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No not to much being mentioned dd36 they will get active once the coach has been announced
Old mate warbeler once again your a rand walbundrie man , a yarra man , and you also no a bit about mulwala that has got to give me a fair idea of who you are but i wont give though away relax will catch up for a beer soon;)

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chip of the old block.... is that question in the border mail's quiz today any relation to the reynoldson that was emant to play this year???

if so, what has happened to him????????
G'day Roomies,

Can I join in with this my 1st open posting?

My handle is "Precursor" but I shall sign off as Oz. ....The handle is unfortunate as it indicates I'm new to the room, .... but I'm no "newbaby". …I have surfed the Net for years (1995), … hosting & mentoring Computer Chat rooms for many of them. Not wish to be conceited, … my IQ is up there and I may at time appear to be out there with it, ...so a apologist in advance to those that may take that the wrong way. I shall engage with those of you that wish me it if I'm allowed and look forward to the opportunities making new acquaintances this meeting place provides for us all.

I'm on a positive mission and looking forward to an excellent result. For me this is the right place & the right time. .... I'm also a keen follower of the great game & am a minor sponsor an entire division by supporting the code rather than just a single team. .... I do have my favourites, ....but don't be fooled, ... you will not know who they are even by researching my profile.

I need to maintain anonymity so as I’m not approached for commercial reasons, …yet I may make personal contact with trusted members as time goes by.

I trust this will assist the room to understand me a little. Here ends my clumsy introduction. ....:thumbsu:

Today I would like to start by make the following contribution from my life's skills and observations.

I trust it will be thoughtful and provocative all at the same time …yet have others also respond with the similar courteous passion I’m wishing to evoke in those that would respond.

Here goes, >>>>>>>

All the Weaglas supporters (& fair minded devotees' of the code overall), .... I guess we are in for more heart ache over the memory (.... or inquisition into same)of one of the greatest plays the club & game's has ever spored.

I was very saddened to learn of Chris Mainwaring's death yesterday as I'm sure all respectful fans will agree. ...:(

To those of us to have seen Chris at his best, ... the lost is nothing less than tragic and this talented play from the hardest of all hard rock mining town will be missed. I recall those to have known him shed tears of joy when he did something beyond skill, ..... leaving a bar room fully of us in disbelief at what he did. .... I have that feeling again, ..... but this time because he's no longer amongst us, and my tears are for altogether another reason. ...:(

I wounder what good can come from the media sweating on the results of an autopsy and linking Chris with Ben Cousins as they are do?

As Ben's mentor, ....what is the surprise in that? .... It appears to me as if the media finds news with what, .... I'm offended it's more likely to be designed to sell papers by tainting Chris's wonderful playing memory and the legacy he leaves behind in his memory and good deeds.

I'm also concerned for Chris's family & friends with this unwelcome attention at this saddest of sad time for them.

Chris was well liked beyond his footy, .... a good community personality that inspired the best in kids that wanted to play just like him.

.... I for one can't see any percentage from raking Chris's legacy through the dirt, ... nor do I think we ever need to know more about Chris then we already know.

...I don't say Chris was saintly, .... but few humans are. ....He was a man, wild and willing, and under rules mortals like the majority of us can't imaging.

... What good can flow now he's gone from us by looking for flaws designed to undermine his memory. What public interest will be served at that expense to his memory. .... :mad::thumbsdown:

What do all true fans of the code (not a single club) think about the man and the issues that may do nothing to honour his memory as a player of exceptional value? ....:confused:

Do we need to find fault in a person that can't reply?

... Do we need to draw attention to what can only be unnecessary hurt for his friends and family?

...I think not!

:cool: ......Oz.

Another reason NOT TO SMOKE CRACK!
Did U get some wacky tobaccy from myrtleford before they all sold up?? Head off mate to much info, remember simple footballers on here and most of us 2's hacks that love just a quick rumour. Not a F'ckn English lesson!!

Cheers Big Ears! /quote]

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Good feedback D.I.Y (& roomies)! .... :thumbsu:

However, ... I did know I would run into you D.I.Y, (... in all your aliases forms) ... and hence the apology in advance you may recall.
.....rotflmao! :D

I'll try and keep it simple 4 ya and take ya point. …. Nonetheless I like to write and put it out there for the response as much as for the content. ....
You replied man, .. so we both know you gave it some thought, ..... and I've got to know a few of you a bit already. .....;)

English Lesson! ..... My old teachers would be rolling in there graves to see someone place me in the same sentence other than to say I needed them, .....you flatter me. ...:thumbsu:

By the way I'm gunna cover a few topics in the one reply, ...you say you're just simple footballers! That's a broad brush and I disagree with you if you're saying you're all; "...thicker than 2 short planks"; "...dumber than barker's eggs", " ....a sandwich short of a pick-nick" ....cause I just don't believe that from what I've seen in some of the comments thus far.

(Don't underestimate yourselves, ...cause I see it differently. I did my home work before jumping in. .... and I'm on a mission.)

Also, .... other comments have me think that some supporter (...:confused:) are just fair weather sailer when writing negative crap like " ...I wish my team would win more than X # of game a season.... (par phrasing of course).

NOTHING WORTHWHILE COMES FOR FREE, ...disappointment is just a phase in the journey my friends. If it don't kill ya, ... you'll be stronger for the experience. Don't bellyache or give it away, ..... rise to the challenge and turn it around and focus on the opportunity to make your make, ... make a difference. That true character, ..... that's what turns a club around.

....The thing that would impress me or any one would have been, ... I'm gunna have a go next season and get behind my club and drum up some support with the locals and put some heart back into "My Club"!

... Just like I do now, ...anyone can find fault and kick the crap out of something, no real insight or effort in that. ... My point, ..... find a positive and construct an opportunity.

...It take a true believer to dig deeper and put the shoulder to the load and build support by example rather than expect some "Knight in Shinning Armour" to come recur them.

Guys ... you are the knights in shinning armour, either by playing; ... going to the games every week; .... sitting behind the counter and selling pies and soft drinks to the punters; (... and don't forget the St John's Teams & Umpies) .....There's your everyday code supporter, .... that's grassroots heart and soul. These days I through money at my local code and support all our clubs equally in that small way. ... It's the encouragement of the juniors that does it for me, ..they are the future feedstock of the game. ....you've gotta keep the faith (I say).

Please get behind your clubs and jump in. Make any type of contribution you can and don't do it for the praise or acknowledgment, ... do it to make a difference.

(.... More provocation to what you've described as simple footballers! ....:eek:)

Give me an earfull about the O&M Umpies association and what you think about em.

.... I really would like to see where you rank them and the contribution they've made to your local code?

(This should be revealing about the way the room sees the world.)

Now, ....

... Banggoal! .... I wish I could post a "JPeg" cartoon for you in this message man, ... I have a great one that will make you or anyone laugh your nippies off about "Crack".

May be another time.

By the way, ... I do have an addition, .... it's building community and positive outcomes. ...Care to get high or something different? Care to engage and raise the bar?

:cool: ...Oz
Precursor.....You need to find some sort of hobby my friend. Too much time on your hands.
G'day Rowger ... :thumbsu:

This is my de-stressing man, ... only take about 5 to 10 min's to write em, .... about an hour or so to read what everyone’s saying. .... :p

Normally it's very late at night and my night cap. ... and your dead right, ... I should get a life, .... but what's better than this man? ...:D

I was trying to be short, .... and it seems anything longer than a sentence is too long, but I'll concede I'm an acquired taste and it could just be the topic or material I've picked. .... or may be you really know me & I'm just a pain in the dairy air.

(...No prizes for guessing what your answer will be!!!! .... :D)

But, (and yet again), .... you too have taken a moment to serve it up to me! .... ;) .... so thanks for the effort, even though it focuses on the negative rather than addressing the opportunity to start a fire of real enthusiasm.

.... I understand I’ve either gotta write one liners, … or you (the room collectively that is) get mad and become more productive with your fingers and rip it into me with a few paragraphs EACH!

(….. just kidding, ….. footy and growing passion for it is what I’d rather see myself.)

I'd luv ta keep it going, ... but I've take your point and will stop here and write more later.

Take care roomies, :cool: .... Oz.

(Time taken to Reply: = 0.08333h, or 05m:23s, or 323s.)
Your winning me over Precursor. You certainly have a sense of humour! Keep them your posts coming, I am interested to see where they take us!

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Been away for 3 weeks and am looking for an update on the Pigeons comings and goings. Who is coaching them for 2008? Who is leaving and where are they off to? How has the fallout of their unravelling season panned out? Has there been the predicted implosion?
Hey Precursor - is it true that you are a speech writer for politicians, since you talk a whole lot of c-wrap, say nothing and take 20 times longer to say it than you need too...

Just interested?
plz tell me ur joking right?!

This bloke has done a fair bit with his football already - destroyed the TAC cup for 2-3 yrs, played 10 or so games at the highest level (unlucky to be delisted), carved up the VFL with coburg and obviously is an A+ player in the O+M - why shouldnt he get the job??

I reckon he will bring some quality recruits along aswell...
I reckon he will bring some quality recruits along aswell...

But how many players will the lose in the meantime?

Some big name players may decide to exit after a year of turmoil.[/quote]

yeah by the sounds of it - some of these big name players that may leave - its prob not a bad thing for yarra - honestly.

havent heard of any names - but hes got connections in all states.
G'day Roomies,

I'd like to acknowledge the Moderator’s of the room and congratulate them on their attentiveness and sense of decency and fair play.

Well done! ....:thumbsu:

Suffice to say I was nonplussed by a thoughtless post that I took offense at. I reacted on behalf fair play. .... I trust the person never knows or need to know about the potential damage that might have befallen them.

I vigorously made my position clear and I am pleased to see that the original post and my reply have been removed. Here too I trust all potentially adversely damage is removed and the person protected by the Moderators decisive actions.

I would also like to say I could see no reason why the identification of an individual in such a scurrilous fashion was deemed necessary in the 1st place. I am still dismayed that someone would unfairly broach a none football topic in this place with a motive of spreading a rumour that could only be harmful.

Roomies, ... you need to know our Moderators have protected an individual with the action they've taken.

Moderators, …. You have done the right thing. .... I am impressed with your management of that sad episode.

To the room, ... I also offer my apology if what I wrote caused offense to any other than to whom I directed it, ... as that was not my intention.

..... I am convinced the Moderators are more than capable of managing such events after what I've seen here. ..... In future I shall make them my 1st port of call if such a post come to light again. ...:thumbsu:

Respectfully your,

:cool: ....Oz.

Put your net connection to better use and look at pr0n sites since you're so bored buddy! :D
G'day Roomies,

I'd like to acknowledge the Moderator’s of the room and congratulate them on their attentiveness and sense of decency and fair play.

Well done! ....:thumbsu:

Suffice to say I was nonplussed by a thoughtless post that I took offense at. I reacted on behalf fair play. .... I trust the person never knows or need to know about the potential damage that might have befallen them.

I vigorously made my position clear and I am pleased to see that the original post and my reply have been removed. Here too I trust all potentially adversely damage is removed and the person protected by the Moderators decisive actions.

I would also like to say I could see no reason why the identification of an individual in such a scurrilous fashion was deemed necessary in the 1st place. I am still dismayed that someone would unfairly broach a none football topic in this place with a motive of spreading a rumour that could only be harmful.

Roomies, ... you need to know our Moderators have protected an individual with the action they've taken.

Moderators, …. You have done the right thing. .... I am impressed with your management of that sad episode.

To the room, ... I also offer my apology if what I wrote caused offense to any other than to whom I directed it, ... as that was not my intention.

..... I am convinced the Moderators are more than capable of managing such events after what I've seen here. ..... In future I shall make them my 1st port of call if such a post come to light again. ...:thumbsu:

Respectfully your,

:cool: ....Oz.
This has gone too far, stop talking crap and give us something to do with footy or find another site to clog up:mad:
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