Autopsy Pies go down to Hawks 101-67

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Mar 18, 2013
AFL Club
Other Teams
Okay, campers, rise and shine.
Don't forget your booties
because it's cold out there today.
The National Weather Service
is calling for a big blizzard thing.
But there's another reason
why today is especially exciting.
That's right, woodchuck chuckers.
It's Groundhog Day!

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I’m sniping tonight but I rather Hine + Ed face presser tonight and have them answer Qs

I’ve said it before, footy is about HOPE for supporters
Hope of a premiership
Hope of moving up the ladder
Hope of developing “the kids”
Hope of effort in every contest
So what are we hoping for?

I’ll wait until R6 for improvement but if not by then it has to be the kids and see what we’ve got
Mason Cox 0 marks from about what 12 attempts.

Never seen the likes of it.

Treloar finds the ball but butchers it way to often for a player that costs us a bundle.

His DE was 40.6 and 19 of his 32 disposals were bloody handballs.


At the end of the day though the Hawks are just so well drilled under Clarkson and once again it seems like groundhog day out on the field for us.

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Some small positives -

Stephenson worked his butt off and showed glimpeses, same with Murray. Reid presented hard all day. Crocker had a reasonable day, and probably should have finished with at least 4. Sidey worked real hard and had a bit of impact for about 3 quarters.

Get's much harder for me after that.
Thought we played well in patches, but we had too many passengers tonight across the board. Even our regularly good players like Howe had a quieter game. On top of that we also made silly decisions.

Sure our structure and decision to let again allow Mitchell run amuck didn’t help, but to have any chance of a win we needed to be both smarter and more involved. Even with a perfect game plan we wouldn’t have won carrying so many.
I’m sniping tonight but I rather Hine + Ed face presser tonight and have them answer Qs

I’ll wait until R6 for improvement but if not by then it has to be the kids and see what we’ve got

With GWS, Adelaide, Richmond, Essendon and Carlton to come the realistic best placed we could be is 1:5 but may be 0:6. Tonight was a must win and the way we lost gives us no hope this year. Round 6 will likely be a time for Bucks to fall on his sword and the rebuild to begin.
Murray showed us what type of player football in 2018 is modelled on.
Pace, pace and the ability/desire to take the game on and not hand responsibility to someone else as quickly as possible.
Hawks have several of these types of players. Carlton to.
We have a first gamer.
Aish didn't lay a tackle. I thought that he'd decided to become a footballer over the pre-season, I was woefully mistaken. Flick him to the VFL for the rest of the year, then flick him off the list.
I can't decide what was worse. The 70 point thrashing by Freo in Round 1 2014, the Swans belting us by 80 in 2016, or tonights insipid swill.

But four years on from that Freo debacle and the club is much further away from a flag.

Thank you Eddie, thank you Nathan. And thank you all those that have supported these two in the last 4 years and shied away from criticizing them for their continued failures.

We'll be lucky to get 50,000 members this year. Maybe that'll wake Eddie up from his dreamy slumber, in which Nathan Buckley holds aloft a premiership cup.
Mason Cox 0 marks from about what 12 attempts.

Never seen the likes of it.

Treloar finds the ball but butchers it way to often for a player that costs us a bundle.

His DE was 40.6 and 19 of his 32 disposals were bloody handballs.


At the end of the day though the Hawks are just so well drilled under Clarkson and once again it seems like groundhog day out on the field for us.

The annoying thing is he only needs to mark a few of those and put up an honest effort to bring the others to ground to make everything look quite different. Didnt look very close to doing either
The apparent continuity from last year in terms of game style, ball movement, skill and decision making was a real depressing stand out for me. It's like they have been workeding on changing absolutely NOTHING for the last 5 months.
I can't decide what was worse. The 70 point thrashing by Freo in Round 1 2014, the Swans belting us by 80 in 2016, or tonights insipid swill.

But four years on from that Freo debacle and the club is much further away from a flag.

Thank you Eddie, thank you Nathan. And thank you all those that have supported these two in the last 4 years and shied away from criticizing them for their continued failures.

We'll be lucky to get 50,000 members this year. Maybe that'll wake Eddie up from his dreamy slumber, in which Nathan Buckley holds aloft a premiership cup.

Tonight was the worst.
Only round 1, and I just don’t care any more. Furious that Eddie’s ego will ensure that this is the 7th wasted year of Buckley’s reign as coach. Used to like and respect Eddie. Now wish that he and Buckley would just stand down for the good of the club. Need a clean out and fresh start right from the top.
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