Coaching Staff Past Coach: Matthew Knights - Finally gets his second shot - 5/5

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Senior coach must always take the blame

Because he is the worst coach in the league

It is the coaches responsibility to make sure the the players do hit targets and take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions.

All the KNIGHTS LOVERS SHOULD wake TFU and smell the roses, he is a loser. :thumbsu:

Your head seems to be crammed up Bart Simpson's arse if that is your logic.
All very good points above,

But at the end of the day, the coaches, that is all the coaching staff have share the blame for the way the players play the game, or are the players doing what they like when they like.

if it is skills then what are the skills coaches doing with them.

if it is above the shoulders then that are the medico's doing

if the players don't stick with the game plan then sack the players

if players are not player well then drop them

At the end of the day someone has to take the blame, don't just stick our head in the sand and hope it all goes away, because it won't go away, ATM we are canon fodder.

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No-one wanted to take risks when it was close. And far too many very stupid errors. And a distinct lack of manning up right near the end.

Yes, Ryder should have rucked far more than he did. But FFS, are we turning into Richmond? Calls for sacking the coach every time we lose get us nowhere.

I didn't say he should be sacked.
I thought Knights lost us the game in the final minutes when he made everyone flood into the backline, then when we got the ball, there was no one forward to kick to at a point in the game when we desperately needed a goal.

Not good enough Knights! Should only be defending like that when we have a lead to defend!
He also got it horrendously wrong with the decision to make Lonergan 'tag' Chad Cornes in the first quarter. That was huge in giving Port the early impetus and drive from half back. Just plain dumb.

lulz, did you watch the next 3 quarters?

Cornes was absolutely on fire at the start of the game, nothing you can do about that. But then Knights absolutely shut him down with some awesome tactical coaching. Everytime I looked somebody had dragged him back to the square etc...

If we lose.. KNIGHTS FAULT! SACK HIM! If we win... The players played really well, nothing to do with Knights.
There seems to be sooo many things wrong...

Our midfield is not full of outstanding athletes. Nor are they skilled with their handball. So the run and carry style of play is inappropriate for the personnel...Our players are regularly left exhausted by the gameplan at 3Q time. Today they made an additional mistake by not injecting any fresh energy in the midfield late in the game, in the form of Hocking or Lonergan or Dempsey or McVeigh or anyone...

Coaches please note - kicking the ball efficiently is much FASTER movement than running it.

The strategy of resting Hille/Ryder forward has never worked IMO. Laycock is the only ruckman we have that can play, Gumbleton takes a great mark deep in the forward line to get the first goal - looks dangerous - then he is pushed out to make way for a resting ruckman...

Stanton should be banned from running round the back of a mark, for the easy handball receive - Fletcher is the only player capable of playing the quarterback role in this team. Very unaccountable 3Q/4Q today by Stanton.

If Neagle really was banished for playing on in Round 1, then Winderlich should not be playing next week.

I seems we got rid of Matty Lloyd so we could develop Zaharakis at FF - WTF??

Players would rather form a chain of 4 handball receives, rather than shepherd once.

...I generally feel sorry for the defense and the forward line, because the midfield play is so poor. The coaches' gamestyle for the midfield appears to be a big part of it.
Jesus. Some of you are pathetic. Both sides played very good football today, shame someone had too lose (and that it was us). We played a very mature side who are in form, with a young inexperienced side and if a few things went differently, we would be talking up a great win for our club.
If an Essendon supporter is happy, or even worse, content with where we are now, then I don't think you can be called an Essendon supporter.

If you are happy with a 'good show' and a good effort, happy with the endeavour, then seriously, piss off and go barrack for a lesser side.

I am a member, and I am TIRED of this.

It is NOT good enough that our coach be given leeway.

He has coached for three years, what, WHAT do we have to show for it?


I want wins, I want them now and I don't want anymore bullshit excuses from our coach, players or fans.

If you are Essendon then this is totally bloody unacceptable.
If an Essendon supporter is happy, or even worse, content with where we are now, then I don't think you can be called an Essendon supporter.

If you are happy with a 'good show' and a good effort, happy with the endeavour, then seriously, piss off and go barrack for a lesser side.

I am a member, and I am TIRED of this.

It is NOT good enough that our coach be given leeway.

He has coached for three years, what, WHAT do we have to show for it?


I want wins, I want them now and I don't want anymore bullshit excuses from our coach, players or fans.

If you are Essendon then this is totally bloody unacceptable.

No one's happy about the loss you knob. Suck it in and acknowledge whether you like it or not, we're a young team. Mouthing off in some pathetic hissy fit is not going to help.

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This may sound like a harsh comment, but I reckon that unintelligent football followers blame coaches. It's such an easy cop-out.

I'm a convert to windyhill's line of thinking - coaches don't matter.

You employ a coach, not to get an advanatge on the rest, but to ensure you don't fall behind the rest. In other wors to keep the status quo.

Think about it, there is a head coach, and about 3 assistant coaches doing hundreds of combined hours of preparation each week. They know more than we do. All the i's are dotted and t's crossed. We've already maxed out on the professionalism aspect.

The days of getting an advantage by hiring a coach began to end when Jack Worrall was appointed to Carlton (as the first coach) in the early 1900's. Back then no one had a coach so anyone who had one was gaining an advantage. Some forward thinkers like Kennedy, Barassi etc were able to get an advanatge on other teams through a PROFESSIONAL approach.

But now that everyone is totally professioanl, not just with one coach, but FOUR bloody coaches, how do we get advantage on other teams???????

Quite simply, we can't get an advantage that way. We have 4 coaches putting in hundreds of hours to ensure we don't fall behind, not to get an advantage on anyone else, because the days in football of getting an advantage through a coach are long gone.

Our talent is what determines our current standing. The coach has nothing (or very, very little) to do with it.
This may sound like a harsh comment, but I reckon that unintelligent football followers blame coaches. It's such an easy cop-out.

I'm a convert to windyhill's line of thinking - coaches don't matter.

You employ a coach, not to get an advanatge on the rest, but to ensure you don't fall behind the rest. In other wors to keep the status quo.

Think about it, there is a head coach, and about 3 assistant coaches doing hundreds of combined hours of preparation each week. They know more than we do. All the i's are dotted and t's crossed. We've already maxed out on the professionalism aspect.

The days of getting an advantage by hiring a coach began to end when Jack Worrall was appointed to Carlton (as the first coach) in the early 1900's. Back then no one had a coach so anyone who had one was gaining an advantage. Some forward thinkers like Kennedy, Barassi etc were able to get an advanatge on other teams through a PROFESSIONAL approach.

But now that everyone is totally professioanl, not just with one coach, but FOUR bloody coaches, how do we get advantage on other teams???????

Quite simply, we can't get an advantage that way. We have 4 coaches putting in hundreds of hours to ensure we don't fall behind, not to get an advantage on anyone else, because the days in football of getting an advantage through a coach are long gone.

Our talent is what determines our current standing. The coach has nothing (or very, very little) to do with it.

Why have a coach then?

How is it seriously Knight's fault that players make bad decisions, they fail to hit targets etc. I thought we played good in patches today, it was a shame we couldn't put Port away, but it isn't Knight's fault that Stanton turned the ball over in the dying stages, it isn't Knight's fault that Winderlich didn't go back and shoot and turned it over

A good coach wont let it happen as often. Skill errors happen in all games whether you are Geelong all the way down to Richmond. The difference between the top sides like Geelong, Doggies, Pies and Saints is that it doesn't happen all that often. Our Disposal has been consistently appalling for a while now, so what can we do about it. We cant sack every player on our list, someone needs to be accountable, whole point about being a coach is to teach, educate and inspire your group and IMO not much has changed in 3 years we have not improved much at all. I don't hate Knights, I'm sure he is a great bloke and would be a fantastic assistant or development coach, but does he have it tactically to be a senior coach?? All signs are pointing to no atm. Business is business nothing personal but something needs to be done before things get worse.
Why have a coach then?


Did you read his post? Then we would fall behind the other teams... He is saying a coach can't win you a game, as in, everyteam is on an even footing from a coaches perspective, but not having one at all can lose you one.

I kind of agree, the players do deserve some blame. Some of the things I hear on this board like, the players brain explosions and basic skill errors are the coaches fault because they didn't coach them right is rubbish. But I do think that tactical game day coaches are very important. Should have gotten Laidley.
The game was close enough that it could have gone either way. The lead was changing so much that Essendon could just as well have been in front. Sure Jobe and Stanton made mistakes, players do that every game. I don't see anyone complaining about the umpiring mistake with the off hands mark that Davey didn't really take.
We will get nowhere with Matthew Knights in charge. Get it into your thick heads. How can you not apportion some blame to the coach.



Would any other coach give these guys games?
Senior coach must always take the blame

Because he is the worst coach in the league

It is the coaches responsibility to make sure the the players do hit targets and take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions.

All the KNIGHTS LOVERS SHOULD wake TFU and smell the roses, he is a loser. :thumbsu:

Don't worry about providing some evidence to why you think Knights is the worst coach in the league, just go ahead and call him a loser. Really productive. I'm surprised you can even put a sentence together with the perceived intelligence you provide.
The people in the know, the one's with all the knowledge of the inner sanctum, have given Knights the support to coach this team. In a period of transition (which is what we're going through) there are going to be inconsistencies.

We have lost key players through the last four seasons, Lloyd, Lucas, Lovett, McPhee, Johnson and Johnson, and Peverill to name a few. The list Knights inherited was quite messed up age wise with very few quality players in the middle-aged tier.

I don't think Essendon fans listening to the ravaging media and jumping on Knights' back is going to help this club move forward in the direction it should. Knights is an ESSENDON coach, support him like he is an Essendon man. The same goes with the rest of the coaching staff. They are busting a gut for this club, doing their best. It is too soon to say their best isn't good enough just yet.

Be patient, criticise when it's due, but don't eat our own.
Knights made a bad decision in regards to the ruck?

I'm in shock :D

As others have said already, more then just the coach stuffed up.
op is seriously overating the current playing list. A coach is only as good as his cattle and atm no coach is going to turn this current Essendon side into a contender, or maybe even into a top 8 side. IF you guys want to point the finger, look to your recruiters. Whilst you have a few young guys who look to be good future prospects you have many more blokes who just arent up to scratch, and in all likelyhood never will be.

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Coaching Staff Past Coach: Matthew Knights - Finally gets his second shot - 5/5

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