Peter Dutton - How Long?

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I agree & I hope made clear what I thought of the Morrison government.

Where I differ I suppose is that the complete demolition of the libs & the Teal wave sent a really clear message that the majority are fed up with business as usual & gave the Albanese government a huge mandate to do exactly those kinds of things - bin Aukus, bin tax cuts, raise the dole etc. not only are they not doing those things they’re approving new coal mines while mouthing platitudes in public. Enabling Joyce & Qantas. Big business as usual.

A drovers dog could govern better than Morrison & God forbid we’re ever stupid enough to elect Spud but yeah, I expected more.
Kevin Rudd went from landslide victory to given the arse in three years, in the reverse, Campbell Newman thought he'd sent Labor into Opposition for decade and lost the next election. Elections in this country are more volatile than ever and I don't think you will see any government making sweeping changes in their first Term. But yes, I'd like to see more done. I don't expect AUKUSE to be scrapped by the stage 3 tax cuts should, with reworking to benefit the majority of people that need it.
blame is fairly on the LNP then and not the ALP for the inherited s**t show
It is during the next term that this excuse wears thin (absent a massive global slowdown and impossible to manage prevailing economic winds)
No argument here. Even the inherited surplus fwiw.

The problem is going forward & many of the issues are outside our control.
Trouble is when people do the weekly food shopping, they look for someone to blame.
Kevin Rudd went from landslide victory to given the arse in three years, in the reverse, Campbell Newman thought he'd sent Labor into Opposition for decade and lost the next election. Elections in this country are more volatile than ever and I don't think you will see any government making sweeping changes in their first Term. But yes, I'd like to see more done. I don't expect AUKUSE to be scrapped by the stage 3 tax cuts should, with reworking to benefit the majority of people that need it.
AUKUS will not happen. All the toxic politics that stop anything happening in Australia happens in the USA as well. And that toxic politics will kill AUKUS. It is already happening.

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Marise Payne finally did what she should have done when she covered up a potential assault in her office in the lead-up to the last election.

Another Liberal who either never had any morals or was happy to give them away for a bit of power and never achieved anything of note despite 26 years in the Senate ($5.5m in wages, thanks very much, not including expenses).

List of failures:
Awarded the submarine contract to France, her own party binned it
Minster for Women (can't look after women in her own office)

List of successes:

26 years gettin' paid

If somebody has time, I'd love to see the difference in her registered interests at the start of her term compared the end.
She was despised in the party and by staff in the departments she supposedly ran.

Totally gutless but loved running around whispering to manipulate votes in the party often causing fights between rivals so she would win by default.

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Is Kwality really trying to suggest Morrison, who racked up a trillion dollars of debt with little to show for it, would have had us all feeling better off?
No I actually think he is more "what Scomo did or failed to do is no longer relevant and that the can (blame) will be put on Albo for how we are not better off" which I can see how one holds that view - it implies that the australian public is very short term and will vent rage on the immediate government.

I'd go as far to say that there is merit in thinking that a significant proportion of the Australian population does have this type of goldfish memory/ blame. It isn't saying much of the Australian population, but remember, some of the population choose to vote in Baanarby, so there is evidence for the proposition.
AUKUS will not happen. All the toxic politics that stop anything happening in Australia happens in the USA as well. And that toxic politics will kill AUKUS. It is already happening.
Maybe, but you can be sure they will suck $3 billion out of us to improve their (private-owned) shipyards before pulling the plug.
Are you suggesting it doesn't happen in the public sector or is it only the sinful private employers.

I gather you've never been responsible for a workforce.

Isn't underpaying workers bad no matter who does it, or whether someone else is also doing it?
Kevin Rudd went from landslide victory to given the arse in three years, in the reverse, Campbell Newman thought he'd sent Labor into Opposition for decade and lost the next election. Elections in this country are more volatile than ever and I don't think you will see any government making sweeping changes in their first Term. But yes, I'd like to see more done. I don't expect AUKUSE to be scrapped by the stage 3 tax cuts should, with reworking to benefit the majority of people that need it.
I agree completely.

I don't think however that Australians will warm to Dutton in any way whatsoever and even though elections in this country can be volatile, I feel that the Liberal Party, for all their hooting and hollering at present because their dogwhistling and lying, seems to be working in convincing enough people to vote against the Voice, once the referendum is over, Australia and Australian's will go back to being Australians worrying about their lot and with no minority to bash, Dutton will be seen as Dutton once again.: slimy and conniving.

That's not to say that Dutton and the extremists that now make up the Liberal party won't find a minority or sector of the community to bash, it's just that Australia has moved on from the current Liberal Party and they won't, in my estimation, return their vote to the Liberals if they have taken it away and in all probability, those that did give them their vote last time 'round, they may well give their vote to a Teal type.

The truism that Oppositions don't win Government, Government's lose Government will hold true once again because I don't see or "feel" any regrets emanating from the electorate in having voted for this current Government and if they do start to want change, one look at Dutton and his band of incompetents will make them think even more carefully about changing their vote.

There is also the small matter of The National Anti-Corruption Commission to play out yet and that could well have a significant impact on Leppington Fletcher, nose-in-the-trough Taylor and a selection of others in the current Opposition.

I think Dutton will lead the Liberals to the next election but I would be staggered, having followed politics closely all my life, that the Liberals had any chance at all of winning the next election.

If they don't, as I think they won't, I'd love to see Sussan Ley installed as their leader - that would be areal hoot!
Most of the National seats are hillbilly heaven so don't expect any changes. If we look at WA, the Nationals are so rock solid that they now are the actual opposition!
To be fair, they still only hold four seats, it's just that the Libs got wiped out in the pandemic election by McGowan. They are no more or less rock solid than they have ever been.
Dutton is 100% racist pig.

Under normal circumstances I would have assumed that this whole debate (not that there should be any debate) might be somewhat challenging for him given he may be confronting some home truths. However, I actually suspect that he might have been one of those old school coppers who wasn't afraid to give a blackfulla a bit of old-fashioned phone book treatment back in the day and is proud of it.

Hence his lack of empathy.
Was always a politician before ever becoming a copper, which "people I talk to" (Dutton's go-to line to stir the pot/lie his arse off sans evidence) was a convenience to bolster his political career. Three interesting things happened in his illustrious plodder 'career'.
  1. It was alleged he detained some First Nation kids, drove them miles from home, took their shoes and left them to walk to safety.
  2. It was alleged that his fellow Police Officers left a tin of dog food on his desk as a retirement present, such was the esteem he was held by his coleagues.
  3. It is a fact he resigned just short of his 10 years 'service' thus denying himself a pension.
There are a lot of questions that need to be asked and answered from this shifty campaigner - he's Trump minus the charisma.

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It'll be interesting to see if Dutton still supports the stage 3 tax cuts given that chief beneficiaries of them are going to be in the electorates that turned their backs on the Libs in vast numbers.
the sad thing is Bob Katter would be a better Liberal leader. He is as crazy as Dutton and Pauline Hanson too.
Not any posting on this thread since mid September last year but I'd like to make a contribution to see if it takes off again.

When Dutton announces where he and the LNP plan to build the nuclear power reactors, I reckon that will be the death knell for him.

Victorian options are Angelsea or Gippsland, held by Tehan and Chester respectively. I bet Chester can't wait for the announcement of the potential end of his political career. Tehan on the other hand, probably doesn't know where Angelsea is...
Not any posting on this thread since mid September last year but I'd like to make a contribution to see if it takes off again.

When Dutton announces where he and the LNP plan to build the nuclear power reactors, I reckon that will be the death knell for him.

He can’t announce any location until he gets approval from the states…
This is his plan. Blame the State Governments like Scomo did during Covid.
This is about wedge politics… the only thing the LNP knows how to do.
Victorian options are Angelsea or Gippsland, held by Tehan and Chester respectively. I bet Chester can't wait for the announcement of the potential end of his political career. Tehan on the other hand, probably doesn't know where Angelsea is...

Nuclear power is banned in Vic… any announcement isn’t worth anything because it belongs in fairy land.
He can’t announce any location until he gets approval from the states…
This is his plan. Blame the State Governments like Scomo did during Covid.
This is about wedge politics… the only thing the LNP knows how to do.
That type of attitude was a reason why scomo lost the 2022 election.

Scott Morrison became aggressive towards western Australia.

Western Australia is traditionally the last state to have their votes counted.

If Scott Morrison fate wasn't sealed before the West Australian votes were in, it would of been sealed once WA votes were counted.

That whole state of WA was pro Labour party.
I don't think this Labor government has been much different to past Labor governments (Rudd, Hawke/Keating before that). That is, you're never going to get radical change from Liberal to Labor, but overall we are better off and the longer Labor are in power over the Liberals, the better off we will be. In the first year, Labor made a climate change commitment that the Liberals wouldn't make, brought in workplace harassment laws and are working on the same job, same pay legislation, and brought in a corruption commission. That's good. I'm less impressed with the stage 3 tax cuts or AUKUS. But I'm probably a pragmatist in that I don't expect massive change in the first year or two and I don't expect radical differences between the two parties, just gradual improvement.

Which is not to say we shouldn't always demand better. But any suggestion we'd be just as well off under Morrison or Dutton would be well wide of the mark, imo.
I loved how Labour party government brought In the ICAC. That was really good.

I wonder why the liberal coalition was against bringing in the ICAC? LoL
Not any posting on this thread since mid September last year but I'd like to make a contribution to see if it takes off again.

When Dutton announces where he and the LNP plan to build the nuclear power reactors, I reckon that will be the death knell for him.
It's potentially electoral suicide nuclear.
While a lot of the Lib sympathetic media will do their best to quash the issue, the reality is the focus of the public will be a not in my backyard position
Is Dutton doing a Russell Brand?

I knew this man was not the sharpest tool I the shed.

But to go all in on genocide and nuclear is frankly bewildering.

When his back benchers inevitably rebel - they will look around the room and see the same thing every other Australian sees - nothing, just a deep deep void of nothing. No ideas, no vision, no talent, no potential, no viable options.

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Peter Dutton - How Long?

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