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Remember when Toby Green got his head ripped
Off in the prelim where the whole world saw it except the umpire

farrken hilarious

he films himself for u tube

money im guessing

even puts his camera on a selfie stick on the fence 🤣🤣🤣

I would break his camera
So, if you’re stuck near him at the footy you end up on his YouTube channel without any permission being given.

Like those “influencers” who feel they have the right to use a gym, which is somebody else’s business, as a private studio to film themselves meanwhile inconveniencing others and filming them without their permission.


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So, if you’re stuck near him at the footy you end up on his YouTube channel without any permission being given.

Like those “influencers” who feel they have the right to use a gym, which is somebody else’s business, as a private studio to film themselves meanwhile inconveniencing others and filming them without their permission.

If muppets didn't watch that crap they'd stop doing it pretty quick.

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