Offical "I Hate Cena" thread

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Wrestling fans AMAZE me!

When Bobby Lashley threw in the towel recently, I read of people hating him because he had no charisma, good wrestler, but no charisma, therefore people where happy to see the back-end of him.

Now we here people whinging about Cena, somebody who has a limited move set, but, contrary to most held beliefs on this forum, he entertains the crowd through his charismatic persona.

I'm sorry guys, not everybody has the mic ability, coupled with the wrestling ability, it'd be too hard to just concentrate on one aspect surely.

I personally am a fan of John Cena, I'm also a fan of Bobby Lashley. They are both good at what they do, good at entertaining people in their own special way. Obviously the WWE have got an angle to go with Cena's RR win, maybe we'll see Cena whipping out some new moves... who knows? It just amazes me how people here just can't be pleased!

Might I also add that Cena obviously has a large following, because wasn't he voted PWI #1 wrestler in the PWI 500 for 2006 & 2007?

I'm glad Cena's back. Orton frustrates me. He ticks no boxes. He's not entertaining to watch, has the most minute amount of charisma and is the most arrogant person on screen, and he's apparently like that off screen too!

I think Lashley was very limited in the ring. His mic skills were poor but he still got the crowd excited. He got by in the ring because he was pretty exciting and he could pull some impressive moves off. But he could have easily improved his ring work after a while. But I disagree with you I thought Lashley was pretty poor in the ring.

Just to distinguish PWI is a 'mark'/kayfabe magazine to some extent although it seems to acknowledge wrestling talent more so than you'd think (they had Mistico #3 in their top 500 or whatever).

Orton is a great heel. He doesn't need a totally outlandish gimmick or character to get heat. In the ring he can pull off some great matches but I think he doesn't have the consistency to be as great as he could be (with his bloody rest holds).
How the **** can you hate someone because of fake wrestling? Its disgusting.

Ive meet Cena before his a great bloke.

That's another thing. Some of these people have a real irrational hatred of this guy, because he does what he's told to do when he's fake fighting.

It's quite amazing, really.

And as for RVD, he's overrated like a mother****er. The matches with Lynn and Sabu are just as overrated. His best matches are against Bam Bam in ECW, and half of the Can-Am Express in AJPW (I forgot which one he fought...LaFon I think). One of which is never spoken of, and the other most people don't even know about.

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Crowd loved the ending, i don't hate the guy for doing his job but he needs a huge heel turn, would be a great heel i think.

Crowd actually booed him in a lot of parts near the end especially when they were going punch for punch.
I still cant get over how stupid he looked. I never thought it was possible to have over buffed arms. He actually made me laugh at how stupid his arms looked at the RR.:eek::D
And as for RVD, he's overrated like a mother****er. The matches with Lynn and Sabu are just as overrated. His best matches are against Bam Bam in ECW, and half of the Can-Am Express in AJPW (I forgot which one he fought...LaFon I think). One of which is never spoken of, and the other most people don't even know about.

utter bull shit, he had great fueds against bam bam and in japan, but he also had good matches against Tazz, and tag battles against the pitbulls.

Calling RVD pverrated is just crap

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Why not just download the show? Amazing wrestler and entertainer, is Angle.

I'm a lazy shit :D

I still cant get over how stupid he looked. I never thought it was possible to have over buffed arms. He actually made me laugh at how stupid his arms looked at the RR.:eek::D

Have you seen Scott Steiner Nightfury :p

Nice av btw...
Have you seen Scott Steiner Nightfury :p

Indeed... good point, however Scott Steiner did have that whacky cool chainmail headress thing as well as being a Black n' White NWO member back before the NWO angle all turned to shit.
But there was just something disproportionately wrong with the way Cena's armed looked IMHO.

Nice av btw...
I'm just getting pumped to see The Irons next week. Are you going??
Haha true... At least with Steiner his finishing sub move correlated with his over buffed arms lol

Nah, not going... Had tickets to the Melbourne show but some personal stuff got in the way... Bit cut... Not my favourite band but would have been good to see...
You can't spell "pverrated" without R-V-D either.
sorry i struggle to overrated and RVD in the same line, dont like posting bullshit
He got booed because they were in Philadelphia - home to a smart, knowledgable Wrestling crowd. You'll note that whenever WWE are in the North-East or the bigger US cities (Chicago, L.A., etc) Cena will get booed, even in Boston. The crowds up there are comprised by a majority of "smarks" so Cena gets the heat. When they go to Bumf**k, Idaho or wherever you've got a crowd that comprised more of marks, who fall into the traditional 'cheer the face, boo the heel' mindset.
He got booed because they were in Philadelphia - home to a smart, knowledgable Wrestling crowd. You'll note that whenever WWE are in the North-East or the bigger US cities (Chicago, L.A., etc) Cena will get booed, even in Boston. The crowds up there are comprised by a majority of "smarks" so Cena gets the heat. When they go to Bumf**k, Idaho or wherever you've got a crowd that comprised more of marks, who fall into the traditional 'cheer the face, boo the heel' mindset.

So very true there. Philly, New York, Chicago, etc have a tendency to do that sort of stuff.
Ray, what did you think of the MSG crowd booing Rey the other day? I thought it was unneccessary and detracted from the match.
So very true there. Philly, New York, Chicago, etc have a tendency to do that sort of stuff.
Ray, what did you think of the MSG crowd booing Rey the other day? I thought it was unneccessary and detracted from the match.

I was a bit surprised that Rey got booed but I think it was more that the crowd wanted to demonstrate that they were behind Edge more than anything. It might also be a reaction to that fact that Rey is enormously popular with the young fans as well, perhaps to wind them up a bit.

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Offical "I Hate Cena" thread

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