**** off Damn-ian Barrett you oxygen thief

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He's been showing his Norf colours last few days. Bars up every time they talk about their off-field appointments.
"Norf are a very good chance to take out the 2014 premiership with Nicky Little Dicky signing with the club".
Something like we threw pick 2 at a billion players, and he doesn't understand why Tyson is who we decided to land on. He was implicating we almost had to settle for him.

The kid is f'n fantastic and tough. I've see him play a bit. Furthermore the moron barely spoke of the upgrade to pick 9.

Barrett literally has no idea. Has he ever played footy? Ever?

Someone give him a coaching gig, just for a day. Let's see how much of an 'expert' he is then.
funny thing is the footy managers have constantly said they blocked it not the players, wouldnt be disheartened

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Something like we threw pick 2 at a billion players, and he doesn't understand why Tyson is who we decided to land on. He was implicating we almost had to settle for him.

The kid is f'n fantastic and tough. I've see him play a bit. Furthermore the moron barely spoke of the upgrade to pick 9.

Barrett literally has no idea. Has he ever played footy? Ever?

Someone give him a coaching gig, just for a day. Let's see how much of an 'expert' he is then.

The best part was Wallace was schooling him and Barrett trying to twist his words.
The best part was Wallace was schooling him and Barrett trying to twist his words.
Yes. I don't think I've ever seen Barrett admit there's even a remote chance he could be wrong. But you know, he knows more than ex coaches, players etc. He is a doyen of our game.
Yep, it never stops. Where does he get his knowledge on coaching, players, playing, player development etc etc etc etc etc from? In all seriousness, he's no better than half the idiots on this site. Is there a chance he lurks around this site and is aware of how much we despise him?:p

I'm just trying to understand his utter contempt towards Melbourne. But maybe I've overcomplicating things, and the guy really is just an idiot.

It's astonishing we have no one else in this country to replace him. F*ck, bring back Hutchy.
Absolutely - Hutchy is a big big step up from Barrett.
"Norf are a very good chance to take out the 2014 premiership with Nicky Little Dicky signing with the club".

Sign one free agent. "Norf are the clear winners of the trade period which isn't over."
Norf sign one past their best mids

Clear winners
winners are subjective. We are getting who we want, we never went after Dal, so to say Roos won out of that is questionable, we went after Vince from get go, Tyson etc as Roos believes he is pick 2 of this draft if he was in the draft, and Michie, absolute steal, we wanted other players as well but the clubs NOT THE PLAYERS said no... I think we have done well

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Biggest reason I hate this prick though.

Round 22 'Sliding Doors'.

IF: Todd Viney wants to do his son a favour
THEN: He must recruit some big-bodied midfielders to play alongside Jack. Someone like, say, Brent Moloney.

He doesn't offer anything constructive because he doesn't know how. Instead, he just goes over and over the same point.
Biggest reason I hate this prick though.

Round 22 'Sliding Doors'.

IF: Todd Viney wants to do his son a favour
THEN: He must recruit some big-bodied midfielders to play alongside Jack. Someone like, say, Brent Moloney.

He doesn't offer anything constructive because he doesn't know how. Instead, he just goes over and over the same point.

His entire mantra is just to be as smarmy as possible in every piece of news he comments on.
Rat doesn't know that Walsh, Ling, Tudor don't count as part of the trade period.

Either way, the reality is once we got Roos we didn't have the financials to secure Walsh as well. Jackson made it pretty clear Roos is going to be undertaking some of the duties the Footy Manager normally would. In the long long run I would not be surprised at all if Roosy ends up being a footy manager for us.

Also, Ling is gonna be doing bugger all at North, and Tudor, well we didn't even want him
Listening to trade radio today...

Actually thinks our approach this year is scatter gun again. Thinks pick 2 deal was terrible for us.
Also tried to throw in Norf-is-da-best references when Terry Wallace was talking about Essendon.

Scatter gun? What a fking knob gobbler, seriously

Coming from the bloke who said (and was for once right even though it was a simple observation to make) we need bigger bodied mids, he's now criticising us for going out and getting.....bigger bodied mids

Can the U.S. Government 'Liberate' us from Damian Barrett?

Or is there anyway we can get him deported as a boat person?

I hear the CSIRO are in need of some Rats for experimentation, pays well too!

He has repeatedly said the Tyson trade was a bust for us even though he has admitted to never having seen Tyson play.
Knob jockey.

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**** off Damn-ian Barrett you oxygen thief

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