Polak set for PSD at $600,000 for 1 year

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Rest assured the deal has been done and Polak will be at Richmond and Tarrant will be at Freo and Richmond will end up with pick 13. Definately a done deal.
2 pages on a thread which is absolute garbage.

No way any team would go near Polak at the cost (even if Trade Week is all about over blown values), more likely to be about 250,000.

But i guess no one would have fallen for it....surely.

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cherryripe said:
Agree with your first statement but not the last one. I don't think anybody thinks he's the new messiah. Quite the contrary if you did a bit of snooping around. Plenty of people are not happy with the talk of trading picks for this guy.

Fact is we don't have tall defenders. Fact is we need them desperately. There aren't that many going around that fit the bill. Whilst many of us question his ability there aren't many more available.

Personally I'd rather keep the picks, use the draft and if we cop more shellackings next year then so be it.
Agreed on the messiah bit. That was a reference to talk of giving pick 8 to Freo.
IMHO, having seen him play, he is very ordinary for a big guy and Richmond would do well to look at other options?
Gee whiz after the sheningans of the past few days, the AFL will have to come and seriously look at the PSD come seasons end.
If Thornton does go into PSD there is no way he'll go to Hawthorn as I reckon either Carlton or Essendon will pick him up, and from the soudns of, his manager sounds really ticked off and will take the Blues and the AFL to court if he doesn't go to Hawthorn.
Why is it Carlton's fault if the Blues re-draft him anyway ? It is not against the AFL rules, if anything they should blame the AFL and not the club for this situation in the first place.
celtic_pride said:
and from the soudns of, his manager sounds really ticked off and will take the Blues and the AFL to court if he doesn't go to Hawthorn.

What gives you that idea? has something been said by his manager just recently about taking Carlton or the AFL to court?
FrangaRoo said:
No way any team would go near Polak at the cost (even if Trade Week is all about over blown values), more likely to be about 250,000.

But i guess no one would have fallen for it....surely.
Polak's value at the moment is probably an early to mid second rounder - roundabouts 20-25. By going down this route, it's effectively swapping $300K-$400K for his cost in trade terms. A $300-$400K premium to secure a (possibly) quality KPP for the next 5-10 years, and the services of the kid picked up with their second rounder for 10-15 years.

If they can afford the money and have the available salary cap space, I reckon it's good list management.
janiek said:
does this affect future players or other contracts though? ie for polack if you have room in cap for $600k but only pay him $300k is the other
$300k "out of bounds" for use for another player so a club that does this is restricted with what it can pay others?

That is correct. The nominated amout is what has to go against the salary cap. After you draft a player, you are free to negotiate a longer term contract, but that nominated figure is what is against the cap for the duration of the terms.
Jim Boy said:
Richmond would still have to pay him that amount if he asks for it. If it is discovered that an agreement exists between Polak and Richmond to subvert the draft, then penalities may be applied.

No they wouldn't. As long as Richmond still can fit that figure under the salary cap, they are free to negotiate a longer term deal with him.
Beckers said:
Agreed on the messiah bit. That was a reference to talk of giving pick 8 to Freo.
IMHO, having seen him play, he is very ordinary for a big guy and Richmond would do well to look at other options?

Losing pick 8 riles me if it's true. This trade smacks of short-sightedness and yes I know people will come out and say he's young, he's kpp, we're short talls blah blah blah. He's not yet proven his worth. A very speculative trade if it goes through.

Guaranteed if it happens get ready in 2007 for threads "we gave up pick 8 for this guy?!"

PHanevski said:
No they wouldn't. As long as Richmond still can fit that figure under the salary cap, they are free to negotiate a longer term deal with him.

Only if the deal is not disadvantageous to the player. Polack could not nominate $600k on the form 11 then sign for a 3 yr deal at $199k p.a. That would be seen as draft tampering, both the AFL and the AFLPA would be alarmed at that sort of deal.
rick James said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thios is a joke right?

The guy isn't worth more than 250k - and that is stretching it massively.

I hope the tigers go for it though, that would be hilarious - he'd be on more money than David Neitz, Brendan Fevola, Brad Johnson and Fraser Gehrig.
Spot on ... he is an absolute joke and if the AFC get him I would cry

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mick said:
Only if the deal is not disadvantageous to the player. Polack could not nominate $600k on the form 11 then sign for a 3 yr deal at $199k p.a. That would be seen as draft tampering, both the AFL and the AFLPA would be alarmed at that sort of deal.
As I understand he can do that but Richmond are allocated $600k of cap space for each of the 3 years.
You guys simply are that naive ...

Polak or any player for that matter can put any price on his head for x amount of years and go into the PSD. The club that selects him without a doubt will pay the amount for that 1st year, but from then on anyone (club or individual) can re-negotiate the contract at ANY TIME.
Do people understand how weighted contracts work? This is just a backended contract in reverse (a front end, if you will)

So if they wanted to offer him $900,000 over 3 years they could:

Year 1: $600,000 Year 2: $100,000 Year 3: $200,000

or anyway they wanted..
Supertiger said:
Rumour has it that Polak will probably end up going into the PSD and sticking a big figure on his head for the first year. It seems that Richmond has only been paying about 94% of the cap and with some delistings can fit in Polaks first year salary. The plot thickens!

They may as well wack him on a 5 year contract while they are at it..
Adnar said:
Do people understand how weighted contracts work? This is just a backended contract in reverse (a front end, if you will)

So if they wanted to offer him $900,000 over 3 years they could:

Year 1: $600,000 Year 2: $100,000 Year 3: $200,000

or anyway they wanted..

I dont think a lot of people do get it. But in saying that how long do you think the AFL is going to let these sort of contracts go on? It is basicly legalised draft tampering!
ant555 said:
I dont think a lot of people do get it. But in saying that how long do you think the AFL is going to let these sort of contracts go on? It is basicly legalised draft tampering!

I'm not certain but I'd think back-ending and front-ending contracts would cost players come tax time.
MarkT said:
As I understand he can do that but Richmond are allocated $600k of cap space for each of the 3 years.

That is incorrect.

The 2007 TPP allocation will be the higher figure of payment nominated on Section B of the players form 11 or the players actual payment. The 2008 TPP allocation will also be the higher figure of payment nominated on the section B of the players form 11 or the players actual payment. A player can nominate a one year deal, any extension to that contract does not have to be reflected on the form 11, only the players actual payments are allotted to the TPP if they are not specified in the players draft nomination form.

Furthermore, if a club or player attempts to seek a "deal" whereby the payment recieved by the player is less than what is nominated on the players draft nomination form they are in breach of AFL draft Rules (sect 4 I think).

The following is an extract of a Form 11, PSD nomination form.

I shall advise the AFL immediately in writing should any Club selecting me at the Draft Selection Meeting purport to or does any act or thing which would cause or which may have the effect of causing me to receive any lesser payments than those set out in Section B of this Nomination Form.

Don't take my word for it: Google [AFL draft rules AFLPA form 11], you should be able to find the relevant sections regarding draft tampering.
OZBomb said:
I'm not certain but I'd think back-ending and front-ending contracts would cost players come tax time.

Of course it would if it is declared properly.
The point is that clubs are telling players to put x price for the first year on their heads so they can avoid being picked up by others who have picks before the nominated club but may not have the cap space to pay that price next year.
Supertiger said:
Rumour has it that Polak will probably end up going into the PSD and sticking a big figure on his head for the first year. It seems that Richmond has only been paying about 94% of the cap and with some delistings can fit in Polaks first year salary. The plot thickens!

He's not even worth half of that. The guy is a dud, and any club that picks him up needs their head read!

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Polak set for PSD at $600,000 for 1 year

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