Not All Men

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Club Legend
Sep 20, 2007
AFL Club
West Coast
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Swan Districts
I recently discovered this phenomenon when I inadvertently walked into a beehive of feminists on a friend's Wife's Facebook post. I took exception to a link to a story that discussed putrid behaviour toward a female and the article attributed this behaviour to men and questioned the upbringing of men and what they learn at school, home and through the Internet etc.

I casually mentioned perhaps the author should have qualified the attribution to 'these men' or 'these types and men' and WOW did I push the feminist d-day button! I won't go into specifics but amongst other things I am apparently a misogynist hiding behind a Wife and children, I have no concept of empathy and I have no place pointing out that the behaviour of a few should not be attributed to all. They then went on to give me dozens of example of predatory behaviour of men toward women from whistling at them to home invasion and rape to murder.

One rather batshit crazy one continually referred to #notallmen and used (not all men) in a sarcastic manner and I looked it up to discover that it is a feminist catch cry whereby they can make whatever discriminatory, sexist and downright disgraceful comment they like about men in general and once you point out that not all men conduct in that behaviour we are being misogynistic and butting in on female conversations and validating our sense of superiority over females.

I pointed out that if I were to draw similar comparisons with the few Aboriginal people I come into to contact with at the train station and apply that to the Aboriginal people as a whole I would be called a racist. This further enraged the feminists as I was now diminishing their experiences of being targeted by comparing my own experiences.

My conclusions from the experience is that if we apply a broad brush to a race we are called racist, if we apply the broad brush to females we are sexist but if females apply a broad brush to men they are called feminists and that as a middle class, white, male Australian I am expected to ensure everything I do and say is politically correct but never question it when I am targeted because of my gender.

Should we just suck it up accept this lot in life or do we need to start speaking up when we are generalised just like ethnic groups and female groups would?

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>live in Tolerance Zone #65
>be nu-trans fourth trimester transsexual Angst Profile ZETA-8 genderqueer pseudo-dyke reformed lesbiophilic heteromollusc
>see cis white male at the zoo
>ask “mommies, what’s that?”
>they don’t know
>Genderless Polyamorous Parental Unit #2 takes me into a Safe Zone and engages the Feelings Shield
>tells me that it is a monster from the beforetime
>tells me not to be scared, because the monsters‘ penisocracy was smashed by the forces of the LBJQGTA5 Coalition in the Patriarchy Wars
>start to cry
>s/he opens his and/or her rainbow mesh vest and retrieves an estrogen pill to cheer me up
>feel the calming femininity wash over me
>s/he tells me that the monsters aren’t allowed to hurt anyone anymore, only to work, to support our glorious society
>go back out to gaze once more at the cis-gendered abomination
>throw Privilege Peanuts at him
>everyone laughs
>take some soma
>go home and read some consensus-approved feelings-safe literature
No issue with feminism. However, the women Jackfrost is talking about are not feminists. They sound more like hateful human beings.

"So and so" did a bad thing.
"So and so" is a man.
Therefore all men are bastards.

Posing a rational argument, as Jackfrost did, does not make you a misogynist.

These are my exact sentiments in relation to the thread topic. Including the Bill Burr skit ;)
What's your issue with feminism?
I should have referred to them as Fem Nazis instead of feminists to avoid the confusion.

My issue is with the ones that hate men and use the cover of feminism to make whatever broad generalisations about men they like and get away with disgraceful and harmful comments. Take the bait troll Tracey Spicer for example. Here's another

The original article was printed in a big newspaper and I was merely trying to point out that if the author (who joined in on the Facebook rants) had written a similar story with broad generalisations about an ethnic group then she'd have been taken to task and lost her job.
It's hard to have an opinion on this without seeing how the argument escalated. I'm not just going to take the OPs word for it that he didn't contribute.

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Not All Men

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