Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin : CLEAR TO PLAY

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Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Pretty certain a player, possibly Slattery, last week got cleared as a result of the impact starting below the head and sliding up...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

A free kick and nothing more....couldn't possibly get cited for that, if he does this competition is a farce.

I'm so tired of the media highlighting (yes you David Schwarz!!!) these insignificant contests!

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Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Let's get one thing straight. Previous misdemeanours are not taken into account when determining if an isolated incident is reportable. It only enters into it when deciding penalty.

There is no way known Buddy can go for a high tackle. It happens all the time, each week, every match, many times over. If the MRP does decide to act, the time will have come for the club to approach the AFL and demand to know why one of our players is continually receiving prejudicial treatment.

Thats the theory - but its funny how many incidents fit into a particular category.

Debatable incident. player has priors, neatly throws up a 1 week penalty which is two weeks if you complain. Offence carefully worded to make it hard to challenge.

My opiniion is the MRP hide behind the one week, two if you challenge. and bingo, if you dont challenge early, you have 'priors'

In the old system they would have to actually read out the charge in front of the player etc - they wouldnt have cited half the things they do when they had to do that in the cold light of day - They are being gutless most of the time under this system
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

the whole idea of taking tribunal history into account is a farce and merely compounds tribunal errors, in my opinion.

I remember a few seasons ago crawford was reported and fined a few times for wrestling (and rightly so). the following season he found himself being grappled by an opponent (essendon player, I think) and was clearly doing his very best to avoid getting involved. he didn't wrestle back and actualy had his arms stread wide for most of the incident, but the other guy wouldn't let go. when it came to the tribunal the other bloke plead guilty (as he clearly was) and got off with a minimal fine as result. crawf plead not guilty as he obviously felt he did his best not to infringe, but the tribunal still found him guilty. as a result of his record and not guilty plea he got stung really badly with quite a large fine.

in that case the player who was clearly guilty got off lightly compared to the player who thought he was innocent of the charge.

just one of the many flaws with the current system...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

I am as rational as the next person out there but if Buddy goes for what appears an innocuous incident then there must be a personal vendetta against him. I am even willing to forgive the previous questionalble decisions of the MRP and Tribunal but an adverse decision in this instance would surely push me over (along with several thousand others I daresay)!

It's bad enough he gets pinged with free kicks against for the slightest on field incidents but just doesn't get them going the other way!

I have long believed that the HFC need to confront the powers that be on this, regardless of what happens with this latest incident.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

I do HJ. The initial hit was on the Shoulder, then bounced off and hit him in the chops. Nothing in it, unless the MRP want to show their true colours once again.

So most of the force was taken on the shoulder thus significantly reducing the impact to the head. Hopefully they'll see it as minimal impact, not enough to constitute a report??
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

The fact that this incedent is even been discussed as potentially beign looked at is a joke.. Im of the belief every time the AFL change there interpretations or rules any previous Strikes against a player should be cleared.. This is no longer the sport i grew up loving and its slowly turning me away..
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

I don't normally post on other teams boards, but in case you were after confirmation from an admittedly biased spectator, at the match on Saturday, caught up in the moment I thought he MIGHT be in a bit of trouble, but having sat down and watched it in a calmer frame of mind its pretty obvious that there was nothing in it.

Here's hoping that the MRP don't feel like making random examples of anyone this week.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Well, given you've won 7 of your last 8, and we've lost 10 of our last 11, I'd say you're in with a chance.

Mitch Clark did a similar thing earlier in the year... went in late, stupidly threw an arm up, and the initial contact was on the shoulder I believe. However, the arm slipped up and he ended up clipping his opponent high... got 1 week from memory, with an early plea.
clark's was a bit different mate, swinging arm that got the guy high, franklin just got lonergan with a high tackle. If he goes for that bad record or not i will be convinced they have it in for him, Does not constitute a strike end of story.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Quick get his name changed to Judd..... oh hang on, 'Buddy Judd' just doesnt work.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

enright delibrately got lewis high with a tackle, why isnt this being highlighted? sorry i forgot enright plays with geelong, Cloke's was the biggest dog act ive seen this year so it will be interesting to see what sort of punishment they give to blatent cheap shots which imo is far wosre than innocous bumps to a players head.

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Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Pretty certain a player, possibly Slattery, last week got cleared as a result of the impact starting below the head and sliding up...

You're on the money Cynic -

Round 14 MRP Report

Contact between Essendon’s Tyson Slattery and the Adelaide Crows’ Bernie Vince from the second quarter of Saturday’s match was assessed. Slattery was attempting to shepherd Vince from his teammate when contact was made. The initial contact was made to Vince’s upper arm area and then slides up to make high contact. The action was not deemed to be a striking action and no further action was taken.

Whilst Slaterry's was a shepherd, the initial contact was to the arm and then slides up to make high contact. Not a striking action!!

Case closed.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

It was careless by Buddy and the high tackle warranted a free kick down the ground as Lonergan had already disposed of the ball.

THAT IS IT. If the match review start suspending players for high tackles this game is in alot more trouble than I thought.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

I almost expect him to be penalised.. definately in two minds.

The MRP/AFL has become too fickle, albeit, it was incredibly careless from Buddy.
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Do not know what buddy was thinking when he done that...everyone at the game couldn't believe it...will get 1 week...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Sorry mate, don't understand what "looking for your bridge" means...was at the game and just posting my simple as that...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Hawks through and through my I said, just stating my thoughts, there was 15 of us at the game...and when it happened...we just asked ourselves did all the other Hawthorn fans sitting around us...anyway praying that he gets off...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

Hawks through and through my I said, just stating my thoughts, there was 15 of us at the game...and when it happened...we just asked ourselves did all the other Hawthorn fans sitting around us...anyway praying that he gets off...

Could of been worse had he bumped him, Buddy might ass well not play anymore, he cant bump, he cant tackle, he cant spoil...
Re: Past could bite Lance 'Buddy' Franklin

He shouldn't go for this, if he does, the Hawthorn Football Club need to launch an independent enquiry into these nonsical, or even worse, clearly biased decisions by the MRP.

Or perhaps take this to the Supreme Court..

If we had of taken the AFL to court over his first "bump" suspension last year, none of this would have probably happened.
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