.
The league needs to take action against them if their own club will not. There would be hardly a supporter/player in the league who has any respect for either of them. It has been going on for a long time. It is sickening to think they only pick on young kids. Hope the boy from the saints is okay.

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Re: North Central Football League

He is nearly 40, the two guys he has ATTACKED in the two games @ St Arnaud were both atleast 15 years younger than him. In both cases he has shown no remorse...

Its not slander if its true greysong!

But just for you, ive edited it... :thumbsdown::mad::thumbsdown::mad::thumbsdown::mad:

I'm sure that the St Arnard players did nothing to provoke the fight so ALL the blame should be placed on Andrew! yeah yep i reckon that is fair.......
Re: North Central Football League

I'm sure that the St Arnard players did nothing to provoke the fight so ALL the blame should be placed on Andrew! yeah yep i reckon that is fair.......

There were "little melees" all day...


It was an act of utter cowardness, and the fact that he had his gf/wife/sister/mother (dunno who it was) pick him up from directly outside the sheds, proves his cowardness!
Re: North Central Football League

Its not slander if its true greysong!

But just for you, ive edited it... :thumbsdown::mad::thumbsdown::mad::thumbsdown::mad:

As your quote for the definition of slander suggests, it also isn't slander if it is posted on an internet blog (slander refers to oral communication) but i don't want to get into a whole argument on semantics here. i was referring to your comment that "he likes to hit blokes 15 years younger than him, that's just how he is" - that is purely your opinion of him not a fact.
Re: North Central Football League

The young kids shouldnt try be smart ass's, and play with the fire i would say to that mor... takes 2 to tango yeh.
Re: North Central Football League

As your quote for the definition of slander suggests, it also isn't slander if it is posted on an internet blog (slander refers to oral communication) but i don't want to get into a whole argument on semantics here. i was referring to your comment that "he likes to hit blokes 15 years younger than him, that's just how he is" - that is purely your opinion of him not a fact.

My opinion was based on the facts.

- He has committed 2 Dispicable acts in 2 days of football @ St Arnaud this year...
- One of his victims were 15 years younger, and 1 was 20 years younger (and half his size)
- He showed no remorse for either of these acts, one which resulted in a Brain Stunt being needed to remove fluid from the Brain, and the other resulting in quite a major concussion at the very least.

"he likes to hit blokes 15 years younger than him, that's just how he is"
Tell me where the facts prove otherwise!? ;)
Re: North Central Football League

The young kids shouldnt try be smart ass's, and play with the fire i would say to that mor... takes 2 to tango yeh.

It does take 2 to tango... but is that an excuse to lay haymakers into a kid half his age and size!???!?

there is NO EXCUSE for his dirty acts
Re: North Central Football League

If the kids involved were not prepared to face the consequences maybe they shouldn't be starting fights with either andrew lee or jimmy. from what i saw the kid who was injured deserved it and should think twice about starting things that they cannot handle.

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Re: North Central Football League

Was it in a fight or was it high contact during/behind play

We all know those little "im bigger than you" stand offs that happen.... It was one of those... From what i was told, by a reliable source, the kids were being a smartass, getting in Lee's ear, etc etc...basic stuff that any normal person would laugh off and keep playing footy..... but he didn't... he swung a few haymakers and connected... The umpire was there, but because by that stage there was a pack (after lee went at the kid, as is expected) and he says he didn't see it... the kid was just left there to be held up by his team mates, and had to be taken off, and to hospital.

Also, Lee spoke to Roundy (who was umpiring) and said "I am the captain of the Birchip side, i want to report the St Arnaud runner for taking part in a melee" Roundy told him to shut up, because you are allowed to take part if your intent is to break it up, as his was...

SLIGHTLY off topic There was a goal umpire who wanted to make a report... but was told he couldn't... the player committed the act laughted and said "i love these rules"..... Looks like the Stenhouse issue is back!!!! :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
Re: North Central Football League

from what i saw the kid who was injured deserved it

That is the single most moronic statement i have heard in ages.


Has anyone noticed Lee doesn't seem to get reported... Probably doesn't help that his good mate (who got him his BnF award last year) umpires many of their games..

Then theres the issue about that big dopey Young... Why the hell he had to get involved i dont know... looks like Eddie has taken him under his wing!!!

I dont give a crap why he done it... but you have to be SCUM to hit kids like that.. he deserves whatever he gets... as Truck eluded to!!!

Hmmm Birchip vs Wedderburn.... "Hey Millsyyyyy!!!"

CARN THE SAINTS! :thumbsu::thumbsu:
Re: North Central Football League

Maybe the fact that his little brother had three St Arnaud blokes on top of him may be a little reason why he got involved...I think that your reliable source isn't so reliable, your story about lee snapping because of them yapping in his ear is almost the biggest load of crap i have heard in a long time. There wasn't much yapping involved when the kid was swinging punches...
Re: North Central Football League

Typical Birchip... when things are going wrong blame someone else...

Andrew Lee Swung the Haymakers, Andrew Lee is to blame...

If a St Arnaud player done the same thing to a Birchip player, it would have been the same thing... Whoever makes the decision to PUNCH an opponent is to blame...

Its just like all this "Roid Rage" crap.... They decided to take the drugs, its their problem....

Lee made a decision to hit the CHILD.. its LEE's Fault

The basic facts of the case...

Andrew Lee (aged 38) hit Ricky Wild (aged 17-18)
Only Scum hit kids
Therefore Andrew Lee = Scum... (old news eh!?)
Re: North Central Football League

Well, well, well. Looks like with the two losses on the trot to St Arnaud, MOR's head has come off and has been replaced with a pumpkin! Just relax, focus on reality rather than whinging about one incident in a game where you got flogged....
Other interesting questions arising from Saturday:
- will there be an investigation into the St Arnaud player (the really little guy who plays on the ball, forgot his number) who, in an unprovoked attack, struck Scambler in the side of the head while tackling
- do any St Arnaud players even like the club or are there any supporters (other than MOR), as there was only tumbleweeds and crickets at the bar after the game
- is there a bigger amphibian running around in the NCFL than Hando
- is Brearley seriously over-rated, seriously unattractive and seriously overweight
Perhaps the house at St Arnaud needs to be tidied before you start attacking other clubs with ridiculous statements like "Lee swung haymakers", not liked at his own club, "child sniping idiot", etc.
And while I am on my high-horse. MOR, an internet search engine does not replace an education and if you believe that you are the most intelligent person on BigFooty, as well as the most erudite (look that up at!), with the most complete education, then you are seriously deluding yourself!
Re: North Central Football League

in most cases it takes two to tango but when eddy and jimmy are involved it's usually not the case. everyone has a story about them hitting someone behind play or from behind but as the case with terrible umpires they always seem to get off
Re: North Central Football League

Well, well, well. Looks like with the two losses on the trot to St Arnaud, MOR's head has come off and has been replaced with a pumpkin! Just relax, focus on reality rather than whinging about one incident in a game where you got flogged....
Other interesting questions arising from Saturday:
- will there be an investigation into the St Arnaud player (the really little guy who plays on the ball, forgot his number) who, in an unprovoked attack, struck Scambler in the side of the head while tackling
- do any St Arnaud players even like the club or are there any supporters (other than MOR), as there was only tumbleweeds and crickets at the bar after the game
- is there a bigger amphibian running around in the NCFL than Hando
- is Brearley seriously over-rated, seriously unattractive and seriously overweight
Perhaps the house at St Arnaud needs to be tidied before you start attacking other clubs with ridiculous statements like "Lee swung haymakers", not liked at his own club, "child sniping idiot", etc.
And while I am on my high-horse. MOR, an internet search engine does not replace an education and if you believe that you are the most intelligent person on BigFooty, as well as the most erudite (look that up at!), with the most complete education, then you are seriously deluding yourself!
I'm all for sticking up for your club, MrsKenGriffeySnr but Andrew Lee is a fair-dinkum f**khead!

You have at least got to admit that?
Re: North Central Football League

Looks like this is going to get talked about for the next month... I'm not sticking up for Lee or Birchip, I have no affiliation with both, but if you're in a fight should you be discriminate on age? If someone is throwing a punch at you, do you think hang on this guy is younger than me I'll let him hit me... I also find it hard to believe he'd be scared to take on people his own age or size, have a chat to Stewy Egan Master, I think you'll find he's had his fair share of stoushes with him. Its unfortunate that someone has been injured in this altercation, but lets not be too partisan here...
Re: North Central Football League

I'm all for sticking up for your club, MrsKenGriffeySnr but Andrew Lee is a fair-dinkum f**khead!

You have at least got to admit that?
In all honesty, I am a big fan of both Jim Sheehan and Andrew Lee. I think that Jim deserves to win the league medal in the reserves and is one of the nicest blokes I have met. And I think that Andrew has been a great player and clubman for a very long time and is extremely loyal. To be critical, all people, including myself and you, smasher, have their limitations but neither of these two is a "fair-dinkum f**khead"....
Re: North Central Football League

Well, well, well. Looks like with the two losses on the trot to St Arnaud, MOR's head has come off and has been replaced with a pumpkin! Just relax, focus on reality rather than whinging about one incident in a game where you got flogged....
Other interesting questions arising from Saturday:
- will there be an investigation into the St Arnaud player (the really little guy who plays on the ball, forgot his number) who, in an unprovoked attack, struck Scambler in the side of the head while tackling
- do any St Arnaud players even like the club or are there any supporters (other than MOR), as there was only tumbleweeds and crickets at the bar after the game
- is there a bigger amphibian running around in the NCFL than Hando
- is Brearley seriously over-rated, seriously unattractive and seriously overweight
Perhaps the house at St Arnaud needs to be tidied before you start attacking other clubs with ridiculous statements like "Lee swung haymakers", not liked at his own club, "child sniping idiot", etc.
And while I am on my high-horse. MOR, an internet search engine does not replace an education and if you believe that you are the most intelligent person on BigFooty, as well as the most erudite (look that up at!), with the most complete education, then you are seriously deluding yourself!

As it appears in most of these scenarios there is 2 sides to every story and the only people to judge what happened are the umpires as they are suppose to be non- biased. however as it happens sometimes 'you cant pay/ report what you cant see' if the young bloke was giving lee an earful than he must of expected something coming back.... obviously he knows of lee's short fuse hence why he was heckling him, so it cant just be blamed all on lee.
- on another note sad to hear of the event with the player / goal umpire where the player can not be reported this needs to be looked at.
- also MoR i reckon its great how you pump up starnaud and are very passionate about your club however mate, you give us the full wrap of the game , quarter by quarter action ...... stats.. the works at 5: 45 pm Saturday nights, however none of that is provided when you dont quite fall over the line, instead you find other incidents. keep up the good work with reports tho ;)
Re: North Central Football League

Well, well, well. Looks like with the two losses on the trot to St Arnaud, MOR's head has come off and has been replaced with a pumpkin! Just relax, focus on reality rather than whinging about one incident in a game where you got flogged....
Other interesting questions arising from Saturday:
- will there be an investigation into the St Arnaud player (the really little guy who plays on the ball, forgot his number) who, in an unprovoked attack, struck Scambler in the side of the head while tackling
- do any St Arnaud players even like the club or are there any supporters (other than MOR), as there was only tumbleweeds and crickets at the bar after the game
- is there a bigger amphibian running around in the NCFL than Hando
- is Brearley seriously over-rated, seriously unattractive and seriously overweight
Perhaps the house at St Arnaud needs to be tidied before you start attacking other clubs with ridiculous statements like "Lee swung haymakers", not liked at his own club, "child sniping idiot", etc.
And while I am on my high-horse. MOR, an internet search engine does not replace an education and if you believe that you are the most intelligent person on BigFooty, as well as the most erudite (look that up at!), with the most complete education, then you are seriously deluding yourself!

As it appears in most of these scenarios there is 2 sides to every story and the only people to judge what happened are the umpires as they are suppose to be non- biased. however as it happens sometimes 'you cant pay/ report what you cant see' if the young bloke was giving lee an earful than he must of expected something coming back.... obviously he knows of lee's short fuse hence why he was heckling him, so it cant just be blamed all on lee.
- on another note sad to hear of the event with the player / goal umpire where the player can not be reported this needs to be looked at.
- also MoR i reckon its great how you pump up starnaud and are very passionate about your club however mate, you give us the full wrap of the game , quarter by quarter action ...... stats.. the works at 5: 45 pm Saturday nights, however none of that is provided when you dont quite fall over the line, instead you find other incidents. keep up the good work with reports tho ;)
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