Game Day Nothing better than a Saturday arvo 8 pointer - Bulldogs v Port @1:45 in a crucial game

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Frustrating contrast to how we playing vs them. When they have the ball, they move it around fast and find loose man, after loose man, after loose man. Yet when we are in possession, we cannot find a loose target anywhere around the ground and stagnate and move at snail pace.

Not sure if its a fitness issue, we are dead set lazy runners, or just not mentally capable of manning up when defending the ground? It pops up time to time when we have a poor game. Where are all our loose players when attacking? And why are our players not wearing Port players like a glove when they have the ball?

We cannot seem to get isolated on on one match ups up front, or have space in the forward line for the players to lead into more often? That other teams seem to do well, much to our envy.

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All good, proud AFL coaches would sub English as a statement, Bevo wont
Yes Gerard, Liam Jones' absence "isn't impacting on this." **** right off.
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