Picola & District NW 2018

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You have to secure the present & then make the best arrangements for the future , pfnl need to be up to speed for this year and it's fast approaching . Do you want to be right or do u want to be happy !

Would you take losing a grand final by a few points due to having played safe or being the one who took the risk and won in the final seconds?

Our family will sponsor the new setup to get it going for one simple reason. This whole saga in our opinion is a setup to send the league to a hub that we just do not see being of benefit to our clubs long term.

Getting back into positive airspace, sponsoring this venture gives us a blank canvas to promote a very worthwhile campaign so we hope to get double feel good benefit. And if the saying any publicity is good publicity rings true we will be getting a bargain. Even better I'm confident it's a campaign the umpires will be proud to be at the forefront of promoting.

Just so everyone knows Im not on any club or league boards I'm not involved in decisions that are made I simply post my at times (ok most of the time :oops:) pretty strong opinion. :fire::fire:

With this debate though once the decision was made by the league we decided to support it and we hope it has benefits even beyond football.
You have to secure the present & then make the best arrangements for the future , pfnl need to be up to speed for this year and it's fast approaching . Do you want to be right or do u want to be happy !
Why can't you have both , exciting times ahead for the PDFNL .
There was pessimistic views which occurs with change , about the junior program , sub rule , financial viability of full time employee and toc joining the league .
They have all worked out fairly well I'd suggest , no-one is suggesting this will be easy but not much comes from things that are easy.
So more messy details start to emerge.

I've heard that the catalyst for this situation was a coward punch thrown BY a GVFUA member (allegedly the Vice President ) on a PDFNL supporter. I've heard the club took Action with support of the league and the GVFUA member pleaded guilty in court.

Ive heard this all happened sometime during the final series so we then have Darren Meek pull the umpires in November with no substantial or actually any reason given other than an assault on the character of Railton.

Meek plays time wasting games refusing mediation and then finally the handball to Gleeson to mediate with the lovely price tag of $5000!! Not only that but Gleeson declaring the deal non negotiable. Then attacking the league in the media for talking about the $$ figure. Bit rich when he was undermining the board by ringing clubs to discuss the deal before the board had much of a chance to discuss it.

Gleeson you have no idea what the term "good faith" means.

All this why???

Come on Meek start coming up With answers or stand down same goes for Gleeson.

Increasingly this is looking like serious misconduct by people abusing their positions to protect their mates!!!

Shepp News is no better promoting stories bias against PDFNL but deleting posts that show the messy details I've just stated.

Who are Shepp News protecting as they pulled the whole post of the story once a few people started bringing this up!!!

I'm really proud to see we have a club and the league prepared to take a stand to

So come on PDFNL supporters get right in behind the board because only our league has the guts to do what the AFL likes to make glossy pictures about and that is refuse to allow this type of incident to go


And yes Gleeson was looking for the double win and to get Railton and the board ousted so we would go to the hub.
Take your hub and shove it!!!

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So the wise executive of the league is going to administer and create an umpires association? Approximately a month out from the start of season and they are beginning to recruit umpires.! Where are these recruits coming from ? Will the league be transparent about the status of numbers they have to form their own body.? I would think not going on previous history. According to two board members even they only get limited information as to what is going on. It would seem that the boys club clique is alive and kicking at the helm. Pretty soon the walls of autocracy will show the cracks and the walls will crumble and the ones cleaning it up won't be the ones you see there now.
So the wise executive of the league is going to administer and create an umpires association? Approximately a month out from the start of season and they are beginning to recruit umpires.! Where are these recruits coming from ? Will the league be transparent about the status of numbers they have to form their own body.? I would think not going on previous history. According to two board members even they only get limited information as to what is going on. It would seem that the boys club clique is alive and kicking at the helm. Pretty soon the walls of autocracy will show the cracks and the walls will crumble and the ones cleaning it up won't be the ones you see there now.

Umm can you address the one punch incident for me? Are you aware of that?

Answer this question Megyarns and stop avoiding it like you have every other time!!!

Why were the umpires pulled? You seem to have all the knowledge spill and it better be worthy of pulling umpires??

Come on megs you need to do better than that or is Gleeson instructing you as you yourself avoid direct questions and merely throw insinuations. Add to that trying real hard to sell Gleesons deal to us.
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So the wise executive of the league is going to administer and create an umpires association? Approximately a month out from the start of season and they are beginning to recruit umpires.! Where are these recruits coming from ? Will the league be transparent about the status of numbers they have to form their own body.? I would think not going on previous history. According to two board members even they only get limited information as to what is going on. It would seem that the boys club clique is alive and kicking at the helm. Pretty soon the walls of autocracy will show the cracks and the walls will crumble and the ones cleaning it up won't be the ones you see there now.
Got any evidence of these accusations you have made Megyarns ? Like the information they didn't get , names or any reason this alleged info was sent to specific board mbers and not the league ops manager ? Or is your issue with the ops manager ?
Non transparency ??
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So the wise executive of the league is going to administer and create an umpires association? Approximately a month out from the start of season and they are beginning to recruit umpires.! Where are these recruits coming from ? Will the league be transparent about the status of numbers they have to form their own body.? I would think not going on previous history. According to two board members even they only get limited information as to what is going on. It would seem that the boys club clique is alive and kicking at the helm. Pretty soon the walls of autocracy will show the cracks and the walls will crumble and the ones cleaning it up won't be the ones you see there now.

My understanding is that quite a few current GVFUA members have been in contact with PDFL Expressing their interest in joining. Thats without PDFL even going out and trying. From what i hear about the the current members opinion of meek and their dissatisfaction with the handling of the coward punch incident it wont be too hard to recruit.
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If all is true in the document I've seen that was sent to clubs last week, detailing what has occured blow by blow .
1. AFL has gone out of it's way to make arses of themselves.
2. Meek is a liar , told clubs it's the board's fault and then wrote to the board telling them it's the clubs fault. He has also been telling his own members it would be sorted and was just putting the league in it's box .
If all is true in the document I've seen that was sent to clubs last week, detailing what has occured blow by blow .
1. AFL has gone out of it's way to make arses of themselves.
2. Meek is a liar , told clubs it's the board's fault and then wrote to the board telling them it's the clubs fault. He has also been telling his own members it would be sorted and was just putting the league in it's box .

Well it's even grubbier than that IMO.
The coward punch incident occurs, club takes action and it's a court case. I'm assuming this would mean the club and league would not be wise to speak publicly about the incident as may effect outcome of the case? Meanwhile Meek it now appears uses this window of opportunity to pull the umpires without any real reason close enough to the AGM to cause trouble. The media god love them focus on the troubles with the AGM so Meek gets to sneak through pretty much without being questioned. Remember league cannot bring up coward punch incident either to defend or question Meeks actions. Since then it's simply been an outright character attack on the board By both Meek and Gleeson in the media.

Not sure about putting league in its box but certainly put it in the hub!!
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So the umpire issue to date is and with so many posts someone please correct me if im wrong
- A member of the umpires association hits a clubs supporter, which is now a matter for the courts.
- Because of the support the club gives the victim the umpires then decide to not umpire the whole league.
- The umpires do not give any reason when notifying the PDFL or anyone else.
- As the hub wants (maybe needs) the PDFL to be a part of it, it then with collusion of the umpires offers to broker a deal.
- The goal of brokering the deal for the hub is to get $5,000 income and hopefully get the PDFL under their administration.
Soap operas can write this shit. Get onto Damian Barrett he will cream himself.
So the umpire issue to date is and with so many posts someone please correct me if im wrong
- A member of the umpires association hits a clubs supporter, which is now a matter for the courts.
- Because of the support the club gives the victim the umpires then decide to not umpire the whole league.
- The umpires do not give any reason when notifying the PDFL or anyone else.
- As the hub wants (maybe needs) the PDFL to be a part of it, it then with collusion of the umpires offers to broker a deal.
- The goal of brokering the deal for the hub is to get $5,000 income and hopefully get the PDFL under their administration.
Soap operas can write this shit. Get onto Damian Barrett he will cream himself.

Yep Sums it up.
Only I think we should point the finger solely at Darren Meek not cast a shadow across umpires in general.


Attached above is Shepp News article from 22 April 2014. At the time leading up to GVFL joining the hub it was claimed that Nicholas Rolfe inferred leagues not joining the hub would be sanctioned via access to funding and grants, UMPIRES, and insurance cover. Now of course Martin Gleeson fobbed all this off as misinterpretation you can read for yourself. I can confirm that in conversations I have had with Andrew Chittick former KDFL President and now an AFLGM Commissioner there is extreme negativity towards PDFNL for not joining the hub as in his words every league needs to be part of the hub for it to be viable.

Well actions speak louder than PR spin in my book. So here we have umpires pulled under a cloud of controversy with character attacks on the PDFNL President and Board but no valid reason for the decision. It is alleged a COWARD PUNCH thrown by a GVFUA member on a PDFNL spectator weeks prior to the email sent to clubs yet deemed unworthy of reporting even to this day despite no legal barrier now existing.

I am calling it what it is a SANCTION by AFLGM to bully and intimidate PDFNL into joining the hub.

Is this what country football has become?

MFL and PDFNL would be the two best run country footy leagues both providing what we in rural areas need the social interaction. Both leagues providing a full days entertainment and sporting enjoyment from Auskick/netsetgo through to seniors/Agrade. The saying “it’s more than a game” is so very true.

It Is about our communities and our mates.

It Is NOT about bullying control tactics.

Please read this article from 2014 and understand my conversation with Andrew Chittick was quite involved and I could write two pages of concerns I had. My husband said "lucky you had that conversation to know whats going on".

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Can we actully talk some football?
South east thread started this one
Any1 want 2 hav a crack

Leading goal kicker
League bnf
Also which club as had the strongest off season recruiting wise
Can we actully talk some football?
South east thread started this one
Any1 want 2 hav a crack

Leading goal kicker
League bnf
Also which club as had the strongest off season recruiting wise

PREMIERS: Strathy to beat Picola United or Toc
Leading Goal Kicker: Someone at Strathy
League BnF; Michael O'Riordan (Toc)
Best recruiting: Tocumwal
Wooden Spoon: Yarroweyah or Jerilderie
PREMIERS: Strathy to beat Picola United or Toc
Leading Goal Kicker: Someone at Strathy
League BnF; Michael O'Riordan (Toc)
Best recruiting: Tocumwal
Wooden Spoon: Yarroweyah or Jerilderie

Looks as though O'Riordan has lodged a clearance back to his home club... Billabong Crows
LGK- Cunningham (pic)
BNF- Matt Sparey (math)
Leading goal kicker- Purcell will be down on years past but some of his competition has gone and will still win it.
B&F- Someone from Strathy, plenty of class there and someone will shine with them winning plenty of games.
Best recruiting- Blighty have done well but when you look at the long long list of clearances into Toc, Picola and Yarroweyah anyone got any updates on whether they are quality?
Wooden spoon- Prefer to go with not making finals, Yarroweyah, Mathoura, Berrigan, Rovers. Think theoragngeroughie is a bit tough on Jerilderie, still plenty of talent there. Their ressies played in a grand final (should of won it but the old seniors coming back when they drop out of finals trick) and were top all year.
Looks as though O'Riordan has lodged a clearance back to his home club... Billabong Crows

Well he won't be winning it then, can play. Will hurt Toc but they look to have recruited a fair few.

4 of the top 13 in the vote count from 2015 gone, 3 from Jerilderie that's why they may finish closer to last than 1st and is Purcell actually going around again?

So will it be from the 9 top vote getters last season after removing the 4 players with clearances in or will someone else pop up.
Massingham (Ber) 25
Sparey (Mat) 19
Oliver (Str) 12
Singleton (Bli) 11
Coburn (Str) 11
Ryan (Pic) 11
Boehm (Ber) 11
Braybon (Den) 10
Patten (Toc) 10
PREMIERS: Strathy to beat Picola United or Toc
Leading Goal Kicker: Someone at Strathy
League BnF; Michael O'Riordan (Toc)
Best recruiting: Tocumwal
Wooden Spoon: Yarroweyah or Jerilderie
Premiers- strathy. Goal kicking- James,strathy. Bnf- Logie, Toc. Recruiting- picola. Spoon-yarroweyah
Hear yarroweyah had a praccy on the weekend , had plenty of
Numbers and played well .

Hopefully they have improved and are a little more competitive this year. They were competitive for a qtr or a half in some games last year, they put in a 4 qtr effort when they knocked off Deni in the last game last season so hopefully more of that effort continues and they can get themselves off the bottom.
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