Excellent summary! It's a minor nit-pick, but the oval at MPPS is still there. Looking at Google maps it doesn't look like it's changed from when I went there in the 90s. To my knowledge, it was never used by outside sporting teams due to its size.I'm OK with with the work done at Springfield Park, just the councillor for Elgar who was the only councillor who voted against the extra money required at East Burwood because it was too much, but has been OK with all the money spent at Springfield Rd. If this had not been passed, the ground would not be completed in time for the start of the season.
Davy Lane recommendation was eventually approved. The greenies want the whole area for trees etc. The area really is needed for ovals. The corridor is 2Km long, the vast majority of the corridor would be unaffected. Greenies argued that we already have enough ovals in Whitehorse to cater for all clubs. One even recommended planting an orchard there. While it is a large amount there just aren't enough sports ground now, let alone into the future. The debate on Davy Lane was over about an hour and a half with amendment after amendment made to try and defeat the motion. The whole meeting lasted 2hrs 42m to discuss all the items on the Agenda.
Since the mid 1990’s, 19 schools have closed in Whitehorse. With the sale and redevelopment of the sites has come an increase in Whitehorse’s population and a decrease in recreational facilities.
Whitehorse has lost 21 ovals, along with open space and gymnasiums that were available for community use when these schools closed.
The result of all these closures has been an increase in the school populations of the remaining schools. Increased numbers have compelled the construction of new buildings. Often the only space left for new buildings intrudes onto sports ovals further reducing their availability to be used.
Whitehorse is now short of ovals by not doing anything to retain sports ovals when schools closed.
All the new dwellings constructed on those school sites as well as the redevelopment of the Burwood Brickworks site in Blackburn South, the Australian Tessalated Tile co. site in Mitcham and the construction of a large number of high rise developments throughout Whitehorse have placed significant pressure on sporting and recreational facilities. No new sporting facilities within Whitehorse have been constructed to replace those lost.
The redevelopment of the former Australian Road and Research Board site at 490-500 Burwood Highway, Vermont South, for residential housing will place further demand by Whitehorse residents for sporting and recreation facilities.
In addition to the ovals mentioned there have been another 15 ovals lost.
Halliday Park 1 (closed)
Sparkes Reserve 1 (closed)
Surrey Park 2 (lost due to the baseball field)
Wattle Park 2 (revegetated)
Ovals lost to building works
Blackburn HS 2
Laburnum PS 1
Blackburn Lake PS 1
Mt Pleasant Road PS 1
Kerrimuir PS 1
Whitehorse PS 1
Vermont SC 1
Forest Hill SC 1
I sincerely hope they've removed the raised concrete drain that ran along the western side... It captured many victims in the years I was there.