Other Australasian casinos (not Crown or Burswood)

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Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Jupiter's @ Gold Coast:
- 4 10-player tables, open noon to late every day
- 5/10 Limit ($1 per hand per player, no pot rake), 10/20 Limit (rarely if ever played), 2/5 Pot Limit ($100 to $300 buy-in, no time charge, 5% rake to $20)
- usually one 5/10 and one 2/5 PLH table open, when busy, two 5/10 and two 2/5 PLH, or one 5/10 and three 2/5 PLH
- no food or drink service
- no foreign objects allowed on table
- card shufflers used, cards dealt from show
- dealer usually announces community cards
- raises must be verbally announced
- rat-holing allowed
- button is rectangular and called the BUCK (pass the buck!)

So I get there at 1:45pm Friday, put my name down for 2/5 PLH. Was 4th on the list. One table of 5/10 Limit and one table of 2/5 Pot Limit open. 5:15pm rolls around and hooray, I'm top of the list, but unlikely to get on for some time, so I leave :rolleyes:. 3 1/2 hours and I couldn't get on!

Stacks are big, most buy in max, rebuy, rebuy again. Play is very LAG. One hand I watched which was not out of the ordinary:

P1 pots to 25, P2 raises to 50 all-in, P3 re-raises to 125, P1 re-raises all-in for about 200, P3 calls.

Of course they all have monsters, cold deck ldo: Board: [ 6-9-6 ] [ 9 ] [ 6 ]

P2 wins $150 main pot with A9o. P1 and P3 split $300 side-pot with A4o and KTo respectively. I was stunned.

I go Saturday night and across from me is a loud fella from CA. He has like $3000, three others over $1000. There is no such thing as a short stack in this game. Yank pots one hand pre-flop to 75, pots a Jack high flop, another guy raises all-in, yank calls. 4 on the turn, yank shows J4o, blank on the river, other guy mucks in disgust.

$150-$200 pot pre-flop was the norm rather than the exception. Pot sized bets on the flop or the turn were also the norm. I saw many pots for over $1000. Of course I was card dead and dropped $500 :mad:. On almost every hand you could double-up or bust. I got KK once, potted pre-flop, potted flop, idiot goes to bet 125, dealer reminds him he didn't say raise, so it's a call. I check the turn, he bets 125, I don't know what the **** to do, decide to fold. Didn't catch any cards, didn't come close to any draws.

Last hand, I have $115 left, get QQ. Yank pots from EP, one caller, I re-pot in MP, yank re-pots, idiot caller flat calls with air, I call. Yank has KK of course, don't know what moran had. I bust, gg GF I'm outta there. Need bankroll to play Jupiter's. But you will get paid off. Pot to 45 pre-flop and expect 3-6 callers from the limpers. Pot with AA and flop quads, pot the flop, you will get called. There is no need for subtlety.

Every 4 hours they change cards and there is an enforced 15 minute break. Place is just weird. I mean, they have 50c chips. And dealer went ballistic at me when I dared place my Jila mints on the table.

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Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

What was the board texture in hte KK hand? How big of a muppet was he. Shove for value ldo.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Something like JTx-9, and he wanted to pump the flop before he did pump the turn. His MO was check-fold or check-raise.

Maybe he flopped bottom set, but my guess is he probably had JT/JQ.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

LOL, of course I meant rat-holing! Pardon the myxomatosis!
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

In a cash game, taking chips off the table in between hands.

Stack up to $1000, let me pocket $800 and keep just $200 on the table.

Not allowed at Crown, allowed in NSW and QLD.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Rumours that the Queensland government have passed legislation to allow the introduction of No-Limit Texas Holdem into their casinos. No idea how or where to find proof though.

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Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Rumour is that No Limit Holdem will be spread at Conrad (Brisbane) for the first time ever starting today. Jupiter's to follow soon.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Supposedly No Limit has started at both Brisbane and Gold Coast as of yesterday.

For Brisbane:

1/2 $80.00 10% capped at $10.00.
2/4 $100-$200 5% capped at $20.00.
2.50/5.00 $200-$500 5% capped at $20.00.
5/10 $500-$2000 5% capped at $20.00.

QLD law currently states that the SB must be half the BB, so 2/3 or 2/5 cannot be offered at this stage.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

I'll write this up into a booklet or something one day :)

Added some info in OP for Darwin.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Does any one know what time the tables are open for the casino in Brisbane. I'm heading up there for Round 20.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Dunno Borg.

For all, over time I will standardise the info for each casino in OP, make it more readable. I've done two so far:
[URL=http://www.skycityadelaide.com.au/skycity/adelaide/casino/table-games/poker/poker_home.cfm][B]Adelaide - SkyCity[/B][/URL] (updated Feb 12, 2008)
Tables: 12 (Open: Mo-Fr 1900-0345, Sa 1415-0545, Su closed!)

[B]GAME         BUY-IN     CC   RAKE    HC   COMMENTS[/B]
  4/ 8  LH    ???- ???  --   ???     --   Mo-Sa
  1/ 2 NLH     60 flat  --   ???     --   Mo-Tu
  2/ 3 NLH     60- 120  --   10%/$8  --   Mo-Sa
  3/ 5 NLH    100- 250  --   ???     --   Mo-Sa
  5/ 5 NLH    200- 500  --   ???     --   We-Sa
  2/ 3 PLO     60- 180  --   ???     --   Th-Sa

[i]- blackjack cards used, corner rank/pip is very small
- soft drinks, coffee, iced coffee $1, red bull $5
- no drinks or phones on table, no using phone when seated[/I]

[URL=http://www.conrad.com.au/jupiters/new/play_table-games.aspx][B]Gold Coast - Conrad Jupiters[/B][/URL] (updated Feb 27, 2008)
Tables: 4 (Open: Mo-Su 1200-late)

[B]GAME         BUY-IN     CC   RAKE    HC   COMMENTS[/B]
  5/10  LH    500-1000  $1   --      --   1-2 tables
 10/20  LH   1000-2000  $1   --      --   rare
2.5/ 5 PLH    100- 300  --   5%/$20  --   1-3 tables

[I]- no foreign objects allowed on table
- card shufflers used, cards dealt from shoe
- dealer usually announces community cards
- raises must be verbally announced
- no food or drink service
- State Law: BB must be 2xSB (eg. 2/3 not permissable), rat-holing allowed[/I]
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Latecomer to this thread but thought I would cover some questions which at first glance don't seem to have been answered, and confirm some others.

Something about no games of chance are allowed except by government approval, and the Qld government approves Limit Holdem only.

Since been approved, couple of months ago.

Rumours that the Queensland government have passed legislation to allow the introduction of No-Limit Texas Holdem into their casinos. No idea how or where to find proof though.


Does any one know what time the tables are open for the casino in Brisbane. I'm heading up there for Round 20.

The only non peak time I have been in is a midweek afternoon around 2, I was surprised that there was still plenty of tables going.

Currently there are between five and eight tables playing. Obviously larger number on Fri / Sat nights. However last Friday there was only six, but with large waiting lists! Pit boss stated it's all to do with staffing levels - gotta love a state mandated monopoly! At one point there was at least 15 on one waiting list! All tables are no limit now, except one which is limit.

Obviously there is sometimes a wait but this seems to vary a lot. For example I got there at 7 on Friday and was on within 30 mins, but a friend arrived just after 8 and wasn't on till 10.30!! Curiously one lady from the gold coast I met said it was quicker for her to drive to Brisbane than go on the waiting list down there, must be bad down there.

I don't know if there is any separate high roller tables sorry, I haven't seen or heard of any but that doesn't mean there aren't any I guess.

As to the exact type of tables they seem to be as follows..

Usually there seems to be one to two $80 tables - $1 participation fee per hand, blinds at $1 $2. This is obviously where you find the donkeys. However I have found this tricky to play as the $1 participation fee can sting in a long session if you have a dry run of cards. Basic rule here is you will always get callers and (nearly) always somebody will raise for you. You can only start with $80 and if you wish to remove chips you are supposed to make it down to $80 - but you can usually sneak some off if you are careful!

Min to bring on is $100, maximum is $250. This is the middle table, no participation fee, blinds $2.50/$5, 10% rake that I think is capped at $10 (?). You will find a real mix of players on here, some good players and some donkeys, usually it's fairly easy to work out who is who. There are usually two of these tables whenever I have been there. The wait is usually a bit longer on here than for the $80, my recommendation if you are not after the 'big' table is to put your name down for both and play the $80 table till a spot opens up.

This is the biggest table as far as I know. Usually there is one of these only but occasionally I have seen two. This is where the semi-pro players play (my term but usually half the people on this table are the same faces again and again). I have only played occasionally on here and was surprised that I didn't notice it being particularly stronger than the cheaper tables, but then I have only been on it twice. I think the blinds are $5 / $10 (?), and the rake is only 5%. I think the rake is capped at $10 or $20 (?)

Other tips for visitors - parking is free underneath the casino if you have a rewards card but you can't go in first and then get a rewards card! You have to enter the car park with it. However after about 7 I haven't had a problem finding a park on the street after a couple of laps. There is also no table service due to our archaic alcohol laws in Qld. Also register when you first get in to make the wait less!

Lastly, always fold to the big bald guy with a permanent frown on his face, that would be me!

I'll double check the things I'm not 100% on next time I go, unless someone else can confirm beforehand. Could someone amend the original post on this thread as it appears to have not been updated since we changed to no limit.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

I'll double check the things I'm not 100% on next time I go, unless someone else can confirm beforehand. Could someone amend the original post on this thread as it appears to have not been updated since we changed to no limit.

First of all, yes Jupiters is a ____ing deadset joke. Whenever I go back to the Gold Coast, I'll do my best to avoid going to the casino.

Check the first post for gaps. I (and others) would appreciate it if you could get whatever info you can.
- what exact hours is the poker room open
- info on the limit game
- CCs (participation or collection chips) paid on limit holdem, or bigger no limit games, and if so, how much
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

First of all, yes Jupiters is a ____ing deadset joke. Whenever I go back to the Gold Coast, I'll do my best to avoid going to the casino.

Check the first post for gaps. I (and others) would appreciate it if you could get whatever info you can.
- what exact hours is the poker room open
- info on the limit game
- CCs (participation or collection chips) paid on limit holdem, or bigger no limit games, and if so, how much

there is only participation fee on the $80 table AFAIK, but I will double check next visit, probably next week. Any other gaps/questions if people post here, I will go with the list!
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

When Crown first introduced an electronic waiting list, it wasn't uncommon to wait for 90 minutes to get a seat, some people reported waits of 3 hours and more! They'd give up, go home, then get woken by a text message "Your 1/2 table is now available!" Remember, we have about 50 poker tables!

Thanks for the research. I think Borgsta said he was going to Brisbane later this year. I have family in Brisbane too, but haven't been for a few years.
Re: Australian (and NZ) Casino discussion (except for Crown Casino)

Borgsta, I'm slowly getting all the Brisbane info together (see 1st post). I just called Treasury's poker room and asked about their opening hours. Just need some info on rake, fees and buy-ins on a couple of their games (relying on the Brissy guys to help out there).

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Other Australasian casinos (not Crown or Burswood)

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