Norm Smith Medallist
Sorry to barge in.
The issue is simply - did she consent it to be distributed - yes or no. If the answer is no - that's it. An offence has been committed.
First half of discussion about the term "revenge pr0n" - twisting the definition does nothing. The term is just media created and an example of one reason the law may be used. Revenge and pr0n are not mentioned in it at all.
Whether she is a stripper or not is irrelevant. Regardless of what someone does for work, it does not come into factor at all. Plus try going into a strip club with a camera and take photos of breasts and see how far that gets you. You'll be kicked out immediately.
If someone distributes pictures on social media themselves - that is fine they have made that choice. They gave consent. If they have hundreds of naked pictures on social media and they send you a private one and you pass it on without consent - you are guilty of an offence too.
The reason Fev didn't come under this is because it was a recent change to the law, to make sure it was expressly defined in legislation. Basically stating the obvious to make sure people don't try and twist definitions of other parts of the law.
The law in question is:
And that states:
Anything outside this is irrelevant.
Looks like he will get off then.