Please rub this in our players faces this week

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Sorry to interrupt, but you want to rub a compliment in the players' faces? Talk about jumping at shadows. I can't see anything disingenuous about what he said.

I am not sure if it was a backhander at us or the media's love of talking teams up, he was certainly backhanding someone though and definitely came over as sarcastic. Which I think is what you are aiming at here.
Ever since the 08 GF the Cats have shown us no respect and it started with Chapman and his remarks that he and the boys will never lose to us again and their former Coach and now thier current Coach. Cats supporters wont admit it they go on about of how sensitive we are, well if you talk to any Cats supporer about the 08 flag they will tell you they should of won it. I have never heard from any Cats supporter or player come out and say we deserved that win not once.
Scott is a cocky prick and his words "They are the best team in world" is the most arrogant cockiest thing to say, AFL is not a world sport as he is well aware off and he is just being a smart arse.

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Roddy has summed it up perfectly and I believe it will be so.

Can't remember the last time that I felt that we will not only win but win with some authority.

I struggle to find a weakness anywhere in this team, Determined, Skilled and Committed.

If we are in front again at 3/4 time, this time it will be a case of 'put down your glasses'
I am guessing then you are not familiar with the term 'a backhanded compliment'?

Or are you just trolling like your coach?
I'm not being sarcastic nor am I trolling. I sincerely can't see anything backhanded about what he said and I in fact think you are the ones being disrespectful, if not unnecessarily touchy. ""Everyone's saying that and I tend to agree, having watched them last night. It's a huge challenge." seems to erode any potential sarcasm. You are the best team in the comp right now on performance, I don't think anyone can disagree with that.
Who gives a crap what he thinks, they aren't a chance for the premiership this year. Let's focus on actual threats.

FFS I don't even know if he's being sarcastic or not.
I'm not being sarcastic nor am I trolling. I sincerely can't see anything backhanded about what he said and I in fact think you are the ones being disrespectful, if not unnecessarily touchy. ""Everyone's saying that and I tend to agree, having watched them last night. It's a huge challenge." seems to erode any potential sarcasm. You are the best team in the comp right now on performance, I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

I'll take you at your word as to what you believe but stand by what I believe as to the meaning of 'The Best Team in the World'
I'll take you at your word as to what you believe but stand by what I believe as to the meaning of 'The Best Team in the World'
I understand opposition supporters aren't always welcome on team boards, I assure you I have no ulterior motives in posting here other than to engage in reasoned and mature debate. On topic, he may have ulterior motives or be engaging in very subtle mind games but ultimately he's clearly admitted it will be a huge task while also backing his troops' ability to overcome it. Pretty stock standard coaching stuff. I mean no disrespect to you in saying that I think this thread is ridiculous and if you want your coach to draw his players' attention to such innocuous comments I hope you get your wish.

I also take exception to the suggestion Geelong fans are arrogant in saying we wasted opportunities in the 2008 Grand Final (I and most of my cohorts will freely admit you deserved the premiership on the merits of the day's performance), or that Chapman was arrogant when he said 2008 had spurned him to not want to lose to Hawthorn ever again. He never espoused confidence it would happen, just determination.

If I am here for any reason it's to say we're not all arrogant arseholes and I understand the white line fever clouds one's judgement but I think a few of you are really jumping at shadows here.
I'm not being sarcastic nor am I trolling. I sincerely can't see anything backhanded about what he said and I in fact think you are the ones being disrespectful, if not unnecessarily touchy. ""Everyone's saying that and I tend to agree, having watched them last night. It's a huge challenge." seems to erode any potential sarcasm. You are the best team in the comp right now on performance, I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

What you said there is that we may be the best team in the comp, now that is a bit different to what you Coach said...We are not in a world competition like cricket, we are in a country competition.
Your Coach is a being smart...
There is nothing to be worried about this week. I have a feeling (a very strong feeling) we will win...and not just win. A complete obliteration.

Never a truer word typed.

This is a very different Hawthorn to Round 2. We are playing a style that has the football world scratching, shaking or nodding it's head Looking at the demolition jobs post Richmond and you see a well oiled machine and machines don't have emotions. I really don' t think the past games will come into the players minds on the other side of the banner. It will on ours and Clarko's for sure

I can't think of what the Cats can do on Friday to stop us kicking a winning score - Rain dance,maybe. We just have too many options across the board. Round 2 and 2009,10 and 11 was more about defence, keeping possession and patches of brilliance and it didn't hold up in the end. Now it's just all-out attack and that's very hard to coach against. In Round 2 we would send 3 guys in to get the ball and 1 peel off to receive, now it's 1 in and 3 to receive.

I could name a dozen examples in the past few weeks of why Hawthorn will win this game and the flag and they all involve a sheer determination to score. Not to defend or to hold but to get that ball through the sticks, regardless by who or from where. Good luck with that one, Cats.
Who cares. Words, words, words.........

I love footy, and love spending so much of the week absorbed in it, but I'm not sure the internet and mass media saturation is such a great thing when so much energy gets spent debating such trivial, non-issues.
Who cares. Words, words, words.........

I love footy, and love spending so much of the week absorbed in it, but I'm not sure the internet and mass media saturation is such a great thing when so much energy gets spent debating such trivial, non-issues.

Like this? Words are words, excuses are excuses, only performance is reality.

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If this is the stuff we need to get us up over the line of Geelong, then we are kiddin themselves. They have beaten us everytime since 2008, many from when we were in front only to be over-run, they have made sure we knew about it too. Articles from guys Like Chappy, Ling saying earlier this year they felt they had us mentally, and I'm tipping they would have been in our ears during those games about it too.

The whole clubs knows where we are at and what we need to do. I can assure you, this stuff from Scott will be nothing to the drive that guys like Lewis, Hodge, Mitchell, Franklin etc wll have from purely the above.
Wow... you guys are trolling yourselves with this one. Came in to offerer some 'knock those cats off' sentiments.

But yes please rub this in the players faces, big bad Scotty was being sarcastic! If thats what you need to knock em off, no chance.
Many on the Pussies board think we are simply overrated and that the cats at their best are better than us currently. Some on there with some sense, but others are just plain ignorant. apparently we are only good when, by some force of nature, we end up 50 points up on a team and then they give up, that is the only reason we are any good. I hope we smash them for no other reason than to show some morons that they are not gods gift to footy.

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Please rub this in our players faces this week

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